I think any president with the balls to stand up (like Kennedy) would face the same fate as Kennedy.

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It's been well documented that renewables, the ones touted, cannot replace fossil for overall efficiency. The total energy return on investment is way below that of fossil.

As far as there being something in the patent pipeline that will someday change this, I'm surprised Jon has turned technocratic cornucopian on us. And no, I would never want JD Rockefeller to be reincarnated for anything - he's destroyed Western Civ. Who needs him.

I think we have what's known as a dilemma - a problem with an "unacceptable" solution. That we've reached the end of the "road" (pun intended) and just can't give it up. Grow, grow, grow...is like fake it till you make it ScAMERICA!

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We are going back to Egypt.

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Not to intrude between all you scholars & know-it-alls & your distractions....but isn't the approaching pole reversal & micro NOVA of our Sun tantamount to all topics? And no need to practice your vitriol by attempting to ridicule me with your misspelled commentaries...

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Thank you, John.

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