Literate and literary; All those tech grasshoppers better make room in their heads; The new Substack social media innovation, called Notes, is way, way more than you think it is; Or is it?
This is one of those posts I will never forget. It reminds me that language is like a rich and expensive set of oil paints. I have a set of those paints. It’s time that I start using them again. Thank you for the inspiration today.
He’s also a great motivator. Since I read that piece, I’ve written four short stories and have sent them to publishers. I’ve also stopped looking at the news, but he isn’t the one I should credit for that. It was Ellie Griffin who inspired me to turn off all of those feeds. I actually feel more relaxed. And I do enjoy struggling with the oil paints.
Very sobering indeed! Well written, as usual. Imagination is the ultimate key to a whole new meaningful life, to a new world of inspiration and endless possibilities. Love it!
I can imagine a hotel full of writers creating an electric atmosphere with their sharing and creativity. I felt this at a week-long international conference on community education in Melbourne, Australia in 1979. I returned home buzzing. The high lasted for about six weeks. An unforgettable experience of sharing so many thought-provoking ideas with people from all over the world. Empowering.
Mmm... Lots to think about and reflect upon today and in the coming weeks. Thank you very much, Jon.
At one point I had an image of you, hunched over your breakfast bowl, tweezers in hand, carefully removing the bits of AI… The marshmallows… Before you sank your spoon
Not too shabby, Hamish...Here's the link to chapter 1 of my latest, The Golem and the Messiah Trilogy, filed under the Huxwell section of the Quality of Life Resistance Movement...
Why did you write "dig it" in the middle? It is out-of-place! I believe this is a repost, and one of your best, if not THEE! But the break in the middle is an abrupt disturbance. Also: I think that when you write something you purposefully make it impossible to make a ".... " to upload to notes. I have tried on several of your essays, but each section hooks to the next in such a way that a single quote is very difficult to separate out. I think that when you send your work to Mike Adams to be read by his Opensource AI digitizing program for use offline to prevent the Establishment Woke AI from destroying civilization - it will drive Woke AI - insane :-)
Good one Jon. As usual. Now if only I could get folks to read "Blood Running In The Streets" so that they can get a grasp on our screwed up monetary system. And the truth about what "your" taxes actually pay for.
This is one of those posts I will never forget. It reminds me that language is like a rich and expensive set of oil paints. I have a set of those paints. It’s time that I start using them again. Thank you for the inspiration today.
What a beautiful way to describe language. Jon is a great painter.
He’s also a great motivator. Since I read that piece, I’ve written four short stories and have sent them to publishers. I’ve also stopped looking at the news, but he isn’t the one I should credit for that. It was Ellie Griffin who inspired me to turn off all of those feeds. I actually feel more relaxed. And I do enjoy struggling with the oil paints.
Write on. Writing into grandness's. The only war that matters is the war against imagination.
I feel like I've gone down Alice's rabbit hole, but without the drugs.
What a wonderful trip. ❤
Very sobering indeed! Well written, as usual. Imagination is the ultimate key to a whole new meaningful life, to a new world of inspiration and endless possibilities. Love it!
I can imagine a hotel full of writers creating an electric atmosphere with their sharing and creativity. I felt this at a week-long international conference on community education in Melbourne, Australia in 1979. I returned home buzzing. The high lasted for about six weeks. An unforgettable experience of sharing so many thought-provoking ideas with people from all over the world. Empowering.
Mmm... Lots to think about and reflect upon today and in the coming weeks. Thank you very much, Jon.
That was a good one!
At one point I had an image of you, hunched over your breakfast bowl, tweezers in hand, carefully removing the bits of AI… The marshmallows… Before you sank your spoon
Into the quickening deep…
Not too shabby, Hamish...Here's the link to chapter 1 of my latest, The Golem and the Messiah Trilogy, filed under the Huxwell section of the Quality of Life Resistance Movement...
So Blavatsky came back as Di Prima. So who came back as Di Prima? Guessing Jordan Peterson. Very entertaining as always!
F...N brilliant ,,truly
And Alice sighed.
Thank you!
Dang, Jon. You did it, again.
Only sorry it took me so long to find it. exhilarating.
Made me cry. ("War on imagination.")
Why did you write "dig it" in the middle? It is out-of-place! I believe this is a repost, and one of your best, if not THEE! But the break in the middle is an abrupt disturbance. Also: I think that when you write something you purposefully make it impossible to make a ".... " to upload to notes. I have tried on several of your essays, but each section hooks to the next in such a way that a single quote is very difficult to separate out. I think that when you send your work to Mike Adams to be read by his Opensource AI digitizing program for use offline to prevent the Establishment Woke AI from destroying civilization - it will drive Woke AI - insane :-)
Good one Jon. As usual. Now if only I could get folks to read "Blood Running In The Streets" so that they can get a grasp on our screwed up monetary system. And the truth about what "your" taxes actually pay for.