Sad to say, but as a pharmacist, Jon’s exactly right. In pharmacy school, I was taught depression and mental orders were interesting because unlike blood pressure or cholesterol, when it came to mental disorders, we had nothing to measure against. We can’t measure serotonin levels to see if they’re down or not.

It wasn’t until i came across Arthur Firstenberg book on electricity and realized that when electricity began to spread, so this mental diseases. It was also around this time Freud also comes up with his treatment for these “new mental conditions” — and just happens to be funded by Rockefeller as well. So instead of seeing if these conditions like anxiety, also known as neuranisa- firing of the nerves, has anything to do with this new technology called electricity, let’s put a label on it and sell the populace these petrochemicals know as ‘drugs.’

This is why the first chapter in my book is on electricity: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-history-of-you-a-book-that-connects

But again, you’re absolutely right. Here’s another thing, these new weight loss drugs are putting together all kinds of new labels. First diabetes, then weight loss, and now conditions like sleep apnea are on the list.


When we learn how the lesson is played, we can move aside as we need too. Thanks again man and very insight stuff — how do you come up with these?!?!!

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Bingo. So glad to hear someone else sees the connection. The Invisible Rainbow is usually the first book I tell people to read if they want to understand a fundamental reason people are/get sick. Besides the fake food, of course.

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Yes - Firstenberg's book, The Invisible Rainbow is a huge eye opener. EMF pollution belongs on Jon's list.

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Yes, Mitch.

www.chelseagreen.com, his book was on sale @ www.chelseagreen.com.

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Thanks for the book recommendation. I just read "Official Stories" by Liam Scheff. Good for a newbie like me...

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www.chelseagreen.com, The Invisible Rainbow was on sale a couple of days ago…

Check out www.chelseagreen.com

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This article is a masterpiece of concise, insightful reporting on the current state of the medical field. Its razor-sharp focus and clarity in presenting the facts are truly commendable. Jon’s ability to distill complex information into an accessible and engaging narrative is remarkable. This piece stands out as one of the most informative and well-crafted articles I've encountered on the subject. It deserves widespread circulation to educate and enlighten a broader audience about these crucial developments in healthcare. I wholeheartedly recommend this as an essential read.

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The mind control runs deep, BOTH ways, doctor and patient.

In the words of Ingo Swann: "You see what you expect to see, and you don't see what you don't expect to see."

I "rejected" allopathic medicine for a long time, but it wasn't until I grappled with Jon's work that I developed enough clarity to joyfully and fully cut the cord. Thank you Jon.

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Exactly, the MD declares a "diagnosis," and the patient fully embraces that declaration as unquestionable fact.

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The hard facts that need to be acknowledged are that we have a corrupt, collusive modern priest class of literal voodoo MD doctors , putting needles n spells upon us, and until we stop drinking the Kool-Aid , they will continue to run rampant over us. And we will continue to worship them at our own peril…

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Yes, and as long as we give our power away to them, it will intensify. We forget who we truly are. We are all connected. If you think about that, it will reveal where our source of power comes from.

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It's easy for the masses to be fearful of things they can't understand...like disease and medicine. Heck, not even the modern stone age medical mafia understands either. Their entire existence is based on fear and panic and anxiety over some boogeyman waiting to take you down but not before you fight him off, or not, with dozens of tests, procedures and drugs.

The ultimate trial: Take 10,000 people who go through their entire lives without any big pharma drugs or doctoring verses 10,000 regular humans who can't avoid being "doctored" religiously. Who lives the longest? I bet it's no contest.

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"modern stone age medical mafia" Great description of it all! I've bored anyone who will listen, about this. But of course, they pity me...so misguided, poor girl...

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There was a reason it was encouraged to worship doctors in white lab coats as gods. They are master deceivers.

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Jon, thanks for your encouragement to become independent, critical thinkers. Not an easy task after being lied to for so many years.

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The "Contagion Myth" by Tom Cowen and Sally Fallon Morell ps another great book!!! Open you eyes everyone, Rockefeller medicine, aka gem theory, has taken over people's minds with FEAR!!!!

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I have been following the work of the Bailey’s also have been aware for a very long time about the depths of deception in the doctor game. Thanks for bringing these important factors into the minds of so many easily duped folks (if that’s possible). I hope more people will wake up to the tyrannical nature of the medical cartels as more people die of “mysterious diseases”…All fucking made up from thin air.

WE COLLECTIVELY CREATE REALITY BY OUR BELIEFS. Stop believing the lies people… just stop!!!! WAKE UP.

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529k extra all-cause deaths in the US in 2020 were not "made up" nor are they a "lie." Please look at the official mortality data that everyone is covering up. https://www.virginiastoner.com/us-mortality-guide

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Like war and our cult of a culture, we live by false narratives and mistaken identities. Beware of the labels, for none of them fit.

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Wonderful, Jon. Thank you.

As I coined and like to refer to this crowd: "The Cut, Poison, & Burn Club"

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I assume you've seen the great cancer documentary Cut, Poison, and Burn

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No! I have not. There is such documentary? Well, then I guess I didn't coin that phrase!

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The conventional medical practice: Name it, Blame it, and Tame it.

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Great summary of 'their' plan to screw us all. Also thanks for promoting the Dr Baileys latest book, but their work on pulling this virus crap apart in dozens of well researched 10-20 minutes videos is also brilliant

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I am largely in agreement with your thesis. My last husband was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, based on the DMV IV; I found it a relief to read the symptoms with which I had been living for too many years. I suggested he ate too much sugar; oh not, Rx were just the thing, and so Adderall was prescribed. I have no idea of the effectiveness of that strategy as I bailed.

A few years later I was diagnosed with Graves Disease; this diagnosis proved to be correct and was cured by the simple Rx that I took for maybe 10 months. The condition was caused by a car accident - actually the shodk of impact at 70 MPH. Graves can be fatal, and mine almost was. Finding the right MD to diagnose it was the challlenge.

Not every health disturbance is a disease. We are vulnerable to the toxins which accumulate in our environment. And few medical people know to evaluate the possibility that they cause illness. If our survival depends on trained doctors, we are at risk.

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Narratives have a purpose, propagating an idea or action is foremost, absence of all information for the why, when, who, what, where and how is key to their hold on power and influence, thus our current “Infowars”, and it’s deadly.

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Celiac? Read Wheat Belly by Dr. Willliam Davis. Wheat has been modified, like so many fake foods. Thank you Jon.

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