Tucker’s interview was light years more entertaining and enlightening than this essay.😑

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And who else in the West other than Carlson has had the courage and tenacity to pursue the opportunity to interview Putin?

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I thought Tucker did a decent job with Putin.. there were several fascinating facts that came out regarding NATO and Russia's attempt to join.. and of course the US blew up NordStream .. The US Military Industrial/Financial complex has been in complete control of US Foreign policy for the last 140 yrs.. completely out of control.. Even after President Eisenhower warned us the American War Machine continue to grow as if on steroids.. Today we are BOMBING in the Middle East and Africa and Ukraine.. The US/NATO shoved Ukraine into this war and sent Boris to nix the treaty Zelenskyy had already signed.. to KEEP IT GOING.. The US can stop this war by cutting off all military aid to Ukraine permanently.. I am not a fan of Putin anymore than a fan of the US military/financial industrial complex... They are both reprehensible...

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That’s not how it works. The banksters love war because it’s the most profitable business on earth. They love the process of blowing up people and their communities and making money off of rebuilding them when they decide.

The banksters decide when war ends, and it seems to end when they have crafted new invasions to keep the money rolling in.

People are just play things to them.

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It turned out that, contrary to his claim, Mr. Rappoport DID need the thousand year history lesson. Some things in the interview triggered Mr. Rappoport, and instead of telling us about that, he launched an attack at Mr. Putin. Shabby.

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Indeed so! I am very surprised and yes, disappointed with Jon's surface scratching and silly whiffles at Putin, who didn't waste this huge - one-and-only opportunity to reach a wider American and world audience, and tell the U.S (which he calls the boogeyman) and the whole west, straight in their face, and in no unclear terms, what aggressive stupidities they are up to. And Carlson's (although hesitant) response? That Putin's description of American self-deceit is 'fair'. But despite that, Carlsson has the audacity to picture China as the most dangerous, aggressive colonial power! Is he deaf and blind? I live in the UK, and from a distance questioning more and more this distorted American mind-set, that China is the big boogeyman. The U.S. have over 900 military bases around the world. And China? You can count them on the fingers of your left hand!

Don't you have more interesting things to say about this interview, Jon???

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It kinda looks like the US is the boogeyman. Not Russia. Not China. Who else goes all around the world and starts wars everywhere? I wish all American soldiers could come home.

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That's becoming clearer each day to the American people who still have some open-mindedness, but it's like finding out the Lone Ranger or Superman was a pedophile gangster in reality instead of a hero for justice. It's a tough pill to swallow, but we have to take our medicine to get well again.

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Hi Walden and Explorer,

In general I share your concerns and disappointment with jon. Do you remember Megan Kelly's interview with Putin. Worth a look. I plan to look at it again.

Link: https://youtu.be/zmM9c5GkUxk

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It took guts which both Carlson and Putin displayed. Carlson had more to loose...Mr. Putin's gain , perhaps the timing to his upcoming election and exposure to US populations. Russia is portrayed

poorly in the US. It has been said the old guard in Russia isn't as patient. No, I don't rest

easily at night as war challenges continue and thousands of migrants cross our borders. We're loosing our country ....

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Okay, so tell us, Jon, I'm curious, WHICH western mainstrem media channels would broadcast that Putin speech and not distort the whole message?

And oh, wasn't there a peace treaty already signed by both parts in Istanbul? And do you know why Boris Johnson succeeded smashing the peace into pieces?

What exactly is your message to Mr Putin?

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As of this morning, the Tucker-Putin interview has been viewed 177 Million times on X. Factor in the millions that watched Tucker’s website or through shares and watch parties and the number is already over 200 million views… in 36 hours!

It takes Fox and CNN 200 DAYS to make the same impression with their evening news.

Here are just a few of the “Conspiracies” that Putin dropped on 200 million viewers:

* The CIA, the elites and the ruling class controls US Presidents and can override any decision made by POTUS

*The CIA blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. And he’s got proof.

*The US (CIA) was responsible for the 2014 Color Revolution that overthrow the elected Ukrainian Government and has been actively interfering in elections there since 2008.

*The Nazi ideology lives on in the West.

*The US is essentially a Propaganda factory.

*The United States controls the war of propaganda.

* Russia is operating in Ukraine to stop the war that the CIA already started in 2014 and Ukraine is being run by NEO NAZIS

*The US is trying to “intimidate their population with an imaginary Russian threat”.

the MSM is beyond apoplectic. Google “Putin Interview” and read the hilarious headlines.

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These are not conspiracies. They are Just The Facts.

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Tina, of course they are not conspiracies, I was being sarcastic. Mr. Putin was waking up the “normies”, it was a brilliant interview.

