You're right that Kennedy is dead as a candidate, although your reasoning is a few miles off. Kennedy took a major hit when he would not recognize the Israeli genocide of Gazans, instead choosing to heap praise on Israel's judicial system, for all its wonderous qualities. Take a look at Jimmy Dore's treatment of this, to see how the Progressive left wing processed it. Nope, Kennedy is finished because he implicitly supports the murder of mothers and babies of Arabic origins. Period. And, speaking of which, Mr. Rappoport, you yourself are eerily silent on that subject.

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Can confirm, Kennedy has gone from loved to borderline despised because of his bloodlust in Gaza.

Rappaport, who has a sharp pen, fails to carve truth from this situation also.

When I notice this pattern, I have a hard trusting the true authenticity of those I see this in.

Don't be afraid, Jon, take your cues from Norm Finklestein, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate and others.

Its OK to criticize Israel as a Jew. In fact, you are all Israel has left. The rest of the world is noticing.

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"eerily silent " - I wonder if the provocation will succeed...

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Excellent and correct analysis, showing your moral rectitude. I agree. But the main reason Mr. Kennedy has no chance to be elected, is because of the incredibly corrupt democratic communist party leadership, which is prohibiting the Democratic Party electorate from even being able to choose Mr. Kennedy. That is the real crime.

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Mr. Kennedy is crashing on the rock of the Israel-Palestine war. His uncle John had it right in his 1939 letter to his father, Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.

Mr. Kennedy ought to overhaul his position on the war align with his uncle John’s example in dealing with Israel, and then drill every day and night on vaccines. The CHD bus works, just as it worked for long shot Paul Wellstone in Minnesota in 1990. And Paul Wellstone won.

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Yes, it almost seems as if he is a Manchurian Candidate of sorts when questioned about Israel, his eyes glaze and he goes into his deranged Zionist rap.

I agree with Jon that his strategy should have been to hammer on the vax poisons relentlessly and that could be his worthy contribution to humanity instead of another failed presidential run. An opportunity lost…

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Listen to his discussion with Dave Smith last week. First thought, Kennedy had several Jewish dissenters he could have talked to, Norm Finklestein is at his level intellectually, if not passed it. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate are virtuosos on the subject. But he picks the comedian who moonlights as a socio/political commentator.

And then, Bobby Nuance who can parse corporate capture with elegance and intelligence responds as such:

Dave Smith, "Does Israel have undue influence on the US government?"

Seven seconds of silence go by.

Kennedy, "I dont know"

There you have it folks, all you need to know.

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Yep, that was awesome. Poor RFK, trying to defend the indefensible. I saw that Trump had a big $thing$ at Mar a Lago the other night. He had his new puppy, Vivek Ramalamadingdong tagging along. Vivek even got to make a little speech, following Trump's speech! Weird....nobody ever gets the last word, after Trump. That led to a lot of speculation that V will be Trump's running mate (assuming Trump's not in jail.) Vivek, signaling to all that he was on ''the team,'' was sporting the obligatory, Israeli-flag-blue necktie! See how they run!!

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I am posting this link, not because I support Kennedy, but because I think he said something worth noting about the Ukraine war and the money machine.

I am not sure I even want to vote in this election because we have clearly been shown how rigged they are. I have known that for decades, and I freely admit I spent most of my life in la la land thinking they were real.


The last part points to, but doesn’t name, who owns this country. If you don’t support those owners, you’re finished. If you criticize them, you can be persecuted and prosecuted. He never names them. That’s not only political suicide, it can be a “CIA suicide”. Follow the money.

The banksters control the world. Who are the banksters? In a feudal system, does the serf elect the lord of the manor?

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Bottom line, Trump can't continue to straddle the fence on Warp speed - he either admits failure, and owns it - or he ignores his mistake and it will go away.

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Poor electorate the choices are not up to par. Kennedy Trump Biden BiBi

I would say this guy Shiva is worth a look

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Feb 12·edited Feb 12

I actually like a lot of things about Dr. Shiva, but he would spend half of every public speaking opportunity telling us about his academic credentials and reminding us that he invented email.

I think he has more integrity than the rest of the candidates, but I am not sure he understands psychopaths and how they roll. He is more intelligent than most of them.

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Great article, particularly given that the Biden Dementia Report (mistakenly called the Hur Report) can have a profound impact on the election on the issue of the Death Shots. While Biden is running, both he and Trump are guilty as hell for the Covid Catastrophe. Neither can tell the truth about Covid Shots because they are both responsible. Since both are guilty, neither is substantially advantaged over the other. If Senile Sam ends up in the Great Ice Cream Pasture (with the appropriate Bidens' pardons), whoever the Democrats bring in will not have that mark of Covid on them like Trump does. In that case, Trump could well be desperate for some Operation Warped Science cover, particularly among the Independents and Independent-minded Republicans that know the truth about Covid and could very well determine the election. Bobby could be truly needed. At a minimum, Bobby would have the election season to preach his vaccine message. He will still end up in Mongolia, but as the great Richard Feynman said there were unknown treasures yet to be found in Mongolia. Even Mongolia has the internet and Bobby may still be able to get his message out from there.

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Trump and Kennedy should have an arm-wrestling contest. It would force Trump to become healthier.

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Ha ha!

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TRUMPand KARI LAKE for VP - Kennedy is a Massachusetts liberal. Big government guy. Clueless on economy. Don't fall for him.

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While I do not partake in this silly two party paradigm or have any sincere belief our electoral system has any integrity, and while I laugh at those, Jon included, who still believe there is some organic justice possible in the voting and campaigning system, I do agree Lake is Trumps best running mate.

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Brilliant as always. He could expand it to the rest of the demons in his book, which includes ‘treatments’ like AZT and Rundeathisnear. He has so much great content in his book that he could mesmerize any crowd for hours with the ghoulish news of the government-industry symbiote…and throw in some stats to boot.

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Why did RFK Jr. apologize for that JFK Suoer Bowl Ad? He allowed his relatives--a bunch of scientism cultists--to bash him. When the disgusting Bobby and Mark Shriver talk about "respect" for science what they really mean is we brook no dissent.

“My cousin’s Super Bowl ad used our uncle’s faces — and my mother’s,” wrote Bobby Shriver, a nephew of JFK. “She would be appalled by his deadly health care views.

“Respect for science, vaccines, health care equity were in her DNA.”

Mark Shriver then shared the post, writing: “I agree with my brother, simple as that.”

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Yes, sad but true your wise and realistic picture of Robert Kennedy Jr. After all the hard work and dedicated research he has done on exposing the vacs, Fauci, etc. you'd think he would be like a dog on a bone, to relentlessly champion his Quest, no matter what. It would seal his ultimate legacy! What is he thinking?! Why!? ( I'll get out of my bubble now...). Thanks again Jon.

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I don't fully understand how anyone knows someone doesn't have a chance, yet, but I do believe if he did hammer as you say, that would do something big. It's using the season to show the world this bubble has busted, which is supposedly what one is all about anyway.

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my prediction all along...

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That could be (that's if they can stay alive) the difference between success and failure for this country ! Kennedy over the FDA ,or tear it down and starting fresh ,and once and for all give back the lability to vaccine makers! And tear down the WHO's diabolical pandemic plans and Mr. Trump does what he does best , kick ass and take names! Those two together ,well, the sky's the limit , but them divided really seems counter productive and just crazy knowing what's on the line ... we all need to pray!

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