Thank you Jon Rappoport. And thank you Dr. Suzanne Humphries and others like her who bang the drum about vaccines and how they are nothing but bad business. Profits for big pharma and a way to keep you a customer of the medical cabal with ill health for life. I blame the allopathic medical doctors, particularly the pediatricians, who promote childhood vaccination. Some of us are well aware that vaccine mandates are devious, evil and plain stinking bullshit! If you haven't learned this after the last 3 years that NO vaccine is safe and effective or does what they tell you it does, then there isn't much hope for our children and grandchildren being jabbed from cradle to grave.

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Thankfully, there are more and more people digging into this dung pile. The world's premier expert on aluminum Professor Chris Exley PhD is on Substack, uncovering the connection between aluminium, Autism and Alzheimer's: https://substack.com/@drchristopherexley/

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Is there any hope for humanity? The compliance and complacency is beyond my comprehension and tolerance.

Just like in the days of smallpox, all the diseases they are inventing new vaxxes for are from the poisons they also make and carpet the environment with. But if you try to talk to folks about glyohosate or dioxins or flouride much less radioactive strontium or aerosolized nanotech you are a nutjob.

My beautiful young sweet Uncle died in 1980 from "AIDS" just before it was the cover of TIME- and my entire FAM has been captured ever since. Spent much of my professional career in the Alzheimer's world- all captured by Pharma and lies as well. Good people believing in fairy tales who won't consider reality.

Its lonely living in Truth, outside the Matrix. No friends out here...

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I used to feel the same, but lucky I had a couple of friends who believed the same as me, now we have the internet you will find many friends who think the same.

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You have us! 😍

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I am with you, Lucy! xx

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I feel the same way Lucy. xo

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Lucy Neo: Living in Truth is a lonely business but it is the only way to be a human being.

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Brevard County Florida administration just declared the Covid gene editing nanotechnology bio weapon as illegal and the MSM, big pharma and regulatory agencies guilty of fraud in their county, and has presented the evidence they found to Gov DeSantis’ grand jury investigating the toxic jab , in the hope the state will make the Covid jab ILLEGAL in state use ! There must be accountability ….

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Vaccines are beginning to appear to be nothing but a scam to fund the medical industrial complex even going back 100 or 200 years ago potentially

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Biggest scam ever, not beginning to be, always has been. Goes back to the very first one. Follow the money trail.

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And look into Pasteur who was a shill, narcissist and pleaser of the powers that be.

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vincent: Pasteur admitted on his deathbed that he was wrong and his opponent (I always forget this name) who promoted the Terroir Theory of disease was right.

Basically, keep the human body healthy and the immune system strong. No invasive procedures like vaccines.

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Yes. His opponent was Beuchamp

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vincent: Thanks. I remember Pasteur's opponent was French but Beuchamp's name is never mentioned in school.

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Everybody knows the predatory philanthropist "donating" money for jabs, he's the:

The Pied Piper of Pestilence

And he does his job so well

Just listen closely to his advice

To end up at the gates of hell

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I would argue even more so for the Military/National Security/Financial-Tech Complex as well. Fear of Death is the ultimate motivator. By controlling populations with a fake narrative of invisible bio-active particles that can kill you if you breath them in, even if you think you are healthy, is the ultimate control mind crime.

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The only thing vaccines are safe and effective for is keeping the pharma companies solvent and profitable. Now, with fake vaccines such as mRNA nano-particle filled substances, more and more people are dying on their vaccine crosses. Trust in the medical system can get you murdered.

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Excellent article. Many people believe anything a doctor tells them without question, critical thinking skills are in short supply! We must never forget or forgive the COVID “vaccine “ scandal and ensure the government can never get away with it again!

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"Ensure the government can never get away with it again"

How exactly do you propose we do that? This is a very old playbook and there are nothing BUT more of the same planned...what happens when the WHO IHT go into full force and effect later this year...for 192+ countries?

But even more to the point the article was eloquently and bluntly making the point that the majority are still on team injection as solution and NOT on team stop poisoning life.

