Thank you, Jon.

This reminded me of how my parents raised me, my mother in particular. I know she loved me more than life itself, but boy, did she ever hold me to account. Because she loved me. Because she knew when I fell short that I needed to know it, to have it called out, to have the moral lesson drilled once again. It was about me...but more importantly, it was about things more important...than me. Never mind the reasons or excuses...

I learned to hold myself to standards -- and admit when I fell short -- and then act to repair/repent.

I ended up being one of those people that appreciates when someone is called out or reminded of what they said -- and how they may be falling short or doing other than what they said. I see so many take personal offense instead of seeing the larger point of the point...beyond their emotional reaction to it. For example, what is the principle at stake here? What is the truth here? Never mind the reasons or excuses...

That's what you do, Jon, all the time, and I for one so appreciate it.

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And so do I.

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well said. If we don't keep them (the Trump Team) honest, who will?

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That’s a tall order, for the fact that they’re all dishonest.

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How, specifically, do we keep them honest?

He/They are under no obligation to do *anything* that they "promised".

We the people have zero recourse for this, other than "voting them out", in 4 years.

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Sadly, all true. However, there is some hope. Firstly, Trump’s new press secretary said Trump would keep all campaign promises. We’ll see. Secondly, Trump is talking about kicking MSM propagandists out of the White House Press briefings and putting in the independent press he did so well with in the election. While that’s great news for Freedom Lovers, those folks will ask Trump about keeping promises and expect real answers. Unlike the Doormat Propagandists Press that sold the “Biden is as sharp as a tack” and the “border is secure” lies for years.

Equally sad. Even if Trump keeps medical promises made during the campaign, he didn’t promise much on the Covid Gene-therapy Shots, so keeping his promises doesn’t mean much.

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Jon's words should be engraved in stone:



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Amen. What you are describing is the spiritual war between light and dark, truth and lies. It is the original sin of man and it lies in all of us. So when our brothers and sisters are bold in seeking to cut through this fallen word of lies, thievery and murder, they are seeking the light of truth and liberty and love. We are all a mirror to each other and our elected leaders are no different. We serve each other in our families and communities and work lives and our elected leaders serve us. They are knowingly or unknowingly being led by the touch of the Creator's spirit. So, they are to be encouraged and held to account on a narrow path the we who also seek these same things know all too well. Speak truth in love. Change the world, not by protest but by right action.

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Speaking of original sin...what kind of company would celebrate the devil's triumph over mankind by using the bitten apple for its logo?

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Fuck crApple foreva. Anyone who uses their overpriced spYphone, and spYpod, and spYmac, and spYOS software is just not keeping up with the seriousness of the game, and immediately loses at least 50% of their credibility on anything.

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I think you know 😈

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100% with ya! This is our chance to get this nation back from Big Brother.. especially the medical industrial complex.. time to blow it to pieces[nonviolently].. time to set the stage for Nuremberg 2...

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Constant vigilance.

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Yes I get it. But you know this is a game, and everyone is on the same side. And all the hammering does absolutely nothing, until the collective make different choices. And by stepping back and counting on someone out there, they win. And they know it. I just canceled my subscription for the second time. When you start to offer real solutions, then you may have my attention again. You are suppose to be the expert on how to exit the matrix and yet you speak of wars. Wars are the matrix. Freedom, Peace, Love are not part of the matrix. When the collective says no to the matrix and claims their freedom by saying NO AND living peacefully, with the vibration of love, the game is over. But you know that. And so do they. So all of you continue to speak war, chaos, fear. Wake up everyone and encourage others to do the same!

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I have been trying, unsuccessfully to share a comment. Don't know why it doesn't accept? Try this, one more time:

pk: Stated with Crystal Clear Clarity and Courage.


Please don't cancel. I get You.

I get IT.

You know Jon does.

Shine your bright light, on the Grander Good in each of us.

Imagine things/people as you wish them to Be, not as they seem. Thank You.

Sidebar: Are you into Neville?

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Yes love Neville and Holmes. Thank you for your reply.

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Are you using an Apple device? I have trouble with old ones.

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I can’t post comments since o updated my iPad, either.

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Matrix is another term for reality.

Collectivist paint their portrait of reality to purposely and deeply exploit everyone.

Doesn't this not automatically make me a "spiritual warrior?" in favor of what is individual freedom, peace and an honored freedom of expansion for everyone?

Is being a spiritual warrior against any evil a bad thing?

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The earth matrix is a human construct and by no means “reality”. We are divine spiritual beings creating a world that opposes our true divine nature. Getting out of the matrix means aligning with and manifesting our spiritual nature/truth, here, now. The words on Earth as it is in Heaven (our true spiritual nature) explain it best. Peace

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The earth is nothing more than created realty. Like. Don't like.

Higher and the lower realms are one is an illusion? Nope.

People create reality.

Some, the collectivist, create it to convince you that you have no power (and consequently when you subscribe to collectivism, they sypher your time, talent and treasure, your powers, while you under their influence, may not even know it) This is sometimes called mind control. They love mind control. They don't like others to be free.

