"I want him to have as much visibility as possible. I want him to cause as much good trouble as possible. I want Democrats to remember some of the issues they used to champion, before they decided everyone they disagree with has to be shouted down, attacked, and called a racist."
Very well said.
Yes, RFK Jr can only bring good to the public debate and election, for all the reasons you said, and especially for holding up a mirror to the Dems to say, 'Look, prodigal kids, these are the values you used to hold. It's time for you to come home now.'
I'll be onboard with the guy, only if he say clearly and loudly that ALL virology and ALL "vaccines" including the "traditional" ones (there is no such thing) are full of shit, that their purpose is to reduce, kill, control and mark population, according to the transhumanist and eugenicist agenda, with the help of the massive radiation attack upon us from the beginning of the use of the millimetric waves frequencies. Only if he tells WHO is a total delirium tower, and that the UN is trying to enslaved the whole humanity. Furthermore, he will have to explain how CBDC is the key for the finance cartel to get a grip on every citizen. Otherwise, the shitshow is just spilling around as usual.
If you havent already, take some time to check out Children’s Health Defense (CHD) - as Jon noted there are tons of articles,podcasts etc that cover many things. he started as an environmental lawyer years ago and fought regarding mercury/thimerisol in vaccines. He’s been relentless and has never let up for the 25 years I think I’ve known of him. So while he might not check off every one of your boxes there’s very few other people I know that have been so consistent and concerned about environmental hazards and especially hazards regarding our children.
My way of joining is to stay truthful to my plain thoughts and to stick to them and to tell exactly what I have on my mind, Georgia. There is no sarcasm in my reaction. Maybe some sort of despair and lack of patience. Enough politics and rhetorical aristotelician babbling. The one who"ll have the faith and the force to tell the truth and the chance to stay alive will be the one and only JFK's dignified and brave sucessor. And you know what? The herds of sheeps will follow. This is precisely what they are afraid of.
This is a very important, coherently written article. I live in South Africa but nevertheless have followed RFK Jnr. since the scamdemic. He kept me sane. I think he’s incredibly brave to take this decision and I wish him every piece of luck and good fortune. Thanks for your beautifully rendered writing, Mr. Rappaport.
I'd like US voters to know the story of Imran Kahn in Pakistan. How he was ousted from power by a CIA operation, how they tried to kill him but only maimed him, how they did not snuff his spirit, and most of all how the people have protected him from arrest by the powers that be by appearing in huge numbers in the street and physically getting in the way. We should all learn to perform at that level of civic responsibility. Maybe with RFK, Jr. as a focal point, we will.
On June 5, 1968, the night I graduated from high school, Robert F Kennedy was slain. Once again someone who was standing up for the people and for sanity and those who didn’t like such a disruptive motive put a quick stop to it. Sadly in the 55 years that have come and passed since we’ve seen only a handful of potential leaders who have taken a similar stand. That’s why RFK Jr’s presence in this campaign is so significant. Readers here along with anyone who champions truth, justice, freedom and even the survival of humanity should be thrilled to see him on board. While his goal is to become president and maybe reconvene the steps his father and uncle initiated, it’s equally just as important that he will have platform to call attention to these principles which we see rapidly slipping away.
Sometimes it feels like a demonic spell has been cast over our land (and many others as well). Call it what you like - brainwashing, paranoia, Trump Derangement Syndrome, or whatever - but the way so many decent people think has been blurred and we see how it manifests with anger, depression, resentment and an overwhelming lack of critical thinking. My hope is that when Kennedy reaches out to everyone, his common sense approach combined with empathy, intelligence and honor will be enough to break through this deadly haze. At this point it’s an understatement asking what do we have to lose. By doing nothing or remaining apathetic, we have a whole lot to lose.
Beautifully written to, thank you Jon. It's wonderful to read a voice of reason in the middle of this insanity. In the middle of the endless divisions, so easily fueled.
Great article Jon! I like you am hoping for good things with RFK Jr running. He will def have some obstacles to overcome without a doubt. Also as someone else here already stated there is also the fact of three letter agencies and their propensity to wipe out any members of his family. Let’s hope RFK Jr comes out on top this time.