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The CIA will be responsible for all the propaganda as well (see Operation: Mockingbird), so it's not really the US that Putin is blaming - it's the CIA. Which is who I'd imagine any well-read US citizen would blame for everything as well. Back and to the left etc

PS I'm curious if you started the sentence after the one that ended with 'X' with 'Factor' on purpose.

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What we learned from the interview is that actually Putin is not able to communicate appropriately to a Western audience. We need 30 second sound-bites with catchy phrases. Not 2 hour history lessons that explain the background story. Actually CIA does a much better job stating "we are the good ones, they are evil". Every 3 year old understands this. It's sad to see that he is polite and assumes we are on the same intellectual level as he is, totally missing this opportunity. Neither Biden nor Scholz know anything about Kingis Khan, the Roman Empire or the fact that Ukraine has actually been ruled by Lithuanians and Poles in the past. For them, only the last 5 years at most count. They have already forgotten everything before that anyway.

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Hi Michael,

What you say is very true. Cell phones and TV do that. They shrink ones mind. I own a land line, never ever a cell phone. There is very good reasons for my choice.

There was a time when the US citizen had mental capacity to engage long involve debate. They stood out doors in the sun for hours listening to the Lincoln Douglas debate. No commercials just real debate.

Here is the link to the 99 page Debate.


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That's a good point. In 1970s Germany there was some "wannabe revolutionary" who organized student protests. That guy was shot later after some newspaper published lots of propaganda articles against him. I always believed he was immediately dead, and 20 years later I saw some old talk show, him sitting there alive (he later died from long term problems). Actually it was a debate between him and the "journalist" who wrote that evil stories. To make it short: The talk lasted 6 (!) hours, fully live televised, uncut, they asked the crew if they wanted to stay late into the night. It was very interesting that both man fully knew the arguments of the other and could also play the other role. Therefore they could come up with counter arguments even before the other would bring them. I was VERY surprised that such level of dialog actually existed once. It was not some "you are evil and why this guy shot me" blaming, or "you are an evil communist destroying our society", but a very good discussion on a high level about preferences, where both sides understood that one may weight the arguments differently and then come to different conclusions, but still could respect each other as very competent and knowledgable. Todays politicians in my view are rarely capable of getting their own arguments consistent and straight, and by no means able to truly understand and value the opposite argument. Many of our constitutions are written in a time that does not exist any more. Freedom of speech is a waste of time if those people don't know how to produce quality arguments. BTW, I bet Putin would have no problems acting e.g. as US president, because he knows not just his Russian part, but also how other countries argue.

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Hi again Michael,

>you are an evil communist destroying our society"

If our country was truly free, in mind, body and emotions, no one could destroy our society. But such a society would never allow the rampant greed and propaganda that flourishes in our country today. "Truth is like a LION" and so a people who grow up with the truth and live it.

I tend to agree that Putin could be president of the country. He would be able to do a far better job than what has been the case for the last 40+ years. Still as someone above pointed out accepts or empowers some of the agendas of WEF/UN and that is a cause for some concern

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Hi Michael, I am a westerner and thought Putin was good at communicating (to me). He was coherent and cogent enough and a great pleasure to listen to. Even if I don't approve of his great-reset compliance!

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Hi, I didn't want to offend anybody, but I think for 80+% of the audience his message was too complex. And: not actionable. Basically it's great that he's such a polite person who didn't even want to tell us what other leaders answered to him (Putin: ask themselves). But nobody does this or has the capability to do it, and next day those things are forgotten and out of the Western media cycle. Would be great if Tucker could follow up on those things. I guess he also learned a lot during those two hours and will be better prepared next time. My impression was that on some topics Tucker had his own very American views and maybe it helps him to rethink his expectations. For me it lacked the topic "reciprocity", which is a very strong (and by the way also Christian) one. What would the US say if Russia or China behaved like the US in Ukraine somewhere in South America? Remember the Cuban missile crisis in the 60s? Or if Russia or China wanted to impose their life style to US citizens? Wanna do the "shoe on the other foot" test? I think that idea could help lots of people to better understand the problem and also accept possible solutions (we should stop interfering in their countries and have more respect, less arrogance). In short: live happily together with our societies, isolate the warmongers and send them away so that they cannot cause any damage.

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Yeah, I noticed that too, Putin is NOT going to behave like our trash talking out of control western"diplomats" & "leaders". Hes kinda got them out classed.

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Jon, I think you're brilliant, the sober sage superior of Hunter Thompson but. . . I don't think you and I watched the same interview. ❤🇺🇸 ❓❓

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I heard a fake transcript was released and it was basically a lot different from what was said in the interview.

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I'm sure the transcript is available at Tuckers website

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Mr Putin, six months ago the Murkins bombed thir own peole in Hawaii with DEWs. Flattened a whole town in an afternoon. Probaly because the peeps had dreams of self-determination. How are things going in Chechnya?

