I had to stop reading a half dozen times due to outbursts of belly laughing….Love the Way Mr. Rappoport exposes the hyper credentialism of medical doctor worship.

Thank you to one of the most prodigious writers in America on a wide variety of subjects, the Mozart of the modern literary world, John Rappoport !

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You are definitely "on a roll", Jon. I grew up with two of these white lab coats but, since they were trained in the 1930's, they didn't accept the God complex requirements. They were, however, Rockefellered.

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Though, doctors are a part of our constellation of technical experts, some may argue a critical part, the fact that the majority of doctors are trained to be subservient to the medical bureaucracy, which in turn, is subservient to big pharma that are controlled by "the elite", gives agenda makers (of which the narcissistic "elite" are prime examples of) an excellent army of titled spreaders of propaganda that the public are conditioned to place their trust.

For myself, and I think for many, the panache of the title of "doctor" has taken on a distinct foul taint. It has become less the saviour and purveyor of the best information for my health, to, someone who has official training but should be questioned. It's sad that it took an obviously politically motivated pseudo-medical emergency to kick me in the ass towards taking more responsibility for my own health. But hey, I'm just an average joe.

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I used to be a hypocondriac. Then I started reading Doctor Rappoport. Now I'm invincible!

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You are the best doctor I know.

You literally cured me from a lifetime of " Guinea Pig Disease".

No joke.

Mad love your way Jon.

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Fish rots from the head down.


Rot Cod ~

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