Hey Jon,

That is exactly what he needs to do. Why don't you, along with me and any others that subscribe to Catherine Austin Fitts, send this to her. You know that she has his ear. Mine might not get read but h'll, you could just call either one and they'll answer, no?

Greta stuff, as always, thanks.


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I like that idea, because when I see him only getting about 147 likes on an awesome Substack essay, I think: No! We've got to do way better than this, and quickly. Yes, I also think livestream should be the best route to get RFK, Jr to the audience that needs him, the electorate.

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That's all reasonable advice to someone wanting to be heard by as many people as possible!

However... sometimes I wonder if your own high intelligence actually obscures your view of reality!!

Suggesting that someone should tell Zelenskyy how George Soros is ruining Ukraine is like telling Pinocchio that a puppeteer is pulling his strings!!

Zelenskyy is no more "President" of Ukraine than Brandon is "President" of the US!!

They are both simply fronts for the Global Cabal!!

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Hi Im Robert Kennedy. I am running for President. After much buildup from my manager Kucinich's work, we are announcing a Daily Livestream where I will take your questions and comments and share my experiences to effect all of the change needed to restore our American Democracy.

I will be hammering on the Medical deep fraud taking place in this country and exactly what to do about it, to stop these Tyrants from destroying our health, our families and our American way of life.

Join me beginning this coming Monday!

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You are a 1000% correct. Constant visibility to reach the widest possible audience is absolutely crucial to attain success. Mr. Kennedy's uncle beat out Nixon with his charismatic TV personality. I have met Dennis Kucinich. He means well but he is not exactly Mr.Flamboyance. Mr. Kennedy needs a young go-getter who has a natural strategic talent for impactful less-is more communication. Most people ramble too much. When I built a very successful public relations/marketing career with top medical institutions, it did not take me long to figure out if I could not capture an audience's (particularly news media persons') interest in the first 10 seconds, I would lose them. Same with writers. I had seven journalistically trained communicators report to me. I spent countless hours retraining them to learn succinct bottom-line oriented writing. It's not literature. It's marketing.

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Perhaps he’s not planning to win

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"And don’t you think huge numbers of people would want to listen to Kennedy discuss, IN DEPTH AND GREAT DETAIL, his view on how the CIA killed his uncle and father?"

This would definitely get a massive number of people to tune-in to listen, I would think.

The American people need to be talked to like adults (which Kennedy does do) and be presented with a myriad of ugly truths -- "in depth and in great detail," day after day after day...

Make the most of Election Campaign Season 2024 by making it into something different.

The Days of Avoiding are over.

The American people can handle confronting the uglies and coming out better for it.

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Do any of you honestly think the people that run the entire world, are going to let someone they do not choose be POTUS???? 🤣😂Wake up.

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Kennedy is getting a better kind of exposure doing what he's doing, appearing with an interviewer or interviewee. Contrast with Emanuel Pastraich, who does these lunatic solo rambling presentations. And gets zero traction. No, it's you who's missing the boat on this one.

Furthermore, the difference between livestream and recorded interview is moot. Most people would not tune in during the live broadcast, and they know it can be replayed.

Which political campaigns have you successfully run in the past, Mr. Rappoport? Your own, maybe? You know what they say. Those who can, do. Those who can't, babble to the naive masses trying to convince those masses of something false.

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Kucinichs rationale is to get Kennedy on numerous ALREADY ESTABLISHED large following podcasts on a regular basis getting out the message, instead of a long time frame building an organic podcast following…

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I think he doing well.. going from podcast to podcast and catch different audiences and he has his own podcast .. he's not very active on stubstack or telegram is bc twitter (X) is no longer censored him or Instagram.

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He really ought to consider it. Charles Eisenstein is one of his campaign managers. Someone might want to pitch this to him. And if he ever does find his way inside the White House, keep the livestream coming. I believe it could alter the course of the country and the world. Can you imagine what would happen if people were to get an overdose of truth?

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whatever... ... ... every time they need a light in the jungle, 'the Lie On sleeps tonite'. No matter how often ye be bludgeoned, lied to, & blatantly cheated,,,ye still sally forth to tilt with windmills...dumb as dried paint

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First, I couldn’t agree more with your points, Jon. And yet, I might suggest an additional angle:

Early in RFK JR’s bid to run for the presidency, I had heard rumors that his driving impetus (at least back then) was not, necessarily, to win the election...but rather, to gain an uncensored platform to get his vital messages out to the populous.

Under our government’s constitutional laws, any candidate running for Presidential office is protected rom censorship (censorship which he had suffered and endured as a “free” citizen for over 2 decades or longer). I had heard that he just wanted, mostly, to get his uncensored messages out there. Of course, we have seen blatant violations of even those rights ignored and refused, under the current US administration.

However, given his currently growing popularity on bi-partisan levels, regardless of illegal censorship of him still ongoing, I would LOVE to see him “Go For The Gold Medal.”

But, the past decade or so (especially the past 4 years) have caused me to be “terminally skeptical and questioning” about everyone and everything.

Personally, so far, Bobby Kennedy Jr has my vote —whether or not he makes the ballot. I will vote for him as a “Write In” if I must.

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RFK Jr. would be great on his own livestream show. Dr Ron Paul does his Liberty Report five days a week and he's 86. It's a good show. If Dr. Paul and Daniel McAdams can do a show five days a week on a shoestring budget, so can RFK Jr.

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When I was a child a nun at our school urged us to tell our parents to vote for Kennedy because he is Catholic. Mine didn't. I wonder about the percentage of voters who are Catholic, including illegals, who will vote for Kennedy because he is Catholic. Could this be the overriding factor in people's hearts and minds regardless of his otherwise lack of exposure? Is this a 'thing' anymore? Does Catholicity extend to groups beyond the church? Maybe voters don't choose the winner anyway. I know the idea is to give him a platform to call attention to matters that really count but a livestream would have to be extremely short and pithy for obvious reasons. I will pretend it's Lent in November and give up voting altogether because guys like Stalin count the votes anyway.

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