Methinks Mr. Rappaport is playing a belated April Fools Day trick. It must be satire.
RFK, Jr. Is pushing viruses! His CHD platform repeats fear porn like “lab leak” and “gain of function.”
RFK, Jr. has gotta know the truth. Viruses don’t exist. Virology is a fraud.
As long as Kennedy and his fake health freedom community like Malone, McCullough, Cole, Bigtree, etc. go along with germ theory and pathogenic viruses, the world will remain under the tyranny of the next fake pandemic.
Maybe he’s been threatened and decided he wants to live or not lose family to another Clinton/deep state murder.
Mr Rappoport , thank you you wonderful honesty , clear thinking, real values, common sense and of course journalistic integrity and courage, - Most people in journalism have LOST all integrity and and courage. ----It is people like you and RFK jr that have kept the hope alive for so many people and incredibly, despite the corrupt stacked deck these psychopaths have dealt everyone, you and the other courageous and honest hero’s (we all know who they are) ARE waking people up, waking them up to the fact that we are in a fight for not just for our freedom but for humanity itself --- Thank you, thank you so very much .......I am so glad that I subscribed to your site ---
I agree that even if people are skeptical about elections, it will be worth it for Robert F. Kennedy to run and for the skeptics, such as myself, to vote. He will have a platform like no other and can speak to the need for freedom, the horrendous "vaccine" crimes and on and on. True, he isn't perfect, but he's far more articulate and intelligent than many and seems to have real integrity. And in addition to your writing, the Childrens' Defense Fund is one of the others I rely upon for good information.
RFKjr. might just knock some sense into the heads of more Americans. What have we got to lose?
"I want him to have as much visibility as possible. I want him to cause as much good trouble as possible. I want Democrats to remember some of the issues they used to champion, before they decided everyone they disagree with has to be shouted down, attacked, and called a racist."
Very well said.
Yes, RFK Jr can only bring good to the public debate and election, for all the reasons you said, and especially for holding up a mirror to the Dems to say, 'Look, prodigal kids, these are the values you used to hold. It's time for you to come home now.'
I'll be onboard with the guy, only if he say clearly and loudly that ALL virology and ALL "vaccines" including the "traditional" ones (there is no such thing) are full of shit, that their purpose is to reduce, kill, control and mark population, according to the transhumanist and eugenicist agenda, with the help of the massive radiation attack upon us from the beginning of the use of the millimetric waves frequencies. Only if he tells WHO is a total delirium tower, and that the UN is trying to enslaved the whole humanity. Furthermore, he will have to explain how CBDC is the key for the finance cartel to get a grip on every citizen. Otherwise, the shitshow is just spilling around as usual.
If you havent already, take some time to check out Children’s Health Defense (CHD) - as Jon noted there are tons of articles,podcasts etc that cover many things. he started as an environmental lawyer years ago and fought regarding mercury/thimerisol in vaccines. He’s been relentless and has never let up for the 25 years I think I’ve known of him. So while he might not check off every one of your boxes there’s very few other people I know that have been so consistent and concerned about environmental hazards and especially hazards regarding our children.
Maybe you should advise him there is sarcasm there but also truth don’t just tell us what he should do join his team and share that energy I hear
My way of joining is to stay truthful to my plain thoughts and to stick to them and to tell exactly what I have on my mind, Georgia. There is no sarcasm in my reaction. Maybe some sort of despair and lack of patience. Enough politics and rhetorical aristotelician babbling. The one who"ll have the faith and the force to tell the truth and the chance to stay alive will be the one and only JFK's dignified and brave sucessor. And you know what? The herds of sheeps will follow. This is precisely what they are afraid of.
This is a very important, coherently written article. I live in South Africa but nevertheless have followed RFK Jnr. since the scamdemic. He kept me sane. I think he’s incredibly brave to take this decision and I wish him every piece of luck and good fortune. Thanks for your beautifully rendered writing, Mr. Rappaport.
