Dr Tom Cowan has been arguing this for years and it’s worth considering, especially for us holistic practitioners that base our healing protocols around this “science”. He has 2 recordings available on the Nourishing Traditions podcast from their last big event that are worth listening to. “What does make you sick” and “What doesn’t make you sick”. It’s why I use homeopathy and it works, it heals on an energetic level as well as the physical. The energetic level is what western medicine ignores.

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WAPF has been decades ahead of this game, I am so grateful for that organization, NT is the Bible in this house. Can not begin to express how important they have been in our lives.

And lmao at those that ran Cowan out of town, he basically did an Obi Wan on them, way to go suckers!

We will win this one. We just have to keep the pressure on, always.

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This is a comment I wrote and used before: I do not believe in viruses and other 'catchy' diseases' and from this position, one can begin to understand that viruses are a created entity and do not exist except were 'thought up' for the sole purpose of creating the fear necessary for people to offer their arm, and perhaps even more diabolical, hand over their children, to the so called health experts for an injection of a poisonous cocktail, well, many of them actually given at regular intervals, which, if it does not kill immediately, is designed as a slow and often painful demise of the human body, soul and mind to make, I believe, a population of unwell and dis-abled individuals unable to hold on to true human freedom, essentially, the first step of enslavement is to beat the body into a weakened state, create medical debt entrapment and eventually medical, financial, mind and soul total enslavement with many many being killed in the process. Yes, this is evil. Those who are behind this are not nice people. They are patient, secretive, have endless wealth and reach, and have a long term plan in place.

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Made up enemies are the best because you can build an infrastructure around protecting people from said enemy and control them with that. You can invent a language no one else can read and appoint experts to be the conduit between these two worlds. Priests in white lab coats interpreting God and threat for you. This is an old model with newer variables.

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Cyrus the Virus in the movie "ConAir" has more reality than this virology crap.

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I am 95% convinced that modern virology is a pseudoscience based on all of the evidence Mr. Rappoport has presented over the past three decades. But I am left to wonder: What in the world are they actually doing in all of the virology labs?

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Good question. I wonder the same. I think the answer might be “in silico”, which, as far as I understand it, means it’s computer generated and it exists in a computer database. Virologists are unable to find the complete sequence of a “whole virus” 🙄, so the computer creates algorithms and those get parked in a computer database. Seems they are finding cellular artifacts and creating a library of gibberish that “proves” the existence of their new friend, the “thing” that justifies their paycheck/career choice. On the same note, children see faces, animals, and what have you in the clouds. Virologists see viruses in their soup. And paychecks for pretending to find a virus.

I want to throw something at my screen whenever I hear some of these rockstar virologists talk about the virus as if it’s real. If it’s so real, why do they repeatedly show us colorful CGIs that look like a crafters styrofoam ball with golf tees stuck in them? They fight over who discovered their pet virus. Oh, wait. There is cha-ching involved.

The entire discovery process to isolate a virus us never done and no controls are used in their research. Until I can find actual evidence of a virus that makes anyone or anything ill, I call fraud.

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Hello John, the last couple of podcasts have not been available in MP-3 files. Could you please make them available in that format again? I really enjoy listening to them in my car as I travel in the course of my work. I hate to miss out on your information. Thanks very much. I am glad I subscribed. I have listened to you in Inforwars for years.

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