You, Jon, are a national treasure. Your mind and efforts are deeply valued.

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Powerful analysis! There was, in the time of 'peace, love and happiness', that it simply wasn't Cool to buy into the con game. It felt like society saw the man behind the curtain and we collectively kicked him to the curb. I never imagined that the left would pull him up, dust him off and in a new, ugly version and reinstalled the Con... not behind a curtain but behind a stone wall of mass psychosis.

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Im working on a military base in Iraq. Riding in a vehicle with a co worker, he is a decent shorter tough black dude that could rip your head off if he wanted. I thought I knew him. Im a white probably mostly liberal new age we all breath the same air kind of guy at the time from Cali. He calls me racist so I just said pull over and let me out. Bumbed. Later that day my group of friends from Kenya asked why Im so down and out. I told them. And one Black Kenyan told me that American Blacks are like babies to us. Always blaming the whites. And he added that Blacks slaved the blacks first. Interesting that my African friends stayed my friend, ya know was kind to me. However, I was also really good friends with, Im not going to say the coolest gigantic black dude running the show on that base, like a genius, but I just did, whom was also friends with my accuser. The American, while staying my friend told me he wasnt going to get involved in it because he was his friend too. Though I didnt really buy that at the time, but I can see that not all blacks fall for all of this racist propaganda bullshit being pumped out. And that others really really do. I tell the Justice Warriors that reveal to me that they are Justice Warriors, I tell them I have grown up around everyone and never before have been afraid to be a white person and at times I feel my life is in genuinely in danger. And I feel it is a newer situation, maybe some time after Obama And I asked them, do you really really think that the elite that are supporting this approach, do you really think they care for you one little bit? Are you sure? She says, I want justice.

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I would say that Obama laid the groundwork for the divisiveness of people - particularly black and white. The "Black president" was actually both Black and White. Raised by his White mother in the State Department culture of "White Privilege " . How's that for a con?

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Reading Jon's post, I felt slightly uncomfortable. I'm a white male retired professional, not a USian, but close enough, so I've been, fairly uncritically, swimming in the propaganda since the 60s. Your comment cleaned it up. It clicked the switch and turned on the light in the room.

This whole hustle is just like the COVID 2-step. The plan is never designed to hook "all" the people, because then there would be no possibility of divide and conquer & milk 'em all.

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Two books from the Vietnam era you might like: Bloods and FNG. Your writing kind of reminds me of those books.

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A wonderful article. I have always thought race was, and is, a hustle. To me the concept of race is absurd. It is a colour coded box people are suppose to fit in. The black box or the yellow box or the white box - take your pick. Bullshit. More bullshit mixed with horseshit with a dab of chickenshit with frog turd sprinkles. The colour of a persons skin has nothing to do with said persons ability or character. I grew up in a community fifty years ago where certain people, not all, had racist leanings. I should say stupid leanings because they couldn't even make an unreasonable argument about their racist beliefs. Some of these people were so dumb that a Phd in Physics would bring their IQ up to O. These people are fodder for the hustle. Then we have the hustler. They are not dumb but very smart with no integrity. God has a very special place in hell for these people. I'm white. I have made my living in the entertainment business for 45 years. I think it safe to say that 80 percent of everything I learned came from Blacks and Jews. Black culture in America is a wonder to behold. And without the Jews we would have no Jerome Kern,Richard Rogers,etc.-etc.-etc. These were cultures or races who were discriminated by mainstream America and that discrimination encouraged by the American government. It is courageous people like Jon Rappoport who bring this hustle out in the open where the sun can shine on it's ugly face and hopefully it will finally die.

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Jon is the silver bullet to the self indulgent excesses of the liberal-left.

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Jon, you have a gift of bringing a blurry picture into a sharp focus. Bravo! "They" will always find a way to divide us if we let them.

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