Podcast: Man's Great Achievements, Visions, and Speeches
Toppling the Mountain of a Bankrupt Culture
If you haven’t yet subscribed to my substack, kick in a few bucks and listen to this podcast. The yearly cost is $60, about what you’d pay for a Biden burger and fries at an outdoor café, where you sit with your back against a wall and keep a grenade launcher at your side to fend off muggers.
This week I’m taking off the gloves and talking about past and present great achievements of Man.
Unfortunately, many present achievements are still on the drawing boards. They’re visions, not reality.
But that doesn’t have to stop us. People need to emerge from their caves of humility and realize that The Great is still at hand. Conceivable, doable. We can climb new mountains; we can build them.
I’ll discuss the mighty construction of the Erie Canal.
The durability of the Sorbonne University, launched in 1253AD.
The triumph of George Washington and his soldiers, who crossed the Delaware River and defeated the British at Trenton.
These last two achievements have profound and stirring speeches attached to them, delivered by Teddy Roosevelt and Thomas Paine. I’ll read from those speeches, and comment at length on their language---and what has happened to it in ensuing years.
This is no small issue. When language folds up and goes on life support because children aren’t taught it, the culture disintegrates---and people can no longer envision what a rebirth would look like.
They’re cut off and isolated from greatness.
I’ll also talk about a little known achievement from the distant past: an ancient civilization of the Southwest, lost to history, who built miles and miles of water canals in the parched desert and sustained life for themselves for centuries. Those brilliant engineers did it---but we’re not supposed to. “Too complicated.”
Returning to the present, I’ll discuss several massive projects that would:
Restore abundant water to drought-suffering Western states;
Eliminate one of the major sources of death in Third World countries;
And provide electric power to communities all over the world.
These projects are large visions, and the engineering capability for them has existed for decades. What’s absent is the drive and the will and the refusal to back down to naysayers, weaklings, and purveyors of doom.
We’re smack in the middle of an era of socialism, which claims to be a kinder gentler form of government dedicated to “equality.” It’s really a tyranny pandering to victimhood as the new way of life. It’s a con that squashes achievement and freedom while promising paradise.
What is freedom for? One of the answers is: great and inspiring accomplishment.
Going down into a morass of cowardly submission and crawling around as abject “equal-itarians” fondling lowest common denominators isn’t a destiny I’m willing to accept.
Join me in this podcast.
-- Jon Rappoport
The substack seems to only be usable on an iphone or such. I use my old laptop and do not want to read or listen via my phone. I live in Ecuador and would prefer to use my laptop. I am 76 years old and not the most tech savvy person. I follow lots of alt media and would like to add Rappaport and am willing to try the $6 monthly and see how it goes. Can the substack app be put on my old laptop? I didn't see that option. Thanks, Lynette
Jon, speaking about vision [360°] I thought it was about time to re-visit this amazing interview :
Lifting the Veil David Icke interviewed by Jon Rappoport [1998].🙏