The deal was give all your Gold in exchange for Unlimited Credit. You have an account at the Treasury if you have an SS#.
You give Power of Attorney to use your assets when you sign those documents.
Notice they are always ALL CAPS. You need not believe it but it is true. It's not easy to do but anyone under 40 or 50 years old should really learn the truth.
If you finance a car you pay in full for it from your account which is treated as an investment in the business and every month you get your interest and principal back but instead of taking the tax credit you send more money.
You gave power of attorney. You must send a letter to the CTO and whoever is on the board (Look up the EIN#) and the file a 1099-A only when you understand it completely.
Good point! Also the current enhanced maga spell of the two party selected binary system - pendulum is now full right - but what few do not see is that it's the same technocrat / transhuman dark force that has always been planned and behind both parties, they have been working with in full force for over 50 years! People please start seeing what is beyond any man, any party, the show, beyond the actors, beyond red or blue (0 or 1). We are currently in a show of peace / hopium and surface EO's while the global AI overlords are jumping for joy.
Beware of all false profits (who are profiting greatly, one 57 billion in one day!) and wolves in fluffy Mrna/AI/EMF sheep clothing. We are moving into an even more military ( "medical" ) surveillance state and world. Tech has always been military ( which is a huge part of the medicine!) - and we have built the AI by giving them everything without regulation. The spell is so great that even some of the most brilliant minds believe the spells and think that one or two people will be able to change a beast system.
Whatever you write is what will be. Very dangerous to talk about your future that way.
I am not worried about their transhumanism nonsense as I am not going on that path.
It sounds like you are depending on other people to see things as you see it for your freedom? Just sayin. Obviously I make no predictions for anyone. I know I am not going into that world and I don't care what their game was as they are done.
It amazes me in the press how they previously heaped admiration and respect on RFK Jr when he was fighting for environmental issues. He was particularly praised for his intellect and attention to detail. Startling how this fourth pillar of democracy has now turned 180 on him, totally without merit, painting RFK Jr as a mental case when it comes to vaccinations. The venal mainstream media sinks to new lows because it’s tied at the hip with Big Harma.
What is "democracy," if not the least transparent political system in which voters acknowledge an illegitimate government that can blame the voters for voting for the "wrong side" in the Uniparty system?
Outraged and incredulous at the hypocrisy and double standards in entities such as "Biden" and "the press", that's us. Let's stop making the mistake of wasting words on the same wolf in different costumes. Trump too. Henceforth every agent should be identified by the D.S. prefix. DSB, DSP, DST. (respectively Biden, Press, Trump), etc.
Environmental concerns are another control factor. Yes we do want clean water. Yes we do want clean air. Get people to look at this up close so they don’t look at that which affects us much more insidiously.
And hopefully one person at RFK Jr’s hearing will ask him to explain exactly why he’s so adamant about opening up the debate about vaccines. I’m sure Bobby will have more than a few things to tell him.
He’s all for any vaccine that’s properly tested for safety and has a positive risk/reward ratio. And if none of the pass the test, it’s no go. No one knows better than RFK the harm these chemical poisons have caused and the level of corruption involved in keeping them on the schedule.
The ‘vaccinating’ is worse than anyone knows. Prior to any overseas deployment, and at the most important time to be clear headed and at the top of your game, the Defense Health teams set up these massive vaccine factories and you get a dozen or more all at once. In less than an hour. What could go wrong? A lot. And a lot does go wrong. The body starts fighting itself and the. The troops are tossed into a fight against someone else. Sounds like a fair fight, right? They are the easiest mark for Pharma, and all the normal tropes are used. “You could get this, or that, or all these at the same time!” No declinations are allowed. No shots, no deployment, and commanders have the power of the UCMJ to force you to be damaged by it. It may be dumber than the Brits logistics during the Zulu wars. Close at least.
From what I understand, because the harma jabs were known to cause health disruption and many lawsuit cases were arising, putting the jab business out of biz, they conjured up the ‘no liability’ sect, so that they continued as a biz. That’s where Kennedy came in, to deal with the lawsuits that have now been curve balled into the public sector by the governmental reciprocations via the tax payers, to so call remedy compensation.
