Most of these mental issues are diet, nutrition, and stress-related. Trashy food, emotional traumas, and toxins everywhere never made anyone healthier. But, hey! Let’s just add some poison in the form of prescription meds to the mix. Yeah. That’ll fix everything.

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Feeling depressed in these awful times is a natural and healthy response to all the suffering we witness and feel every single day. Psychiatry was inserted into culture as a satanic agenda, harmful, and wrong entirely but most importantly as a method to debilitate, subdue, and control people. Its a Marxist agenda that the Majestic 30, the Davis Group , 2030 Agenda cretins, and the slimy bankers Rothchilds, have used like a srew driver to remove human sensibility from healthy people.

So sick of all the crap. I do not consent.

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I live in Maine. Robert Card shot over 2 dozen people and then himself. He'd been prescribed a whole bunch of medications for 'mental illness'.

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I am with you on this, and I hate these drugs. And it all does seem like bullshit, but I have a nephew who hears voices, seriously paranoid so diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. He has been diagnosed bipolar as well.. He is 41 years old, he had psychiatric break after smoking a lot of weed over a long period of time. He doesn’t think there is anything wrong with him. They have put him on lithium and God knows what else.

I think his problem is he is “soul sick”. I think this is what’s wrong with lots of mentally ill. They have become disassociated with themselves. They have no foundational belief system and are like floating out in the world. They are lost to themselves.

What is the answer?

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