The best thing about the Musk takeover is this article by Jon Rappoport!!! (I thought it was Rappaport...?) Anyway, Bravossimo! Excellent! Poetically Correct!! Rap à Propos! Proper Report with Proper Rapport from Jon the Purported Rap Reporter.

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Yet one more shit show to keep the masses distracted while the teams behind the stages work on their next steps. Let's laugh and move on, shall we? While a good laugh from time to time at the ridiculousness is salve for the soul, those out there who are seeing Musk as a savior in a white hat are heading for, yet another, epic fall. Same thing with Putin. Even Trump. Only we can save ourselves.

We need to recapture our humanity, because most of us lost touch with it so long ago that we have forgotten what it means. There are reasons that FB and Twatter have been circling the drain of the commode. It needs to happen because these tech addictions not only do not serve us, these addictions are one of the main reasons we've made it to the place we are today.

We need to prepare ourselves for battle, and the only way we can do this is by letting go what no longer serves us.

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You're a joy to read, for multiple reasons - thank you. Fun, insightful and profound at once. I hope Elon is reading.

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WOW! FINALLY! Someone nailed the TRUTH! I can see the LIGHT! There's a LIGHT up ahead! Is that like Freedom in our time?

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As usual Jon out thinks and writes better than most humans living today. He is spot on here and he will come with other disclosures of nefarious plans Musk and Money are readying for the uneducated masses using Twitter as the tool to gain our confidence as we watch them use it to ensnare and rob us of what's left of our humanity. I have to admit Musk is one helluva actor.

Good thing we have JR to do our homework we often neglect.

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So refreshing!

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We are all con artists. If you think you aren’t, then you have a lot of work to do. We go around trying to convince others we are somebody. Once you come to this realization it creates a problem. Eventually you will discover the only way to interact with the world is to perpetuate the con.

On one hand you withdraw from the world and flourish and on the other you suffer through your life.

Thankfully there is a third option. You detach yourself from the con. You observe it happening but don’t get caught up in the roll. That way you can manipulate the world around you while cultivating an inner peace at the same time.

I suspect that Elon Musk has mastered this art.

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