Two fantastic innovations that will do more for the US economy...
Than the total sum of all government employees quitting their jobs; And simply requires men with brains, courage, imagination, and balls of steel
If you’re a government employee with love for your boss, stop reading, turn around, and watch television.
If you’re a radical environmentalist, FUCK OFF.
Keep digging for roots and tubers and munch on your storage supply of tofu.
As I’ve been writing, the US economy is in much bigger trouble than conventional critics or unconventional critics are willing to admit.
If you look at 3 of the biggest employers in America—government, the medical/pharma industry, and the defense industry—all predatory—you realize the nation creates an astounding number of MIDDLE CLASS earners in these corrupt sectors.
So resuscitating the middle class (the stated goal of many economists and political candidates)—if you care about a thing called human life and survival—isn’t an easy fix or a one-stop shop. Far from it. Middle class prosperity and corruption are both baked into the economy.
For one thing, we need new major industries. In the private sector. Not as “public-private partnerships.” Not government-run.
We need men with great courage and vision to head up these new industries. If we found the men, they would—as a side effect—spur other entrepreneurs to build their own new non-corrupt and highly positive companies.
ONE: DESALINATION. A monster project which has been in the courts, wrapped up in red tape and ceaseless attacks of wormy environmentalists for decades. Understand: these particular tree huggers are far more than tree huggers. They HATE with a white hot fury ANY technical fix for any environmental problem. They want the collapse of modern society. Period.
Desalination factories off the west coast (or any coast) would turn ocean water into usable water—and then pipelines would carry it to all states which have serious drought problems.
BAM. A very real problem, and a real solution. The very sequence politicians hate. Because they make their money and careers holding on to problems and offering endless bullshit promises.
Imagine it. No more drought problems in the Southwest. The rebirth of the Colorado River, from which thirsty states have been grabbing water for decades.
Desalination is a fact. Not a theory. It works. There are at least a hundred plants operating across the planet.
It would be a huge industry. Employing many Americans. Americans earning enough to be middle class. Doing something useful. Highly useful.
And yes, launching this industry would entail going up against a formidable array of enemies. But so what? What’s enduringly worthwhile that doesn’t mean you have a war on your hands?
TWO: WATER TURBINE ENERGY. This is an industry which can serve the whole world. The technology is established. It can be updated and improved.
Basically, if you spin a wheel, you can create electricity. Water turbines are small for rivers; and huge for ocean tides. (Further reading, here)
There are companies, right now, who sell river turbines. They could gear up and sell hundreds of thousands or millions. The ocean turbines work well along coastlines where the high and low tides hit extremes.
Critics (who are basically clueless or biased in favor of nuclear or oil) talk about profit margins. They claim turbines don’t make a lot of money. Well, they would if an entrepreneur with the balls of Hercules started selling enough of them. Also, speaking of money and profits, these critics conveniently omit the fact that oil and nuclear would have gone broke long ago, were it not for every kind of government-supplied loophole and subsidy under the sun.
Both of these above fantastic innovations need very strong, relentless promoters and PR people. To offset the armies of sold-out assholes who are PAID to want only oil or only nuclear or no energy at all (because the weather will kill us all off by next Thursday).
This isn’t a game for the timid. It isn’t a game for people seeking permission to do something new. It isn’t a game for men who fold up at the first sign of government pressure and opposition. It isn’t a game for I hope so or maybe.
I’m not writing this for people who believe all business and all entrepreneurs are corrupt and evil. Doing good and making money are not destined to be incompatible by fate or God. Or human nature. Greed-filled corruption is not an all-inclusive universal law.
Socialists and other brands of tyrants want to make us think business is inherently evil. Because they want their own business and power and evil to sit on top of society.
They recruit armies of self-styled losers. They tell them, “We can give you a rationale for losing. You see, all winning is a crime. We and you are different. We’re Jesus Christs walking the Earth. We only want the good and the beautiful…”
Meanwhile, all the water in the world is sitting there, waiting to be turned into pure water and energy for everyone; waiting for men who will make it happen. And deservedly profit.
These men aren’t a church and aren’t a government. And aren’t evil.
If they haven’t shown up (yet), it’s because they’ve allowed themselves to become pussified.
They need to step out of the shadows and reclaim their strength.
-- Jon Rappoport
Episode 54 of Rappoport Podcasts—“The War in Israel, Religions of War, and Insights of the Gnostics; War, war, and more war: ‘We must have it.’”—is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen to this podcast, go here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, go here.
[If you look at 3 of the biggest employers in America—government, the medical/pharma industry, and the defense industry]
Years ago, I attended a conference hosted at one of the regional feds- imagine that!
They predicted an improving economic forecast for the beleagured area because jobs were increasing-
In the health care industry.
I instantly thought of a concept I'd come across months earlier:
Govt and health care jobs don't really grow the economy, because they don't GENERATE anything of real value.
Right then and there, I realized that the economic decline would continue.
Years later, that's proven true.
Which is why your regular admonitions to develop [rediscover?] your creativity are so important.
Too many people bitching about what's wrong but not doing anything useful.
Too much effort parroting assigned talking points.
Too many people focused on FIXING things that can't be mended.
Too many artificial, arbitrary constraints taken as givens.
The best way to "fix" a byzantine, outdated, mindless institution isn't to fix it.
The solution is to build something NEW.
With an eye towards replacement.
Not repair.
I've been following you for years and this latest article REALLY struck a TONE... That I THINK you may HEAR as well. You offered two WATER innovations to help fix our economy.
I offer a THIRD.
our economy also has
Health Issues
Fuel Prices Rising
Food Shortages
WHAT IF... There was a technology that helped people seldom get sick, helped body's heal 3x faster, saved 50% fuel, make your OWN fuel and plants grow up to 10x FASTER?
There IS such a technology and it's MADE FROM WATER. I'm an inventor and a worldwide expert in Brown's Gas technology.
Brown's Gas is a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen and electrically expanded water (ExW). ExW is a negatively charged (electron rich) gaseous form of water (a cold plasma).
Brown's Gas can be made in every home that has access to water and electricity. It can help people heal from virtually every ailment known to man, be a catalyst to reduce fuel consumption by at least 25%, help food and medicine plants grow up to 10x faster and MUCH MORE.
Start here to learn more: