The substack seems to only be usable on an iphone or such. I use my old laptop and do not want to read or listen via my phone. I live in Ecuador and would prefer to use my laptop. I am 76 years old and not the most tech savvy person. I follow lots of alt media and would like to add Rappaport and am willing to try the $6 monthly and see how it goes. Can the substack app be put on my old laptop? I didn't see that option. Thanks, Lynette

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Jon, speaking about vision [360°] I thought it was about time to re-visit this amazing interview :

Lifting the Veil David Icke interviewed by Jon Rappoport [1998].🙏

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Hi Jon. If you can do it, would you please address the geoengineering? I see it here in PA. It's getting worse. I didn't know if you have any information on it. Thank You! Big Fan Here! Nantz

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