I'd like US voters to know the story of Imran Kahn in Pakistan. How he was ousted from power by a CIA operation, how they tried to kill him but only maimed him, how they did not snuff his spirit, and most of all how the people have protected him from arrest by the powers that be by appearing in huge numbers in the street and physically getting in the way. We should all learn to perform at that level of civic responsibility. Maybe with RFK, Jr. as a focal point, we will.
On June 5, 1968, the night I graduated from high school, Robert F Kennedy was slain. Once again someone who was standing up for the people and for sanity and those who didn’t like such a disruptive motive put a quick stop to it. Sadly in the 55 years that have come and passed since we’ve seen only a handful of potential leaders who have taken a similar stand. That’s why RFK Jr’s presence in this campaign is so significant. Readers here along with anyone who champions truth, justice, freedom and even the survival of humanity should be thrilled to see him on board. While his goal is to become president and maybe reconvene the steps his father and uncle initiated, it’s equally just as important that he will have platform to call attention to these principles which we see rapidly slipping away.
Sometimes it feels like a demonic spell has been cast over our land (and many others as well). Call it what you like - brainwashing, paranoia, Trump Derangement Syndrome, or whatever - but the way so many decent people think has been blurred and we see how it manifests with anger, depression, resentment and an overwhelming lack of critical thinking. My hope is that when Kennedy reaches out to everyone, his common sense approach combined with empathy, intelligence and honor will be enough to break through this deadly haze. At this point it’s an understatement asking what do we have to lose. By doing nothing or remaining apathetic, we have a whole lot to lose.
Beautifully written to, thank you Jon. It's wonderful to read a voice of reason in the middle of this insanity. In the middle of the endless divisions, so easily fueled.
Right on the target Mr. Rappoport, and your points are well taken. We "pretend"
so many things that our thoughts are becoming too confusing for us to think
clearly about most everything. Should be we are in an information war? Think
warriors that can make truth easier to understand. Let RFKjr. splash some truth
around. I applaud the man's courage, and he might have me voting again in a
Federal election.
So go get it, Bobby. Kick some serious ass!
Great article Jon! I like you am hoping for good things with RFK Jr running. He will def have some obstacles to overcome without a doubt. Also as someone else here already stated there is also the fact of three letter agencies and their propensity to wipe out any members of his family. Let’s hope RFK Jr comes out on top this time.
Methinks Mr. Rappaport is playing a belated April Fools Day trick. It must be satire.
RFK, Jr. Is pushing viruses! His CHD platform repeats fear porn like “lab leak” and “gain of function.”
RFK, Jr. has gotta know the truth. Viruses don’t exist. Virology is a fraud.
As long as Kennedy and his fake health freedom community like Malone, McCullough, Cole, Bigtree, etc. go along with germ theory and pathogenic viruses, the world will remain under the tyranny of the next fake pandemic.
Maybe he’s been threatened and decided he wants to live or not lose family to another Clinton/deep state murder.
Sorry. He’s nuthin’ but a false prophet.
If he chooses to tell the truth about viruses and virology I will support him.
Mr Rappoport , thank you you wonderful honesty , clear thinking, real values, common sense and of course journalistic integrity and courage, - Most people in journalism have LOST all integrity and and courage. ----It is people like you and RFK jr that have kept the hope alive for so many people and incredibly, despite the corrupt stacked deck these psychopaths have dealt everyone, you and the other courageous and honest hero’s (we all know who they are) ARE waking people up, waking them up to the fact that we are in a fight for not just for our freedom but for humanity itself --- Thank you, thank you so very much .......I am so glad that I subscribed to your site ---
Great article Jon. Keep reminding those of us who are looking for the hatch, that it just might work if we stand and fight.
It's hard to imagine a decent man in the oval office, but we can dream, can't we?
I agree that even if people are skeptical about elections, it will be worth it for Robert F. Kennedy to run and for the skeptics, such as myself, to vote. He will have a platform like no other and can speak to the need for freedom, the horrendous "vaccine" crimes and on and on. True, he isn't perfect, but he's far more articulate and intelligent than many and seems to have real integrity. And in addition to your writing, the Childrens' Defense Fund is one of the others I rely upon for good information.