What an inverted insult. Yet people are hoodwinked yet again into thinking rectification is at hand.
Yeah, In the underhanded moves of the manipulators. It’s all in the wrong hands.
Steering humanity into a grave in which only the transhumans get to survive. How dare they.
Due to the liability from the hideous injections, big harma was going out of the poison injection business. Some injections might be OK. All should have informed consent. The chief sales rope i.e. doctors and nurses should not provide the informed consent.
There are no studies that have been found to prove that any vaccine is safe and effective. The only benefits of the vax program are to those on the receiving end in the financial sense. That includes stockholders.
But in a way I did know. I told the family about it at dinner, stating that I got shot, and it hurt. Judging from my parent's reaction, my guess is that they did not have notice of what happened.
What about Trump supporting and pushing for the Ellison wet dream - custom mRNA vaccines for everyone, created within 49 hours. The new Warp Speed. Which is another way of saying that we have much bigger problems. Which makes me think that Trump is not just about money - as you've written about- and power, but I'm coming to believe is a sort of Trojan Horse, a plan B for if or when Harris didn't get into office.
Let's step back and look at the BIG picture: Whatever or whoever "they" are, their program appears to be central control and to reduce the population. Is Trump addressing either of these issues. If Karen Kingston, Dr. Anna and others are right, we are full of nanochips that when activated will make us Human GMOs or worse. 6G appears to be necessary for this to happen. So, is Trump addressing this issue, or even aware of it ? In fact, he's pushing for big AI and those custom vaccines which will help reduce the population. As a Trojan Horse, we see him doing all these " good " things to clear the swamp. Is this all a distraction ? What does it matter if the swamp is cleared if the BIG program gets accomplished. It's all a magic trick, a sleight of hand, perhaps.
Not addressing vaccines and not addressing the path toward total surveillance; and worse yet, supporting these things ( via the Ellison "shit show" ) just tells me that maybe there's something to this Trojan Horse option.
I'd guess that "they" are just fine with Trump in office. Sure, they tried to off him, because Harris would have been easier to control. But, no problemo, he's following their agenda with gusto. Think about this: Davos wants him back. Say what ??????? Does that make any kind of sense in the non Trojan Horse context ? ( Just goes to show ya, " You can lead a horse to water and make him
Thank you for posting this! Excellent information in this video! Katherine Watts succinctly laid out the chronology of these criminal acts AND a solution that is working.
Yes, we need these christian soldiers in top condition to go kill muslims. This is where this is going. It's a good news/bad news situation. The bad news is that we are going to fight wars meaningless to the defense of our country as a means of slowly bleeding the country into further mediocrity, it doesn't take healthy soldiers for this-in fact they are better when ill. The good news is that Trump wants the cannon fodder healthy so MAMHA (make America's military healthy again so we can kick ass-YEAH!)
Absolutely agree. Had two unvaccinated grandsons who joined the Marines and got an armful of shots. Luckily they got out just before the C jab was mandated. One's asthma has worsened and the other has gained considerable weight and has no oomph. May this stop and Hegseth get this message.
One estimate of the injured due to the DoD mandated injection against Saddam’s “weapons of mass destruction” lie was an anthrax etc. vaccine is over 30,000.
David takes on Goliath- biblical battle waged for decades by DoD on military Guinea pigs- see anthrax vaccines, see agent orange, see covid
, see depleted uranium on shells and other weapons too many to list - a captured Petri dish of humanity - our own American citizens, our military, Thanks you for your service how about thanks for being lab specimens - the truth- Nothing Will Change- this is an agenda to cull, reduce benefit via death- retirement and lifelong health care for
militarily induced injuring via vaccines and exposure to horrible toxins.
Keep being a cheerleader Jon - but I will call it like it is.
Possibly sisters from another mother- but if you won’t allow these purportedly leaders to dupe and lie in order to perpetrate endless war on us you are definitely my sister.
