Read the work of Andrew Vachss if you want to know more. He's an expert on it. In the US we never knew this was possible and I think we thought that if people came here and saw how things were done right, they'd do right too. But instead we let in monsters and demons, like Pandora's Box, but the guy whose motto was 'Hope' was weak. I always thought that 'hope' was a terrible payoff for the story even as a kid. I preferred the Hercules stories because he overcame monsters. He didn't have hope to fall back on. He had the minotaur and the hydra to fight, and everybody around him relied on hope. He relied on his half-god-like strength. When our ancestors came to the US they could not be nice. Even my gramma told me that when she was a kid, people were mean. But then again, child molesters could go their whole life not getting caught because of shame and secrecy. But how come life was safer? Because people were tougher. The child molester in her town eventually got realized and "dealt with." It came to this: There wasn't a proscribed answer. People watched and waited and then dealt with a problem when there was a way and a time.

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Thank you for the opportunity to state that HOPE is an effing useless call to arms. Its progenitor lied to us while we hoped for truth. How well did that work out for us?

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"It is that the exorcist towers above the poet and even the prophet; that the story between Cana and Calvary is one long war with demons. He understood better than a hundred poets the beauty of the flowers of the battle-field; but he came out to battle. And if most of his words mean anything they do mean that there is at our very feet, like a chasm concealed among flowers, an unfathomable evil."

—G.K. Chesterton


Thank you, Mr. Rappoport. I learned of you through a podcast several years ago with Mr. James Delingpole. I'm very grateful for the opportunity to learn through your writing, borne of considerable experience—and a burning and dogged desire (it seems to me) to find the truth (not unlike G.K. Chesterton, and who began his career in Art School).

I wsh you continued success in your vocational pursuits at this very challenging time in the Affairs of Men (to borrow Shakespeare's affecting phrase). Peace

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

WHAT HAPPENED? In Woodstock, New York there is a pharmacy called Village Apothecary which offers pharmaceuticals and natural medicines. The owner and pharmacist now calls himself "The Vaccinator". He very enthusiastically provided his services during the last few years.

Above the entrance there is a large American flag with these words in black and white inside the red, white and blue areas, "In our village all people are equal, love always wins, immigrants and refugees are welcome, disabilities are respected, women are in charge of their bodies, people & planet are valued over profit, diversity is celebrated."

The Woodstock generation helped create an opening in human consciousness and the idea of more possibilities than had previously been offered to most of humanity, but those ideals seem to have been steered in some directions that seem far from the original intentions and possibilities.

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Don’t like him using the term vaccinator. Does that mean he enthusiastically gives out jabs which are known to be more harmful than helpful? Or is it just sarcasm against the system?

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He was very proud of being the first and premier provider of the jabs in the whole area. I think he still believes he saved many lives and continues to promote them for old and young. I don't think you find what you are not looking for.

It was shocking and sobering that this would be the situation in this unique area of New York State which prides itself on appreciating nature and free thought.

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"Who would pay for these children? Slave owners, rapists, men who want to force the children to work for no pay"

Plus for medical experments and mind control developmens. Maybe some sadists for fun.

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This cannot be by accident - it has to be official US policy. And now the person whom Pres. Biden assigned as immigration czar is running for President. I worry that the whole country wil become fodder for the trafickers.

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Yes not by accident.

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It already is “fodder for the traffickers”…and the politicians. The entire government is in on this evil.

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These children are being taken for the purposes of the ruling elites abominations such as the harvesting of adrenaline for adrenochrome, for prostitution, and other atrocities. May the ruling elite all burn in hell for eternity.

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I have always had a problem with hope. It signifies inaction and capitulation. The thought that something or somebody else will rescue you from your plight. Biding one’s time is perfectly acceptable in a hamstring but waiting for a miracle is not.

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One of the great unspoken crimes against humanity. Too many people flooding the country facilitates it.

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