What would Kennedy face, if he attacked vaccines AFTER confirmation?
The legal barriers, and the truth
(This is Part-3; for Part-2, go here)
If Kennedy is the new head of HHS when the dust clears, and IF he decides to go hammer and tongs against vaccines, what are his options?
He could try to reverse the 1986 law which protects vaccine companies from suits filed by people who have been injured by the injections.
That would take an act of Congress. Chances of success? Almost nil.
He could try to open up the confidential CDC database containing MANY verified instances of vaccine injuries—and make that whole trove public.
The HIPPA law prohibits this kind of unilateral action unmasking the database. Further, the data is gathered through cooperation between the CDC and major healthcare centers—and the terms of this partnership would have to be renegotiated first.
Chances of success? Almost nil.
Kennedy could try to cancel state regulations mandating certain childhood vaccines as requirements for attending school.
No chance. The individual states, not the federal government, control those mandates.
What’s left? I see only one option: