The total number of childhood poisonings per annum in the US -- since 1987 or 1993 (choose your 'childhood vaccine schedule' update year) is totally off the charts!

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The continued con of "we're investigating" when the evidence is vast and decades long. He's one of these bankster's "when the people need a hero we will provide them with one" Could I be wrong? Of course but I doubt it. They drew massive attention to him in the media and courts to create the fake saviour fighting the deep state what else can one conclude.

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More rounds of "We've investigated ourselves and found we've done nothing wrong." In other words, nothing will change. No one went to prison for the 2008 banking meltdown, either.

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Can you imagine a world wherein we could actually investigate psychiatry? I would love that, but I think people would be far more disturbed by an investigation of psychiatry than they are by "anti-vaxxers." I'm always accidentally insulting psychiatry in front of someone who, as it turns out, is on meds, has 'problems' has a shrink. There are far more people attached to this than one might originally think.

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Profound point. The sheer number of Americans on psych harmaceutical poisons, and their DPAS -- "doctor pill attachment syndrome". Some of them on them, then go on to kill family members and/or themselves.

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Or, like the mass shooter in Lewiston, Maine, loads of other people, then themselves, in a dumpster...

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That they do. I had a boyfriend whose father committed suicide and he thought it was because he was put on Prozac a couple of months before the event. When he learned that Prozac lead to suicidal ideation, he was incredibly angry.

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As a natural warrior, I am all in to fight these medical cartels out to kill n make us dependent on their poisons ….

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All in and completely supportive. The “leaked” call with RFK is already trying to sway the narrative that he didn’t know how bad vaccines were. So curious to see if, after 4 years, anything really changes.

The last 4 blue years brought their share of propaganda and deception. Let’s see how the next 4 red years (if he wins) will bring: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-metaphysical-ritual-of-voting

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Very strategic idea! This could really work.

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It is the Real American Way.

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Yes yes and yes. I like that. And I'm in.

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I don't see how this flies because most of the "commission" will be from big pharma or paid off by big pharma. Do we have decades to wait for some stupid commission to get to the truth? Never gonna happen.

The ONLY possible way to make big pharma half-way accountable is to rescind the 1986 vaccines laws that are etched in granite. That would be akin to hoping on the back of a T-Rex and trying to pull a tooth for a souvenir. Does congress have the guts?

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See that horse? See that water?

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All in!

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I’m almost out of hopeium.

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Jon, what a Clarion Call. I am IN!

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"We’re a unit, a squad, a division, many divisions, an army."

I'm in. "They" won't change, so the change is up to us.

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If it even happens, the investigation will join The Warren Commission in the whitewashed sepulchre hiding the rotting corpses and skeletons of Government cover ups.

Trump really tipped his hand when he proudly annointed himself the Father of the Covid 19 quackzeen.

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Very very important questions!

Change of heart possible?

Seeing is believing.

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Articles like these are you at you best, Jon.

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"I, and 50 colleagues I could name off the top of my head, will be investigating Trump’s COMMISSION."

The almost complete corruption of the government is becoming more transparent by the day, to ever larger numbers of Americans, which set me to wondering recently: Where will these elite criminals hide when this awareness reaches critical mass? Unless they have a hidey-hole, in a deep crevasse under the ice, at the South Pole....on Mars....



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