I don’t own a television or have WIFI in my home. Instead the cost for both is spread around paying various internet content providers like Jon. A win win situation.

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Jon provides tremendous value via his investigative reporting, criticism, punditry, satire, fiction and data analysis ….. all in coherent, entertaining and interesting style …. Alexander Pope - eat your heart out !

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What a beautiful message, Jon. Proud to be one of your paid subscribers. Keep up the great work.

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There are writers and there are writers but Jon is THE best.

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Brainwashing, indoctrination is all the masses know. Reality is a different story. Jon, you bring such joy to me with your imagination. When I want reality, I get that too. Thank you. $1.15 a day? I I had not broken it down. Gladly I will pay.

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$1.15 A WEEK rather. Approx. $0.16 a day.

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Oops. I'm not a math person. The way things are going, I better get better at it. But I won't give up Jon Rappoport's writing, or others worth reading.

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Jon, we are dinosaurs at the last edge of extinction. You and I may still have some vague idea of what principles, integrity and decency is. Or that working and telling the truth is the right way. But that model is gone. And you know that it’s gone because our self-appointed leaders teach us this by their examples.

You are right that releasing the “Free” demon was the starting point to bankrupt all values, tangible and other. We got so easily trained with it that we didn’t even notice how it will kill all markets and all jobs - except those held by the cult. I am not as optimistic as you. Writing for profit is gone. The worst preprogrammed content harvesting software (aka AI) is more productive than all writers combined. It lacks the analytical and cross-referencing skills (“connecting the dots”), but who will need it? Certainly not the leaders and not the media owners.

History is gone. We only have history rewriting. Once they digitize the archives and burn all paper publications, the new brave world. Sociology is gone. Social engineering is now the fun. Psychology is gone. Manipulation, PR, damage control and advertising are taking over. Medicine and law, you already know. The common denominator: short-term easily-changeable easily-sinkable tasks replace established values.

Substack is a great decoy on this way. Unfriendly to readers and authors alike, unfriendly to monetization, unfriendly to operate efficiently, with a crippled interface and extremely reduced formatting capacity some two decades old in design, with no proper search options, no saving options, no post to PDF printer, terrible for learning your readers from comments. As I see it, it is a honey trap to keep authors glued in one spot and make their content migration unbearable.

For the record: all so called platforms redirect all traffic from your name to the platform’s logo. You are no longer respected as www.jon-best-author.com - you have become merged into a heap of mixed-quality content. Every time you communicate with your readers, you advertise the platform (Substack, FB, YT, other…) - for free. They don’t pay you for it, don’t even mention it. And they can disappear all your work in an instant, nicely attributing it to software error or hacking or whatever. The platform has won over you. You are only a small cog, pretty much irrelevant next to 17,000 other authors in your field on the same platform…

No pessimism here. It’s just how things are being played these days.

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You make some good points. As for losing all your content when Substack has a glitch (intentional or otherwise) - save your work on your own computer! And back it up.

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I’d never risk creating posts (articles) directly on platforms. Waste of time due to limited editing capacity. So I write the complete article down to the last full stop, and then copy-paste it to the platform’s editor. This is the true “you get what you want to get”. Bonus: you have the “Complete Collected Works of Me and Myself” in a handy form :-)

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My opinion and writings are worth what people pay for them; zero. I'm fine with that. That way I owe the reader nothing.

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I think Jon deserves to be paid, so I sub. I doubt many people see my comments anywhere on SS anymore, because I've been writing about the US democide of 2020 & 2021, which killed a million extra US citizens, according to the official US data, which is being covered up everywhere. I'd love to find someone, anyone, on SS or elsewhere who has told their readers about it, in particular, the 500k excess deaths in 2020, pre-vax.

I recently published a book devoted solely to documenting the official US mortality numbers--the only book of its kind anywhere in the world, as far as I know. In a world driven by reason, every writer on SS who opines 'what really happened' during covid would know it cover-to-cover--or at least know what they can read for free online. Instead, they are busy concealing the mortality data and/or telling people it isn't worth looking at. https://www.virginiastoner.com/us-mortality-guide

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Jon or should you be called ' Thor'; for how hard you hit the nail again and again, with that thunderous hammer of your imagination.

Personally, as a writer struggling to grow a readership; many times I've had to dig deep far into my reserves of FAITH and DETERMINATION, to overcome dejection and to keep pursuing my own art.

I've reached a point where now I don't care anymore, I just write for me, no matter how little my work is read.

I write for the sheer thrill and electricity that surges through my veins, whenever I unleash something onto the page. I live as a writer as opposed to writing for a living. I can't even give my writing away for free.

It impresses me, that you have as a writer created and accomplished so much, without selling-out and betraying what makes you unique and alive. All the while forging a living through LIVING as a writer!

Thank you for your work!

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Jon, I figured this out a while ago.

I put my money where your mouth is..

and Ole..

and Ana Maria..

and Fetzer…

and Cowan…

and Stone…

and the Baileys…

The truth shall set us free…I pray..

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Yes, writers are wild horses alright, which I already wrote about in my story here: https://www.writepharmaparablepublishing.com/p/the-parable-of-breaking-the-horse but it seems they can be tamed for the right cowboy.

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The wild horses are gathered off the free range via attack helicopters: then are either auctioned off to be trained and domesticated to fit in to captivity with their new masters, while those who are not deemed salvageable are trucked across the border to slaughter.

The key is and has always been to STAY FREE.

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Thank you Jon. I love the way you break complex subjects down, making them easy to grasp.

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I'm afraid the seduction seeps into our linguistic confusion.

"Free" as the wind is not the same as "free" beer.

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"I wasn’t writing FOR readers. I was writing TO them."


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at $1.65 a week, you are a steal

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Boom! $1.15 a week!

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oops...figured for inflation...

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Lol! Yes!

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Good writing is an art. Even the artist needs to be paid, though. There is no shame to ask for a pay nor to be paid well.

Doing things primarily for money is not art. It is your choice. Choose well.

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