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There is a lot you can do, James Roguski is doing all he can against the WHO's plan, follow his substack.

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Thanks I follow him closely. Not agreeing there is much at all we can do. Its Day Tapes "all in place". What the powerless want does not factor in to any of this. They simply don't care. Depopulation is the agenda, not helping humanity live a free and healthy life. Its pretty clear.

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If we were powerless they wouldn’t need so much propaganda and censorship

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Good point... Tennessee is implementing social reform... Karen Bracken writes the TN Citizens for State Sovereignty, a good “truth bomb” today... there is hope if we the people unite and break through this medical mafia injected populous apathy....

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Those are such a good points.

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I agree. Depop IS the powers that shouldn't be Agenda!

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I convinced six people who were not alert to the vaccine scam to stay away from the Covid shots. It wasn't easy and took time and repetition. They were frightened by the media. But, they waited and watched. Now they inform others and are on the journey to see all of it. We can do this, Lucy. Don't give up.

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wow.....i just checked out his facebook page. ..if he is not the epitome of the yankee terrorist army boy then i will go to the pictures..

strange he is so against the w.h.o. etc so vehemently but can't see the truth in the fact that the yanks are the biggest bunch of terrorists that god ever shovelled guts into and have literally destroyed every nation they have been to in the act of spreading 'freedom and democracy'. (Hell, mate....they even overthrew the Australian government of Gough Whitlam's in 1975 because he was against their yankee bully boy bullshit).

the world has had enough of it. the yank dollar is only backed by their.military.......it's pretty much fucked as we speak...worth about what..?...4 cents in reality.

good on James for bucking the w.h.o..

bad on james for therwise fucking the world.

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Yep pretty much every war USA is involved in, lots of money to be made from them. Australian Government has shadow Government based in the USA.

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I'm a kiwi, mate.(don't hold that against me...)..lived in Oz from age 12 to 30. Then returned to piwiland..were such a cool places then..

The yanks pretty much turned N.Z. into a 3rd world country when David Lange, the then P.M. in the 80's, told them to shove their uranium up their jacksies and banned nuclear warships from using N.Z. ports...

his quote was he could 'smell the uranium on their breath'...

Look at Oz and N.Z. now........fucked. Yeh, the Oz shadow government in USA is right.

N.Z. is now just the pedelite's playground. After Jack Ardern fucked the place for killbill and his cabal puppeteers , the next clown was even worse......

I sold up n fucked off to Sth America..........never goin back....

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Tragic NZ and OZ have been under the thumb for so long, and wrecked. Freedoms have been decimated, with laws, regulations and control taking over.

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It's a war for our minds, bodies and souls. I feel like I'm living in the movie The Invasion of the Body Snatchers!

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You can do like I did, don’t get the shots, keep traveling and going about your life. Find ways around authoritarian regimes.

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Lucy Neo; Never obey the government again.

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Right on, Lu, and may I add to the fairy tale- Loved the movie “Kill Bill”, very apropos here. We need a Uma heroine once again to mop up this mess.

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Ooohhh girl-on point!

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[I saw that bad water accounted for horrific chronic diarrhea, a killer. We have to clean up the water. But meanwhile, my anti-diarrheal vaccine will help.]

It's just goes to show how truly idiotic he is.

Diarrhea is the body's normal and natural response to investing contaminated water- to expel the contaminants.

His solution?

Bottle up those contaminants and keep them inside the body!

Fucking genius, isn't he?

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Give the creep some credit. He's really good at genocide.

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I couldn't hope to know what his intent is- it would be easy for someone like him to have a God / Messiah complex.

There's also a halo effect for people who've succeed to his degree.

Maybe he really thinks he's helping.

Or maybe he's a LOT less intelligent than his PR firm has presented in crafting his "legend."

