If more people could read between the lines, they would understand what you're actually saying. Thank you, Jon, for telling a truth, in a round-about way. A TRUTH, that people who tell it, are punished by people who don't want it to be told.

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I am not going to “LIKE” this because at First you totally freaked me out Jon and then I thought hold up...this is Jon writing this .. it’s satire but sadly, If something like Chinese troops storming the Santa Monica beaches DID happen I wouldn’t be at all surprised. Hopefully the first one they would take out would be Newsom (you know...to dinner)

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I hear he has a standing reservation at the French Connection restaurant

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Reading “A Special Reader Contacts Me” flipped my mind on into comic book mode and I wondered what the artwork would look like in a comic book to support this potential choice offered in the form of satire. Then I quickly wrote an epilogue in my mind of this potential choice, and was thankful for the opportunity to view this potential in satire without picking it.

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IF I hadn't listened to your podcast about your satire, I would have been scratching my head.


But, it is all so very very serious isn't it.....Thanks Jon! You are a treasure.

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Never underestimate the power of the Schwartz.

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Why do I think I know something about anything. I had to look up Sinaloa. Amazing Jon you are a gift to humanity :) I could not stop laughing and *that* hasn't happened in many moons. I read this four times and plan to read it continuously, as therapy (for these "brain-cracking shifts of reality.")

I also, have the comment "My name is Li Po Schwartz. hahahahaha" (I heart Li Xiansheng) Thank you, THANK you, THANK YOU :) :)

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Since Li Po Schwartz Is such a common Chinese name, this satire had me going for a nanosecond L O L

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