New Trump promise: commission to investigate Pharma and rise of childhood diseases
I’m all in; on my own terms
(This article is Part-8 in a series; for Part-9, go here; for Part-7, go here.)
I, and 50 colleagues I could name off the top of my head, will be investigating Trump’s COMMISSION.
We’ll investigate the people looking into Big Pharma and autism and vaccines.
We’ll investigate their report.
IF Trump is elected. And if he keeps his promise.
Because he specializes in exaggeration and empty promises.
We’ll be VERY interested in what his commission has to say about Warp Speed and the COVID shots. Trump’s baby. The shots he keeps defending.
Will he appoint RFK Jr. to the commission? Like last time, in 2016, when he appointed him and then cancelled the whole program to examine vaccines?
If Trump does appoint Kennedy, will Kennedy waffle and walk away because, say, he wants to win a seat in the Senate?
Trump will be a very busy President if he wins the election. Let’s see, he’s promised to deport millions of illegal aliens, end the war in the Ukraine before he’s even inaugurated, reform the whole DOJ, and transform about 15 other big problems I can’t remember.
Will he lead the way to stamp out bird flu with a new RNA vaccine? Thus maiming and killing millions more people?
What happens when his commission runs up against vast corruption inside Pfizer, the company Trump said was composed of great guys?
What happens when a few hundred serious and VERY smart independent investigators swamp the commission with evidence that viruses don’t exist?
OUR commission to investigate HIS commission can be formed in two days. We’ll be ready.
A whole department of our commission will focus on the entirely fraudulent branch of medicine called psychiatry—which lists 300 separate and distinct mental disorders in its prime manual. NONE of these so-called disorders has a defining physical diagnostic test. No blood test, urine test, brain scan, genetic assay. It’s all made up—in order to sell toxic drugs.
Will his commission examine the medical slime who promote and deliver puberty blockers, disruptive hormones, and mutilating surgery to children?
OUR commission could take on all these issues and report on them in a few weeks—because we already have miles of evidence. How long will HIS commission take? A year? Three years?
Hell, OUR commission will be composed of thousands and thousands of people—including YOU, the reader. Are you ready?
We’ve already been issuing reports for years, decades. So join us, dear reader.
Weigh in. Publish.
We’re a unit, a squad, a division, many divisions, an army.
-- Jon Rappoport
The total number of childhood poisonings per annum in the US -- since 1987 or 1993 (choose your 'childhood vaccine schedule' update year) is totally off the charts!
The continued con of "we're investigating" when the evidence is vast and decades long. He's one of these bankster's "when the people need a hero we will provide them with one" Could I be wrong? Of course but I doubt it. They drew massive attention to him in the media and courts to create the fake saviour fighting the deep state what else can one conclude.