We need fair and transparent elections before we can ever get rid of the swamp creatures in Congress, who will surely reject any and all honest, patriotic appointees. Kari Lake mysteriously lost her U.S. Senate race in AZ to a swamp creature. Dr. Oz lost to a retarded guy in a fairly recent U.S. Senate race. NFL star Herschel Walker lost his U.S. Senate race to an obscure preacher (religion is a good cover for swamp creatures). My own Utah reps, U.S. Senator John Curtis, and Blake Moore H.R., are total RINO'S. Good luck Trump.
THE REAL PROBLEM: Ask people if they think we have fair elections with voting machines that have a secret source code that nobody, not even the legislature can look at, and ballot boxes being stuffed by gang members at 3am. They will say no. Then ask, "What are you willing to do about it ?". Crickets.
Pete and PFK. Come on Jon. The firts is a zionist on steroid, better ask him to kiss Jesus ass, and the second, as I was sure he would do, defend Warp Speed and vaccines on this hearing clown show. Bring some fool armed in the house please.
Delivering toxins seems to be the one and only purpose of "vaccines."
It’s called control Ray. ‘Bring the dog down and then kick ‘em’. So they’re ‘governed’ (control), by ‘govern- ‘ment’ (mind).
Weak, foggy, fearful remnants of warriors
Definitely. It hasn't been about money since the Federal Reserve system after 1913; it's all about control.
1870 was when the Republic Ended and the last US Congress gave their last order.
1933 It was officially ended by FDR. The below link shows the actual laws/codes.
The deal was give all your Gold in exchange for Unlimited Credit. You have an account at the Treasury if you have an SS#.
You give Power of Attorney to use your assets when you sign those documents.
Notice they are always ALL CAPS. You need not believe it but it is true. It's not easy to do but anyone under 40 or 50 years old should really learn the truth.
If you finance a car you pay in full for it from your account which is treated as an investment in the business and every month you get your interest and principal back but instead of taking the tax credit you send more money.
You gave power of attorney. You must send a letter to the CTO and whoever is on the board (Look up the EIN#) and the file a 1099-A only when you understand it completely.
A binary system with multiple cofactors.
Good point! Also the current enhanced maga spell of the two party selected binary system - pendulum is now full right - but what few do not see is that it's the same technocrat / transhuman dark force that has always been planned and behind both parties, they have been working with in full force for over 50 years! People please start seeing what is beyond any man, any party, the show, beyond the actors, beyond red or blue (0 or 1). We are currently in a show of peace / hopium and surface EO's while the global AI overlords are jumping for joy.
Beware of all false profits (who are profiting greatly, one 57 billion in one day!) and wolves in fluffy Mrna/AI/EMF sheep clothing. We are moving into an even more military ( "medical" ) surveillance state and world. Tech has always been military ( which is a huge part of the medicine!) - and we have built the AI by giving them everything without regulation. The spell is so great that even some of the most brilliant minds believe the spells and think that one or two people will be able to change a beast system.
Whatever you write is what will be. Very dangerous to talk about your future that way.
I am not worried about their transhumanism nonsense as I am not going on that path.
It sounds like you are depending on other people to see things as you see it for your freedom? Just sayin. Obviously I make no predictions for anyone. I know I am not going into that world and I don't care what their game was as they are done.
It amazes me in the press how they previously heaped admiration and respect on RFK Jr when he was fighting for environmental issues. He was particularly praised for his intellect and attention to detail. Startling how this fourth pillar of democracy has now turned 180 on him, totally without merit, painting RFK Jr as a mental case when it comes to vaccinations. The venal mainstream media sinks to new lows because it’s tied at the hip with Big Harma.
RFK, Jr. is an insider and a folk hero created for the brainless:
What is "democracy," if not the least transparent political system in which voters acknowledge an illegitimate government that can blame the voters for voting for the "wrong side" in the Uniparty system?
Outraged and incredulous at the hypocrisy and double standards in entities such as "Biden" and "the press", that's us. Let's stop making the mistake of wasting words on the same wolf in different costumes. Trump too. Henceforth every agent should be identified by the D.S. prefix. DSB, DSP, DST. (respectively Biden, Press, Trump), etc.
Environmental concerns are another control factor. Yes we do want clean water. Yes we do want clean air. Get people to look at this up close so they don’t look at that which affects us much more insidiously.
