Jon is unapologetic, bold, direct, honest, energetic, thorough, thoughtful and brilliant. Plus, his intoxicating youthful exuberance an incredible achievement for a man his age , and is quite contagious, and extremely extremely rare. This is much more than I expect from other writers

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I appreciate your style and I like the exercise you give my intellect. Keep up the good work, thank you for all you do.

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Always look forward to read your writings!

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Jon opened my eyes years ago when I watched a video presentation on how narratives are engineered. This took place not long after the Sandy Hook psyop where he explained what has happened to truthful journalism. Since then I have urged others to tune in and learn. I don't know how successful this has been but like Jon I will keep on trying and praying - what else can we do.

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I feel that I know you even though I never had a face to face with you. You know yourself. You are an Individual. I appreciate and learn from you and your uniqueness. I’ve always thought you were a cool guy. Real as real can be.

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My favourite part of the day is reading your stuff Jon thanks

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I guess this is also why we keep reading you. Real is real.

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I consider Jon to be my main source of knowledge regarding everything PLANDEMIC.

His creative work is an inspiration to me. I've written over 40 songs about Medical Tyranny.

Here's one: POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Origin of mask-wearing zombies revealed in song!


BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-alternative-covid-narrative-handbook

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more.

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Brilliant. Thank you.

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Love your writing, Jon. Love that you're not afraid to write for the 'grown up' mind. And love your encouragement of using the imagination - the vehicle which lets one soar to heights otherwise unattainable. .

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Jon is right. For years I wanted to write sci-fiction novel. It was like a hunger pang that wouldn't go away. You feel the passion in you bones. And I started that journey. I would come home from work and get into writing and research for an hour or two. After getting it critiqued professionally I published it on my terms. It's not about money because if that's the main reason for writing then you'll never fully achieve that fulfillment that you initially sought. And after it's published you can say it's yours. And then move on to your next objective in the writing arena.

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Every person has a go to thing that causes them pleasure. For me it is writing. I have been doing this since as a young girl with my diaries. I have saved them all. So now having stumbled upon Jon Rappaport, I find his writing not only enjoyable but inspirational as well. Thanks Jon!!

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You're not just amazingly magically wonderfully gifted...you're the gift! xo

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You have certainly earned your acceptable ability to do satire, tho I feel some folks you can’t tell if that is the case and that can create a bad confusion… I put out a few parody pieces months ago, something you would probably appreciate…i would say though that as a whole they are not satire as much as they are mockery…

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Satire for the tin-can continuum.

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Thanks very much Jon, much appreciated. Out!

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