We need an old oil baron like Rockefeller again, for about six months.
He’ll make the oil flow. He’ll deliver all we need.
He’ll find a way.
Of course, these days, he can’t just hammer on the President’s head and order him to open the domestic valves and approve drilling in dozens of new locations.
But he---or the current US oil CEOs---could test the feds. They could go public and tell the American people:
“We’ve had enough of this bullshit. We know where the oil is and we’re going to deliver it to you at a fair price. Isn’t that what you want? We’re not going to let the economy go down the toilet. But we need millions of you to support us, to show up on the streets and let the government know you’re on our side.”
“We’re going to bring this ridiculous situation to a head. The feds can try to stop us, as we drill and open the flow and bring down the price. They can issue warrants and send in troops if they want to. They can shoot at us. Let’s test them and see if they’re willing to go that far, just because they’re pushing their climate agenda. Let’s see if they’re willing to make you so angry you’ll turn out in the tens of millions to support us.”
Why not?
The problem is, the modern oil barons are in bed with the government. They’ve been sucking at the federal money teat and the tax-avoidance teat and the loophole teat and the bailout teat for so long, they’re captives of the system.
And yes, I know we can get from where we are to new energy systems that’ll eventually make oil obsolete. Eventually. And yes, there may be innovative energy patents frozen and locked up in the US Patent Office right now.
But right now, we need the oil. The idea that we’re going to make the leap into some new green economy next month by cutting off the flow of oil is insane. It’s not going to happen. What’s going to happen is more poverty piled on top of the COVID lockdown poverty that ruined millions of lives.
And not by accident. And not because Russia invaded the Ukraine.
This oil shortage and rising prices are the plan.
Politicians are crazy and stupid, but they’re not so stupid they just stumbled into this energy shortage.
It’s purposeful.
Wrecking economies are essential to Globalism. Jesus H Christ. We’ve known this forever. You can’t install planet-wide governance when nations are thriving.
Big-time corporate CEOs are committing slow suicide, and they refuse to face the fact. They’ve turned into bench players who get sent on to the field in the last three minutes, when the game is lost.
Their testicles should be in glass cases in the Smithsonian under a sign: YOU WANT TO KNOW WHERE THE REST OF THESE MEN ARE? LOOK AT THE FORTUNE 500.
The situation we’re in right now confirms a conspiracy theory. The big corporations don’t control the government. The government is in control. And the government doesn’t ultimately run the government. Other players do. Call them by any name. It doesn’t matter. They’re bent on installing a global tyranny at the top. The few ruling the billions.
The chokepoint is ENERGY. And they’ve got their hands around that neck.
THIS is why I did recent podcasts titled THE REAL PRESIDENT (to learn more about these podcasts click here and click here). They weren’t just theoretical. They expressed an urgent need for a President who would take his bully pulpit and use it with a power and intensity and revolutionary fire traveling FAR, FAR beyond anybody’s favorite pet President of the past.
I’m not done with this theme yet. Not by a long shot.
It’s Revolution. The real one.
-- Jon Rappoport
Jon also writes at NoMoreFakeNews.com and OutsideTheRealityMachine.com
Follow Jon on Twitter and Gab: @jonrappoport
I think any president with the balls to stand up (like Kennedy) would face the same fate as Kennedy.
It's been well documented that renewables, the ones touted, cannot replace fossil for overall efficiency. The total energy return on investment is way below that of fossil.
As far as there being something in the patent pipeline that will someday change this, I'm surprised Jon has turned technocratic cornucopian on us. And no, I would never want JD Rockefeller to be reincarnated for anything - he's destroyed Western Civ. Who needs him.
I think we have what's known as a dilemma - a problem with an "unacceptable" solution. That we've reached the end of the "road" (pun intended) and just can't give it up. Grow, grow, grow...is like fake it till you make it ScAMERICA!