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Lol, I think you may have stumbled on something in your initial comment, Robert. ''Investing contaminated water...'' It is highly feasible that Gates did invest in contaminated water, in order to make people very ill, and then sell them the vaccine cure! Anyone who's been paying attention should realize that Kill Gates is more likely to have a Satan complex, not ''God.'' As for intents, his words and works reveal them. ''I've made a 20:1 return on investment on vaccines.'' That was pre-''Covid!'' His barely containable glee whenever he spoke of the pain that the general public might suffer due to Covid protocols, particularly lockdowns and business failures was a revelation, also. And, of course, his TedTalk ''slips'' where he asserts that vaccines will help in the battle against unfettered population growth. He's ''helping'' alright....no ''maybe'' about it.

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Over 20 flights on the Lolita express. We shouldn't forget that his wife hauled ass as soon as this covid psy op started.

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Thank you Jon for putting that in writing again, I have never believed in vaccines, ever, and it is great that more are waking up and people like you, Del Bigtree, JFK jnr, and many many more are getting the message through. My son commented on vaccines, he simply said, what is our immune system for then? So glad he never got any, so sad so many are effected, in fact it makes me so angry what has been allowed to happen for so long, these criminals are all about the money, what a machine they have made, but no machine is industructable, we need to take it down.

Happy to report in Australia we have people turning away from the flu shots, statistics are showing very low uptake this year, so much so Queensland has made them free and pushing for national free shots.

Eat fruit ,leafy greens and wholefoods, they are my vaccines.

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The bs abounds. RFK and Del Bigtree still are (it seems) ensconced in the idea that there are viruses and are according to what I’ve read, wanting to get “safe vaccines “. WTF is a Safe vaccine ????

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Yes that is a shame they do say that, but I would say they do it to protect themselves in some way or they don't want to shock those who are still believers in "safe" vaccines and viruses that don't exist or cannot be tested for. I agree there is no such thing as a safe vaccine, only homeopathic preventive ones.

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Why do people feel the need to say shit to not “shock” Maybe people could use some strong shocks to wake up. drs Sam Bailey and Mark Bailey talk in depth about the fraudulent take that some “authorities “ speak of when they purport the need to find “safe” vaccines it’s a travesty and a huge mendacity

This is a sick war on men and women and children by psychopaths and technocrats

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Exactly, WW3 is about war on humanity, the people who are not privelaged and who think they are above everyone else.

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Sorry, might not make sense, what I mean is the war against the people not privelaged, those privelaged who think they are above everyone else are doing the attack.

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add stay hydrated, exercise and sunlight in moderation. And prepare for the worst.

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Let's go even further down that rabbit hole: there really isn't an "immune system". That too was a manufactured name to go along with the war-type of analogy that plays into the germ hypothesis. The lymphatic system is closer to what they say is the "immune system". It (lymph sys) is a filtration system that takes care of the heavier toxins in the blood.


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I think you are 100% correct there......

And more people need to get a rebounder .... or just excercise more..to get that lymph system really working...it is the body's sewer system.........

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Deep breathing techniques as with meditation invoke large diaphragmic contractions also moves the lymph along.

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vincent: You are parsing terms. Immune system, lymphatic system, same same.

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The term immune system has its origin in the germ hypothesis, so there is no "immune system", it's false.

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PS: Vincent, if you don't think germs/pathogens are real, go spend six months in the Amazon and see what happens.

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I didn't say they are not real. They do not CAUSE disease. they are there to help clean up your terrain.

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vincent: LOL! Well, those dysentery pathogens sure cleaned up my intestinal terrain in the Amazon. LOL.

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vincent: To me and most folks immune system means the body's natural defenses against pathogens. Who gives a damn where the term came from?

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The immune system is a fairy tale. Against pathogens. Right. The very things that actually cure diseases and cleans up the terrain is what you want to kill. Makes no sense.

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vincent: There are more bacterial cells in our body than our own. Mostly good bacteria in our guts that digests our food for us.

Bad bacteria that hurts us exists.

I'd rather avoid the bad bacteria. Antibiotics are hell to take. But they do save lives. I had a friend who almost died of Dengue Fever in Indonesia. Only a blood transfusion saved his life.

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Bacteria are pleomorphic, so they change shape according to what the terrain needs to get cleaned up. Bad bacteria is another fairy tale.