There are so many examples of this. The news is moving faster, which means more people are going to notice the hypocrisy. I hope anyways that they do.
And hopefully one person at RFK Jr’s hearing will ask him to explain exactly why he’s so adamant about opening up the debate about vaccines. I’m sure Bobby will have more than a few things to tell him.
Bobby is not against all "vaccines."
He’s all for any vaccine that’s properly tested for safety and has a positive risk/reward ratio. And if none of the pass the test, it’s no go. No one knows better than RFK the harm these chemical poisons have caused and the level of corruption involved in keeping them on the schedule.
Jeff, he knows more about vacs, AND, he also knows what to say and not say.
He wants informed consent and liability reform. No long term studies have been done on this “product”.
He's for the "vacs" with Saline 😏
Jeff, don't count on it. He's following the script, just like Trump.
The ‘vaccinating’ is worse than anyone knows. Prior to any overseas deployment, and at the most important time to be clear headed and at the top of your game, the Defense Health teams set up these massive vaccine factories and you get a dozen or more all at once. In less than an hour. What could go wrong? A lot. And a lot does go wrong. The body starts fighting itself and the. The troops are tossed into a fight against someone else. Sounds like a fair fight, right? They are the easiest mark for Pharma, and all the normal tropes are used. “You could get this, or that, or all these at the same time!” No declinations are allowed. No shots, no deployment, and commanders have the power of the UCMJ to force you to be damaged by it. It may be dumber than the Brits logistics during the Zulu wars. Close at least.
From what I understand, because the harma jabs were known to cause health disruption and many lawsuit cases were arising, putting the jab business out of biz, they conjured up the ‘no liability’ sect, so that they continued as a biz. That’s where Kennedy came in, to deal with the lawsuits that have now been curve balled into the public sector by the governmental reciprocations via the tax payers, to so call remedy compensation.
What an inverted insult. Yet people are hoodwinked yet again into thinking rectification is at hand.
Yeah, In the underhanded moves of the manipulators. It’s all in the wrong hands.
Steering humanity into a grave in which only the transhumans get to survive. How dare they.
Not on my watch…..
Due to the liability from the hideous injections, big harma was going out of the poison injection business. Some injections might be OK. All should have informed consent. The chief sales rope i.e. doctors and nurses should not provide the informed consent.
There are no studies that have been found to prove that any vaccine is safe and effective. The only benefits of the vax program are to those on the receiving end in the financial sense. That includes stockholders.
Ekoh, It's crystal clear to me which hill I'm going to die on, no matter how Kennedy wants to play the game.
Awesome Jon, and true. When I was in the service there is no telling what they shot into my arm. I recall an air system to make it easier on them.
They tested that system on vulnerable school children back in the 60’s. Line ‘em up and use that air gun. It was fast.
Not in my arm
I remember that!
I didn’t allow it to be done to me
Didn't know better, maybe 9 y old.
But in a way I did know. I told the family about it at dinner, stating that I got shot, and it hurt. Judging from my parent's reaction, my guess is that they did not have notice of what happened.
Yes. And what did they spray on the bases for mosquito control?
That reminds me of an air nailer that I use to attach oak boards to fence posts. Wow.
That would be a start.....
What about Trump supporting and pushing for the Ellison wet dream - custom mRNA vaccines for everyone, created within 49 hours. The new Warp Speed. Which is another way of saying that we have much bigger problems. Which makes me think that Trump is not just about money - as you've written about- and power, but I'm coming to believe is a sort of Trojan Horse, a plan B for if or when Harris didn't get into office.
Let's step back and look at the BIG picture: Whatever or whoever "they" are, their program appears to be central control and to reduce the population. Is Trump addressing either of these issues. If Karen Kingston, Dr. Anna and others are right, we are full of nanochips that when activated will make us Human GMOs or worse. 6G appears to be necessary for this to happen. So, is Trump addressing this issue, or even aware of it ? In fact, he's pushing for big AI and those custom vaccines which will help reduce the population. As a Trojan Horse, we see him doing all these " good " things to clear the swamp. Is this all a distraction ? What does it matter if the swamp is cleared if the BIG program gets accomplished. It's all a magic trick, a sleight of hand, perhaps.
