Thank you for telling it like it is.

Looks like the backups have been deleted already. It's almost like they're afraid of Mr. Rappoport and his reporting...

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The links did not work for me either. I think this is the study though: https://medcraveonline.com/IJVV/new-quality-control-investigations-on-vaccines-micro--and-nanocontamination.html

Maybe see if you can open this one? Cheers :)

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Thank you Rocky. That worked. Cheers :)

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It's hard to share this because nearly everyone we know has submitted to the hoax. Apart from those who died suddenly minus autopsy whose family is still in denial, I believe it's beginning to dawn on many that they've made a big mistake. Out of the blue illnesses, major and life altering. I think they know and sharing this is rubbing salt in the wound. Some have suffered secretly out of pride. People planning a family are vulnerable. And yes this was forced because if you have car payments, a mortgage and 4 kids you have to keep your job. I'm rambling. It's like the death of a thousand cuts because it's also poisoning in food, air, water and Halloween candy. Rambling.

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Thanks for the outstanding reporting, Jon.

The archive links are valid - i.e. the pages load - but in both cases the pages are empty.

My hypothesis: this is intentional. Annual subscription to Jon's substack: $60. Enabling empire to monitor and sanitize: priceless.

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Yes. That's actually the first link in Jon's article.

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Why using ancestral strategies like building our skin's melanin, along with increasing oxygen absorption with sulfuric foods is a sound strategy in today's day and age:


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The last time I got a vaccine was when I was about 13 years old and my mother brought me to the doctor and made me do it. I had no clue. And I won’t be getting a vaccine ever again. Thank you Jon ….

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Has anyone figured out if it's possible to donate online? Here is what the English-language donation page says:


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“I’d like the heavy metal sandwich on rye, please." -- a tasty one!

Actually, it's understandable the eugenicists as Gates or Rockefeller are NOT interested in sponsoring such an enterprise, but what about the wealthy humans? Do they concur with the ongoing depopulation?

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Another exceptional piece of work Jon..! Thank you.! My heart goes out to these 2 TRUE Scientists Gatti and Montanari. They remind me of Judy Mikovits and her horrific journey being pursued by Big Pharma henchmen.. scary story.. they really tried to destroy her and her husbands lives... her lab robbed all research taken regarding AIDS, Judy got to see the REAL Fauchi Team up close and personal.... Yes indeed when your work threatens a Multi-Billion dollar Snake Oil industry like Vaccines.. Well you really bring out the Snakes...

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Excellent article. Thanks.

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Update: both URLs are now loading.

The article has a downloadable PDF, for anyone who wants an offline archive.

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Donated through PayPal.

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Jon, I discovered the study a time ago, myself, but nobody in Alt media would give it any traction even when I re-posted it during the Covid Event - Here it is from Sept on my new Substack - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/study-finds-most-vaccines-contaminated

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Heavy-duty reading.

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To donate, go to the "Projects" page, choose a project, and you can donate to that project using PayPal.


Tip: If you're a native English speaker, you can change the language setting of the site by clicking the little UK flag in the upper right.

Sheesh! You'd never learn that by reading their main "donations" page. I finally figured this out by following some clues in response to an email I sent. If they made that clearer on the main donations page, I bet they'd get more donations. If ever there were a worthy cause, this is it.

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You know when you've poked the State/Crony-Corporations hard when they send the IRS after you. Everything is a risk. I'm glad I took some injections before going to the Amazon but everyone has to weigh the risks vs rewards vs risk for themselves.

My complaint with vaccines is when the State makes them mandatory.

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Going through orientation before taking a contractor job overseas in 2010 they showed us the most sickening pictures of dead people broke out over their bodies what they claimed were people that would not take a vaccine They had tjem posted on the wall 24/7. I already knew about them and thought I was up to date. Nope I took them. And for about 4 miserable months I had what I thought was jet lag. I could barely even remember my name.

It was like lime disease or something. Very tired all the time. But I thought it was jet lag for years. Shit I was a fool. I'd rather not go now or take the risk. Never ever again will I take Any vaccine. I will learn alternativs like I have with the slew of natural anti biotics.

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Sean Garrisson: I agree with you. I'll never take another vaccine again. But if you do go to the tropics or some other stressful dangerous environment, I suggest getting the Gamma Globulin shot in the ass. It's a big needle and it hurts, but the jolt of white blood cells will help your immune system.

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Thanks I will keep that in mind.

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