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The immune system is a fairy tale. Against pathogens. Right. The very things that actually cure diseases and cleans up the terrain is what you want to kill. Makes no sense.

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vincent: Then how do you explain pimples?

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Pimples are an outward expression (through the skin) of toxins the body is trying to get rid of. The body is brilliant. It will use all means possible to get rid of it so as not to cause harm to other parts of the body that would be in more danger of such substances. That is my understanding as to what happens.

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Your body's natural defense is BACTERIA. The very thing that allopathic medicine is against. Immune system is a fairy tale, created to go along with the germ hypothesis.

You're right. Most folks don't give a damn about finding out the truth when it conflicts with what they think they have known most of their life.

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vincent: Okay. I agree that clean water and good sanitation along with nutritious food and good shelter leads to better health. But the germs are gonna win someday. Bacterial infections were the #1 cause of human death for thousands of years.

Have you ever had a staff infection? I damn near died from one when I was 19.

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They don't "win", they do get overrun by poison though. In order for your bacteria to handle disease, one must limit as much as possible the intake of toxins. That means cleaner living.

It's the toxins. Bacteria feed on the toxins.

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Jon, please keep writing about the vaccine psychopathic industry and continue to expose the fraud. You have saved countless lives by examining and publishing the truth!

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Amen! When you look at it in those terms, how many lives that Jon has saved directly and indirectly, it's truly awesome!

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True story - I watched an interview of a woman who had managed to live to be 110. When interviewed and asked how she managed to stay in good health for so long she replied, "I don't go to the doctor, but if they take me I don't listen to them. If they give me any medicine to take, I don't take it". She was serious.

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Reminds me of when my brother, March 2020, texted me photos of of his very healthy and robust 3 month old Grandson. (Their whole family is very health conscious in terms of organic diet, nutrition, exercise, ''spirituality,'' etc, and it showed in this young toddler!) I replied, '' Give your daughter one piece of advice from me, please. 'Keep him away from the doctors. ' '' Crickets. By summer of '21, they were all covid vaxxed (I'm not sure about the toddler.) I still have a hard time believing it, after sending them dozens of articles which they ignored.

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“Some of them watch their children go crazy from the shots, suffering massive brain damage—and still these parents won’t admit what happened.” Yes! And then the parents feed the poor kids garbage processed food that makes the condition exponentially worse.

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Like the fake Doctor Peter Hotez.

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Diamond strength clarity Jon thank you 💎 💎💎🙏

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I’d be happy if you were King, Otherwise not a fan of Kings they long ago became something unintended. And punishing the vaccine storm troupers would be a great place to start as the madness is long from over.

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I like his If I Were President series on substack here.

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The PCR test was what got me. Fauci said it was a new disease that wasn't seen before, that it came from nature. What was the so called test looking for then? Nothing and everything.

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Always, great writing! I would like to comment on this statement, "No it won’t. The sick child, who is wasting away, has no immune system left. The vaccine won’t build up what isn’t there."

Who knows there is an immune system like an army? Who came up with that model (the same devious minds which took over the US medical system around 1913!) which is what the vaccine concept is supposedly strengthening?The entire model is wrong, completely wrong. Vaccines only poison. An already sick child dies more quickly from the poisons. R&D money is on how to manage the poisons so it is slow and targeted. These people behind this are evil, wealthy beyond understanding having already got their hands on most of the world's resources, and they are methodical and patient. They have an end goal. They need frontmen, drug pushers, suits, and, I appreciate Jon's tag, "the educated classes, who proudly wear their badges of science". End of story. Pharma is a cooperator. I have heard Bill Gates and other billionaire cronies referred to as "Chew Toys". Even they are not the masterminds behind this assault on humanity and will be thrown to the masses to be shredded if necessary for appeasement of those who still believe 'the science and in vaccines except perhaps the C19 one' hence the term "chew toy." Stop following and believing those who "proudly wear their badges of science."

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My mom likes to tell me about how I had a 'lazy eye' when I was a kid, yet she isn't willing to entertain where it came from. It 'fell out of the sky'.

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