Thanks Jon. Clearly, our Congress does not have the authority to turn over our sovereignty by signing on to a "treaty". That is unconstitutional, imo. But of course, they will try. These traitors have abandoned their oath of office, and their allegiance to American citizens. They are part of the effort to destroy the USA, and usher in the NWO, the globalist agenda. America is in the way.

The W.H.O. is at the top of the list of corrupt lying organizations whose goals are anti-human. Add our CDC to the list.

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And I totally agree Jon, resistance to this tyranny resides with the State Governors, and We The People.

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All the Governors signed on to the Covid Scamdemic from the beginning and promoted the Jabs. Desantis is the only one that has called any of it into question, but never went far enough and alllowed the Ruse to fester so that people still are getting jabbed because their doctors are still telling them to do so.

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Very concise. Way to spell it out for them. And furthermore, it could be a blueprint to refer to whenever they just aint sure what's a going on around them or how to handle it. Now they would know what to do in every case.

Im looking for these types of Governors ect. I will not live by medical dictatorship. That will never float with me.

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::Standing applause::

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Brilliant - such a dangerous time! The WHO is the demonic force of humanity's enslavement and must be stopped!

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There are millions upon millions of patriots who will die in a pile of spent shell casings if the treacherous US Biden government decides to eliminate our sovereignty to the WHO tyranny…..

It is time for Congress to once and for all prove they are not highly-priced prostitutes ,and start leading and representing the will of the American people they PURPORT to represent .

Thank you Jon for an excellent inspirational article.

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DeSantis is just another Globalist Tool. Look Deep and he exposes himself.

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According to Sasha Latypova and Katherine, Congress has already abdicated their power. (Which is unconstitutional)

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Thank you, Jon.

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Just remember that Mr. Operation Warp Speed in 2020 brought the Medical Dictatorship down on America. The WHO Pandemic Treaty has been around for awhile, but this last one militarized our medical care for everybody without a single hearing about what was really going on-- if it were all legit, that would have happened, but like with HIV/AIDS, Ebola, Bird Flu, Zika, all the BS Non-Cooties.. this Playbook needs to be outed as a War against HUmanity. Would anybody trust our US Senate to object to signing off this go around when there was not a whimper the last time. This is all a ploy for us all to bow to Baal.

No one died from SARS/Covid19 -- there is no SARS/Covid19, no approved test just eua tests, but there is definitely a killer treatment protocol. That hasn't changed from the get-go.

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Wow! Rappoport, you wrote exactly what I think, but you phrased it better than I ever could. Thank you!

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Katherine Watts

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I just listened to what Pam Popper from Make America Free Again has to say about the WHO and the filthy weasels who support them. https://rumble.com/v2ahlcm-commentary-about-the-proposed-who-treaty.html

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She has given up on our system. That is fine. Ive been told stuff like petitions don't work. I would believe that too. But I have seen since they can and do. Also, I have petitioned governors ect and even though they should know their own legal verbiage and obviously don't, they do reply to me, to show me they don't know the definitions in the bills they misunderstand and support. So that's another example where she is incorrect. That is not my experience completely. It is fine to take her positions and even prepare. I teeter on anarchism. But my position is, sure I could go as underground as possible, but there really is a shred of our Constitution that is worth whatever it takes to keep and respect. Which once it is gone gone, by federal overreach or WHO treaties, ect. then it is much further gone. Ultimately in my view, that is their goal, to kill America. Stock up sure, but giving in and not demanding anything now and by not focusing on what we still have, regardless of these trained American collectivist all around us, that seems like a bad idea. I say, focus on the Republic, win ground, then pick a favorite state because we know what they want, total control, we know they will always keep doing that, and if we go passive isn't that exactly what they would want?

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The Covid Planned Scamdemic was a dress rehearsal on the effectiveness of 24/7 Fearmongering by our "Trusted" Leaders & Experts. Thanks to Jon, there's no excuse for anyone to have stayed in the dark as this Hoax has been going on for 3+ years now. What is essential to know is that all National Governments who are "Member States" of WHO agree without question that once a Pandemic is declared, the Member States agree to do all the necessary actions as determined by WHO including 100% cooperation with the prescribed treatment protocols. Sound familiar? Remember the few African leaders who questioned the PCR test and the lack of healing treatments. Three or four of them are now dead "suddenly" -- Ventilators and Remsdvir were the only approved "treatments" and if you tried to use anything else as a doctor, you were set upon by the Hounds of Hell for deviating from the Protocol-- when enough people were hyped out of their minds by Lies upon Lies, and many died [unnecessarily], then the Killer Inoculates posing as "vaccines" were unleashed with disastrous effects, just as planned. Our Govts. sold us out and they'll do it again when another "pandemic" is declared. All I can say is: Don't cooperate. Shut off your TV. Go about your business like it's 2019.

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I am with you 100%. The days of the WHO, the UN and all other anti-sovereign agencies are finished. They just don't know it yet. The word in the prophetic world is that they are going down and down big time. I'm so looking forward to that wonderful day. Stand strong, America, our eagle will fly again.

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Brilliantly expressed! A blue print to be sent by each one of us « We the People » to every Governor and Senator in ALL of the States.

The demonic plans and agenda to enslave humanity MUST be STOPPED now! Thank you Mr. Rappoport for your inspiration and leadership.

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