No president will save us. Its up to us to save ourselves. Do not comply. Home school your children. Find a local farmer to purchase food from. During the next plandemic (bird flu) the grocery stores may not let you in without proof of a shot. Use cash. Switch your smartphone out for a basic cell phone. Find like minded people to associate with. We will need each other.

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I agree with you Jane, it is up to us to save ourself, but we also need a president that will not enforced vaccination. The covid vaccine killed or damaged too many people and took away our constitutional rights!

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Aug 7Edited


FYI.. They are already planning the next pandemic. I dont see anyone stopping this.

Preparation for H5N1 is underway. The bird Flu Summit is scheduled for Oct 2 & Oct 3rd in Washington, DC.

Topics include:

Socio-Economic impact on Poultry & livestock Industries, Mass Fatality Management Planning, Strategies for Operating with 50% or More Absenteeism, school base planning, managing supply chains challenges, Implementing Remote Work Policies and Flexible Schedules, Delivery of Vaccine and Antiviral Medication.


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Sandra, if I may..? We do 𝒏𝒐𝒕 have "Constitutional rights." We have natural rights, inalienable ones. They are as much a part of us as the noses on our faces.

What we are 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 to have are Constitutional 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 against the violation of our natural rights.

The apparent failure to understand this -- both what those natural rights are and how the Constitution (as sworn to by elected members of the crime syndicate) allegedly protects us against its depredations are what brought us to this point.

How does one defend against that which is not understood to be a violation of the Natural Law and natural rights? You can't. Thus, the majority in the nation founded upon those ideals caved to the most egregious crime against their humanity -- and natural rights -- in that nation's history.

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I Love ya, Jon, and know what you're trying to convey...in this lower energy state most humans choose to turn to. Taking the Glory Gloves off, though, Trump is nothing more than another bought and blackmailed puppet, dancing as fast as his controllers dictate.

Bless your heart for circling the wagons of rightness, in the dust and fog of this dream few wake up from. Inner Peace.

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They want to make things worse so that they can bring in the Great Reset. Where I am there are barely any eggs on the shelves because chickens have the flu or something. It is just one dumb thing after the other. I can't imagine anyone in high office wanting to make things better.

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Good idea in terms of winning the election.

But JD Vance is still a bad guy.

Suggest dropping the "czar" title:

The KAMAL is being attacked as the no-show border czar.

So bad connotation with the title "czar."

And "czar" always sounds to me like the head of a program expected to fail -

kind of a desperate title that bellies reality

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Why does Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota look like and remind me of Don Rickles the dead comedian? Perfect match team for Kackling Kamala and the jokes are on Americans…

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Trump merely needs to be sentient - then the election is won ! Lol

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So we are pretending that this election will be fair & honest? May I ask what has changed since the 2020 theatre "election" selection? Without paper ballots, paper trail, and multi-layers of voting result audits, the speculation of winning or losing is foolish. The script is already written and we are just watching the performance.

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The exercise assumes the election will be honest enough for a Trump landslide to prevail.

That's the working hypothesis.

Although not on-point, I agree with the substance of your comment.

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I'm about to burst into tears again as I'm being bounced around electric companies, promising me a lower rate while they are gouging me to death. I have a $1100 mortgage for a 900 sq' house, air conditioning set at 75 which covers 3 of my 6 rooms only, the other 3 have no heat or air. In those 3 I use window fans to exhaust during this 90 degree summer.

Now picture this: No electric water heater, no electric stove or heat, no clothes dryer, no microwave, no curling iron or hair blower, TV on 5 hours a day and no lights other than 15watt night lights during the summer. My electric bill is $550 a month.

When Putin came to power he gathered all these blood suckers together and asked them to justify this massive increase in utility prices the people were burdening. They tap danced around him and he saw right thru their bullshit and made them bring these costs down to a livable level for struggling people. And he's a dictator right?

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Might I suggest checking your electric meter outside to make sure the reading matches what the electric company tells you. If not, they might be trying to take advantage of you because of your age ( I don’t mean any disrespect). Get a neighbor you trust to try and determine why your bill is so high.

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No offense taken, I assure you. That did enter my mind and will demand that my meter be checked in person. I don't know if I have a smart meter, and if so, have no doubt that they can control that if I do. They latched onto me 2 years ago when I was paying 150 during the year and 175-200 during the summer. Now I can't get back. My utilities are now equal to my mortgage when 2 years ago they were half that.

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You should also check the meter on the date they claim to check it. They might do it remotely. But ask what date that will be. The smart meters I believe are digital. The others you can see a small dial or wheel turning, and numbers moving slowly. You and at least one other person should take a picture of the meter on that date, and include a date on the photo. Good luck.

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How does this idea factor in at the point when the chaos and confusion explodes when enough people see that the narrative of an assassination attempt was staged with Trump winning an emmy for his leading role? It might then be an appropriate time to scrap the monstrous machine that is the federal government, and get to work on reimagining how it might actually have some practical application.

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CZARS...the invention of a communist regime or pre-communist Russian regimes. We do not need no stinking CZARS. If you are looking for some honcho from government to lead you to the promised land, you are already lost and beyond hope. The last 5,000 years of silly oppressive governments can attest to that. Trump will be just another of the many oligarchs that have taken power in the US since the first Civil War. That is if he survives the election.

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I happen to agree with you, Jon. Some commentary today don't seem to see with open eyes or ears. They still fall for the Bobby Jr issue. He will only help is democrats which he is one of. Do your research. As far as us saving ourselves the ONLY way will be for EACH of us to change our ways and follow the LORD GOD. Put HIM in first place, admit our sins and personal responsibility in this and repent and ask forgiveness. Search HIS truths and THEN HE will HEAL our land. The ego of "ourselves above GOD" must change. Stop worshipping those other idols including your ego, money, fame, power, sports, movies, people, etc. WE are ALL created equal.

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This exercise assumes the election will be honest enough for a Trump landslide to prevail.

That's the working hypothesis.

Whether the hypothesis is correct or not is another matter - and not on-point.

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You're posturing, and you have zero credibility in this space. Trump and Vance will stay loyal to their donors, and as Trump proved in his first term, he'll buckle to their demands. Boo. Get off the stage.

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Brilliant. "It's the economy, stupid!"

Funny how all the extraneous bullshit falls to the side once the foundation of Maslow's pyramid gets screwed with.

Otoh, rising inflation will fix some of the excesses we have become accustomed to.

Ex: rising costs could potentially reduce Americans' waistlines. Provided they choose NUTRITIOUS foods rather than the knee- jerk response of buying "cheap" processed foods that neither nourish nor satisfy.

Yeah, that one's a long shot,I suppose.

And while CO2 appears to be a ruse or at best a misdirect, we ARE poisoning the planet with much of what we produce and buy, and we're creating an EXTRAORDINARY amount of waste in the process.

Much like those who believe milk and vegetables come from "the store," not many people thinking about what becomes of the waste that the big trucks haul away.

Heck, maybe we'll start reusing, repurposing, and recycling more.

Seems a better route than finding more "waste management" holes to dig, or exporting our trash to some "faraway country" in the foolish belief that it won't come back to heading us.

Now that I think of it, in light of the fact that "woke" is seeing a backlash and DEI positions are being cut at major companies, perhaps a KH victory would completely nuke those movements, much like the covid insanity got more people to question the medical cabal, and The Science♧.

All that to say, while I do have a preference, I don't really care how this election turns out.

I'll find a means to spin it my way.

Same as it ever was...

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Vance is Peter Thiel's guy.

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Meritorious suggestion, Jon.

From the beach....


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