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I find myself not interested into getting sucked into this interview. Surprising that it took place yes. Inquirer inquiring Putin. Allowed. Offer accepted. Tucker on the move. Putin flexin. The crowd goes wild. Who dies today? Who dies tomorrow? Who's or what's the next attention grabber? Oh but I should be interested. What's wrong with me? Opportunity of a lifetime to make more sense of world dynamics.

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> Are you the President or the absolute President?”

REPLY: In the US the absolute president is chosen from the selection pool. So the real power never changes here either. Honesty on your part would point this out.

Putin's approval in Russia is very high, that is why he is being re-elected time and again.

Fine you give excuses for Biden. I am just sick of the presidential selection process. Is it true that Biden and Trump are the very best people for the presidency we the people can choose from? Certainly they have the financial backing. But money should not be what determines who is elected.

Putin also takes direct questions when he hold a yearly meeting where anyone in Russia ( from Europe to furthest Siberia on the Pacific Coast) can ask questions and it last for far more than 4 hours. He has been embarrassed a few times. So now the governors of each of the provinces must attend those meetings (via internet for most of them) to answer the specific question Putin doesn't know.

I have never seen a US president take a free for all question from any audience. So Putin impresses me with both his deep knowledge of Russia and the peoples needs and the fact that those issue brought up by the people to Putin get fixed. If not Putin will be in for a rough time the following year.

We have never had a president or an congress creature who has the stamina and depth of knowledge of the nation and the world that Putin has, or the guts to see problems brought to his attention by the citizens of Russia solved.

If you wish I can provide a time line on the Ukraine SMO/NATO events. I was totally confused by the US insisting on placing NATO in Ukraine when JFK was willing to go to Nuclear War against the USSR when Nikita Khrushchev intended to install missiles in Cuba. You remember the Cuban Missile Crisis.

What I learned is that both Ukraine and Gaza have something in common.


Please read


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Jon says,

"At one point, Putin said everybody knows the CIA blew up the Nord Stream pipeline. Tucker could have said: “In a court of law, could you prove that?”

Tucker could also have said, “Since no such court would hear the case, why don’t you just publish the proof for all the world to see? The detailed case against the CIA.” "

Actually Tucker DID say words to this effect. I am surprised that Jon missed this part of the interview. Maybe he was taking a break. Jon is usually so on-point with everything.

I think Putin has his reasons for not pushing out, daily, to a billion people, the truth about the Nordstream. Reasons that may not be apparent on the surface.

Personally I enjoyed the interview and, after having heard Hal Turner's prediction a few days prior, listening to Putin calmed me all the way down and now I am much happier. You don't want to know what Hal Turner said. I will never listen to that guy again.

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I have followed the whole SMO/NATO/US/UK/EU mess from the beginning. Russia (and China) do not have the control of or the reach of Western Media and Propaganda. Why would Putin try to put out the Russian take on Nord Stream when it would be swamped, manipulated, twisted etc by the Western Propaganda Media. Absolutely no reason to do that.

Putin gave the criteria any thinking person needs to determine who might have destroyed Nord Stream.

1) Motive

2) Means

Truth is very few countries have the means. The US gov has stated for years that it would stop Nord Stream. Some one did. Motive and Means gives a reasonable thinking person the probable perp.

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Tucker: From the history of Russia that you have told me, can you tell me what is a Russian?

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Sounds like a huge kindergarden party in the comments here. All of you, exept Jon. You were « entertained »? You were « interested »? You like small talkers don't you? Because this is what Putin is. An intelligent leader would have end the Ukraine conflict AND the Palestine at the same time. Maybe this is all you deserved thought : entertainement and interesting small talkers. Donbass is producing 300 000 tons of lithium a year. This is, between other reasons, why Putin invaded Ukraine. The other point you all miss is that there is no difference between Putin's rabbits easterners, and Biden's (or Donald's) little ducks westerners. The big corporates are just having a face lift, but now, the technocrats wants the milice aided by the techs to established their digital nightmare, the open sky digital concentration camp. They all agree on that. SDG bullshit. Climate scam. Green energy. Taxes on carbon, a renewable resource making the earth florish. Thay want to kill and imprisoned the free people, they are confiscating the land, they put the dissidents patriots in jail, and overall, they want the absolute control of all the resources. This is what the « rulers » wants, in every country. Russia doesn't need military bases : the US bases are serving them too in that slavshitshow confusion of all shitshows.

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Carlson was petrified of Putin, Mr. Rappaport. I would have been too. Strip searched several times, surrounded by heavies in the shadows throughout the interview, and I wouldn’t call Putin the avuncular type. Thank you for your essay, though. You are quite correct.

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WoW pass the pipe❗

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I didn't see it that way. I thought Tucker was under prepared. I've watched Putin's UN addresses for 30 years--no difference. He is a most consistent leader. Not much reason for Tucker to have expected sound-bite answers, and American impatience was in full display. All that said, you and Tucker great; thank you.

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