Not addressing vaccines and not addressing the path toward total surveillance; and worse yet, supporting these things ( via the Ellison "shit show" ) just tells me that maybe there's something to this Trojan Horse option.
I'd guess that "they" are just fine with Trump in office. Sure, they tried to off him, because Harris would have been easier to control. But, no problemo, he's following their agenda with gusto. Think about this: Davos wants him back. Say what ??????? Does that make any kind of sense in the non Trojan Horse context ? ( Just goes to show ya, " You can lead a horse to water and make him
drink. " )
Just like he said first time, no mandatory injections.
I'm assuming that means that we'll take the jab voluntarily ?
" Yea baby, hit me with the jab if it'll cure my cancer. " - Caused by
those Covid-19 vaccines you took, perhaps. Gotcha, twice.
( The horse led himself to the water and took two big gulps. Yummy. )
Good point Robert.
Thanks, Terry. Just trying to make sense of things. Maybe it's not possible. LOL.
Katherine Watts puts it all together! 100% worth 16 minutes!
Thank you for posting this! Excellent information in this video! Katherine Watts succinctly laid out the chronology of these criminal acts AND a solution that is working.
I will share this link.
Great link.
Yes, we need these christian soldiers in top condition to go kill muslims. This is where this is going. It's a good news/bad news situation. The bad news is that we are going to fight wars meaningless to the defense of our country as a means of slowly bleeding the country into further mediocrity, it doesn't take healthy soldiers for this-in fact they are better when ill. The good news is that Trump wants the cannon fodder healthy so MAMHA (make America's military healthy again so we can kick ass-YEAH!)
Wild Clarity, Sir Richard!
Good article. We can dream, can't we? :)
Absolutely agree. Had two unvaccinated grandsons who joined the Marines and got an armful of shots. Luckily they got out just before the C jab was mandated. One's asthma has worsened and the other has gained considerable weight and has no oomph. May this stop and Hegseth get this message.
Pete Hegseth: ‘I support Israel destroying and killing every last member of Hamas’
We are all Palestinians.
The group created by Israel to
Counter the PLO.
Mercury is not bad for you!
One estimate of the injured due to the DoD mandated injection against Saddam’s “weapons of mass destruction” lie was an anthrax etc. vaccine is over 30,000.
David takes on Goliath- biblical battle waged for decades by DoD on military Guinea pigs- see anthrax vaccines, see agent orange, see covid
, see depleted uranium on shells and other weapons too many to list - a captured Petri dish of humanity - our own American citizens, our military, Thanks you for your service how about thanks for being lab specimens - the truth- Nothing Will Change- this is an agenda to cull, reduce benefit via death- retirement and lifelong health care for
militarily induced injuring via vaccines and exposure to horrible toxins.
Keep being a cheerleader Jon - but I will call it like it is.
Karla, ...sure we're not sisters?
Possibly sisters from another mother- but if you won’t allow these purportedly leaders to dupe and lie in order to perpetrate endless war on us you are definitely my sister.
We need fair and transparent elections before we can ever get rid of the swamp creatures in Congress, who will surely reject any and all honest, patriotic appointees. Kari Lake mysteriously lost her U.S. Senate race in AZ to a swamp creature. Dr. Oz lost to a retarded guy in a fairly recent U.S. Senate race. NFL star Herschel Walker lost his U.S. Senate race to an obscure preacher (religion is a good cover for swamp creatures). My own Utah reps, U.S. Senator John Curtis, and Blake Moore H.R., are total RINO'S. Good luck Trump.
THE REAL PROBLEM: Ask people if they think we have fair elections with voting machines that have a secret source code that nobody, not even the legislature can look at, and ballot boxes being stuffed by gang members at 3am. They will say no. Then ask, "What are you willing to do about it ?". Crickets.
Pete and PFK. Come on Jon. The firts is a zionist on steroid, better ask him to kiss Jesus ass, and the second, as I was sure he would do, defend Warp Speed and vaccines on this hearing clown show. Bring some fool armed in the house please.