So what reality will I create? That's the question. When I do so, will I, knowing there is no difference between Heaven and Earth, be termed a Warrior when I bring that Heaven to Earth? Yes is my answer. How I do it will Naturally be different from how you do it, because we aren't the same at all. That's the good news too. It's really neat-o if you think about it.

Other individuals are creating a collectivist world. They don't even know it. Can you believe that? They want something like, "Everyone must see it this way, only, or else."

Some do know know it. And they master it. And what is it? Imposition.

And they mean fuckin business. No foolin.

Being passive puts us, the ones of us that are awake and aware of our own unique capabilities and true powers to bridge our unique Heavens on Earth, on their side.

So I have to watch out for that one.

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I did not state that you had to create freedom, peace, love in the same way, since it’s the energetic vibration that makes them so! What I am saying is, if you don’t go within, you go without. Holding someone else to the fire keeps you in the game, the matrix. When the collective energetic vibrations rise to the energetic vibrations of freedom, peace, love, however individuals choose to do so, we align with the essence of our true nature, here (wherever here is) and now. #freedompeacelove

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"Whenever you hold someone else's feet to the fire, you are in the game" pk, spot on .

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I feel the Higher Frequency already! 💜 Thought creates.

I realize Jon's readership depends on the topics that draw their interest, and that pay his rent, etc. Perhaps we can speak for his alter 'ego', his Grander vision...? Worth not canceling?

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Respectfully, I thought his vision was truth.

“The truth does not require your participation to exist. Bullshit does.” Unknown Author

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Oh yeah now I see thank you.

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I often think that the Universe is just expressing itself in uncountable ways. What would be the point of the Universe to just make everything “perfect”, whatever that is. Maybe we are here to create experiences to add to the never ending story. It helps me stay a bit more sane this way (at times 😊).

I enjoy your posts.

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I just knew it🤗

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"You are supposed to be the expert on how to exit the matrix and yet you speak of wars. Wars are the matrix." I had the same thought, pk, when I read Jon's post.

I have loved Jon's work for years but I feel that the talk of even spiritual war - between good and evil (which I used to agree with not too long ago) is not the path to our ascension. My humble opinion.

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Yes! It’s all division! That’s the game!

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Mahvelous, Sir. Mahvelous.

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Onward... make the reality you want, live the reality you have and don't let up, for a second, on those mother fuckers that make bold claims and don't see things through....

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You said …IF we hold Trump and his team in a chamber of high heat and force them to do what they SAY they’re going to do.

That is a simple enough job to consistently do everyday. I think I can even remember it.

Excuse me for interrupting RFK Jr, why in the fuck did you drive that bus all over the fucking country and attract out all of those devastated, unheard Americans that have been seriously vaccine injured and parents of their own children that are dead from vaccines, scribbling their names on your bus?

To become the president of the USA? Or to get a great position with fellow Jewish leaders in politics?

I don't think that's what your true motivation is. Is it?! You are all about DEFENDING Children's Health from these established monsters. You know first hand what these organizations are planning to do to children and the rest of it. You, more than probably anyone on this planet. No? You're not that guy? Bullshit. You are that guy! You do want this to end.

And so do We. And We are massive and We expect you to follow through and help us stop this medical tyranny. That's right. Medical tyranny that will kill today, tomorrow and forever just like it's been recorded doing in its long past, if we don't begin today.

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Tough Optimism (Grown-up Tough Love)!!!

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Trump promises on record...now hear this as Trump will not keep most of his promises as you see he is not a "standard" politician who often seeks re-election and a lifetime career of flaunting and raping the citizen. Politicians will sometimes keep a few vote-buying promises.

What are you gonna do? Fire him and replace him with retardicans, Marxists and RINOs? He has you by the balls as there will be little recourse if he becomes a globalist controlled tyrant. I am not anti-Trump, just anti government.

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Exactly right.

These so called "agents", represent *no one* and have zero obligation to do anything they say. There are no methods in place to hold them accountable and they know it.

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I'm anti-bullshit. And all the hot air and bullshit promises that all these politicians make are endless. Get into power, stay in power, gain more power. That's their only goals.

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Love this optimism! As it should be. Keep going at 'em!

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Thanks Jon, The major problem is that nearly all of Donald Trump's cabinet picks are billionaire Zionists who will do the bidding of Israel, not the US. How a Congress that is supposed to represent US citizens can give a war criminal, Netanyahu, 58 standing ovations and then billions of tax payer's money to commit genocide is beyond comprehension.

Those that voted for Trump do not want war, they do not want hundreds of overseas military bases and they do not want to be complicit in genocide.

If Trump is to be taken seriously, his every waking moment should be to rebuild US infrastructure and turn the Overseas Offensive Military into a Home based Defensive Military. I doubt if the the MIC will co-operate.

How anyone can believe billionaires have any understanding of the ordinary working American and will act in their best interest is contrary to how they became billionaires. Having a cabinet full of them will only ensure further wealth transfer from the poor and working poor to the billionaires.

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Yes, the “father of the vaccine” cares deeply about Amerikans.


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Hear, hear, Jon.

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Fantastic approach, Jon! Sounds like the plan. Let's agitate more human beings...

We can't allow them to turn their postulates into Paroles, paroles...

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