Jon, great point on the foreign naming of disease.

On a sidenote, in 1957, the Age of radar was launched, heaving millions of watts of microwave energy toward our skies. The Asian flu pandemic began in 1957.


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Even before that ... the "Flu" epidemic of 1918 ... was probably the map for the "Asian Flu" and is/was the model for the Covid Plandemic!!

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Can I love this a thousand times? I adore you Jon Rappoport. You keep me sane with your genius.

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Which is why I keep coming back here Jon. Nothing else out there even remotely doing what you're doing.

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I haven’t had a flu shot in 26 years, and I haven’t had the *flu* in 26 years. I tell this to people and get looks of astonishment, as if that wasn’t possible. But in some people, I then see a glimmer of putting together two plus two...

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2+2 = you must be crazy!!

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Gbill7: I've never had a flu shot but my wife did once. She got the flu two days later.

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Notice, it's called a "flu shot" not an "anti-flu shot"???

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very fine essay there Jon, TY

the evidence to keep away from shots for a plague virus

were evident in March 2020, for anyone with common sense

and some previous study of basic science.

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[One of the toughest addictions is a thought process that keeps adding up evidence long after the case is already proven. ]

Yeah. The COVID thing seems to never end because so many don't want it to.

[For decades and decades, people have been saying they want DIFFERENT. But do they?]

Whether it's favorite bedtime stories, the latest superhero flick, the new pop song with the same sound effects as the last dozen "hits", or Fast & Furious XVIII, it's pretty clear that most people want a rehash with -slightly- different window dressing.

Even then you'll have s significant number of folks pining for "the good old days."

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Robert: I miss the liberty I had in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. All gone...

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Gonna have to invent - or discover - new sources

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PS; And the Fed (Central Bank) has to be abolished perhaps most importantly of all.

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Agreed...however... abolishing the Fed would be like knocking down a termite column on your house's foundation!! It would accomplish nothing unless you dig down and eliminate the underground nest!!

The Fed is one of many visible columns leading to the nest of vermin where the money perverts live!!

It will be necessary to fumigate the entire network...starting(!) with the criminal central banking system here in the U.S. but extending to all the connected nests around the world (FBI, CIA, Pharma, BIS, CDC, WHO, UN, Bank of England, Rothschilds, WEF, etc.)

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WRE: True. Before 1913 there wasn't a central bank in the USA (there had been in the past but they had been dismantled). The USA also had sound money backed by gold and silver. The central bankers in Europe couldn't stand that. The USA was getting stronger every day. So in comes Woodrow Wilson, the FED, IRS, and the USA gets into WWI.

I don't know how to turn back the clock.

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"Turning back the clock" is not possible... nor is it desirable!! The solution is to help as many people as possible to realize they have been conned ... destroy the parasitic systems that have been enslaving them/us and help all of us to learn from that and build a better world going forward!!!

The 5D chess sting game that's going on right now is drawing the parasites out into the open and they are literally in panic mode!!!

Because the one man who has put himself up as the target has slipped every punch they've thrown!! They are losing and they know it!! And they know that "target" is not alone!!!

They are going to fight like the lunatics they are... more lockdowns, more fires, more food supply destruction, attempts to start WWIII, fake Alien invasions (per Werner von Braun)!!!

The next year and a half is going to be crazy!!! But, like with any nest of cornered rats...the exterminator will win!!!

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Robert: Sound money, no income tax, and free markets instead of crony capitalism. It would help to end the Empire and shrink government 50% or more.

But I don't see that happening without a collapse of the dollar=Empire and a revolutionary way of thinking by the people.

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Good luck with all that. You'll have hordes of opposition from those who benefit from the way things are.

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Robert: Read my last sentence again. None of these solutions will happen until the dollar collapses which will be the end of the Empire. We saw it happen to the Soviet Union.

The question is, "What replaces the Empire?"

Will the USA go back to being a free Republic?

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We should be doing what Russia has done with Putins leadership, paying off debt, building infrastructure, energy resources, since he came in at the end of the 1990s where 15 million Russians died of starvation after the collapse of the Soviet Union

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Excellent column, Jon! Much wisdom there to glean. It’s comforting to have this type of reassurance from a fellow traveler in this parallel outlier world we inhabit.

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Yup. It's like watching your kids, despite your best efforts - even keeping the younger ones away from the school system (though they did go to university...) - slide gradually from being able to slice right though nonsense like a hot sharp knife to listening to irrational insanities and believing them, while looking askance at me when I make the most obvious and straightforward statement of actual fact.

It's quite the feat to be able to withstand the incessant onslaught, and twisty little bits do manage to seep in through any tiny cracks, or even breathing pores, of my armour, so that I find myself forgetting there's nothing actually there. They make the language such that it's hard to talk about it (when you can get away with talking about it at all) without TGAs pinging up in the minds of listeners (and even speakers).

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My grandson was very dismissive of his father until he went to UMass in Amherst, Mass and discovered everything his father had been telling him about Leftist BS, was true!!

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That sounds like quite the place - sadly we found that the university the girls chose got funding from the Eco Health Alliance...

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😂 Jon, you’re the best! I’m so happy I found you.

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Brilliant as always. I have never believed in viruses. Just common sense. I never catch anything from someone else. The only time I got sick is when I was unhappy or stressed out due too much whatever..Nowadays , I believe nothing until I research it myself. I know propaganda when I encounter it.

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Demolition. Autophagy. Composting. Refactoring. Actively breaking down structures which have outlived their purposes. Still Life With Woodpecker. The career of an outlaw. Removing the matrices upon which disease attaches and grows. Bright green moss is attacking the roof. It will win the War.

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Thank you, Jon. You rock!!

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My proclivity for satirical responses, redemed.

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Reminds me of the three most profitable words in advertising... "Lather, Rinse, Repeat"!!

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New sanity. From the story that being passive makes one highly spiritual by as you put it melting into the cheezeglob.

From the story that the medical industry basically does no harm and is near holiness to the exact opposite.

From seeing where I am being AI predisposed to accept all of the rollout of the planned Technocratic death world be the language they speak.


So I finally started reading books Ive picked up like Sir Gawain and The Green Knight and feed myself with some freaking life!

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Ridicule is a useful tool. Too bad the targets don't get it.

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