We have to be extremely focused and mindful on where and who we're placing our energy- often we neglect ourselves and our health at the expense of hope in another.

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Personally I am beginning to feel a real con job is happening, and I am tired of it. Notice every time Trump gets arrested a big Hollywood production goes out along with send more money then rally’s and adds saying I am an innocent man!

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Jul 10, 2023·edited Jul 10, 2023

There is no POLITICAL Way out of this, if you mean by "Voting Better" or believing that there really is a Good Guy/Gal who won't pull the old BAit & Switcheroo once in office, be it Local, State or National. To push for RFKJr now shows what a blind spot people have in their wishful thinking. It's the same Playbook used by DJT in 2016 and his famous words to the America First Patriots of any political party: IF I CAN"T DO IT, NOBODY CAN! He didn't, and Jan62020 proves Nobody Can.

PS- If you live in a "Swing State" like I do, aboth Parties sold us out. MIchigulag, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, any one of those States could have made the difference in 2020 if their RINO State Legislatures weren't in on the Fix. I live in Michigulag and knew that Dominion and the Ground Game ensured that FJB never had to leave his basement to "win." This truly was a Coup d'Etat, but Mr. Operation Warp Speed sold us out.

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I do believe this is Jon's best podcast to date. Jon is right in his observation that one can't take on the swamp head on. It's too big. Starve it of money and complicity. Take back control at the local and the State level. I also admire and agree with his historical perspective. A historical context that is never taught in the public school system. And for good reason-The swamp doesn't want the serf's to know that they don't have to be serf's. The Swamp hates freedom, imagination, creativity and individual uniqueness. The swamp loves algorithm's and conformity. The swamp loves slavery and war. The swamp worships death. Starve these wretched, vile pricks out of existence. Keep spreading the faith Jon Rappoport.

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...a liberal deceiver, you've gotta be kidding me....KENNEDY IS PROBABLY OUR ONLY WAY OUT OF THIS MESS........

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