Did you notice the missing word? "cure"

The list consists of a large number of waffle words, words without real meaning, not defined by results, much less positive results, including: therapy, course of treatment, intervention, procedure, management.

It also includes medical treatments that can be forced on doctors and patients, like:

Protocol, Plan of Care, Care Plan, Medical Regiment, Medical Protocol, Medical Regimen,

Clinical Regimen. I did notice that "standard of care" and "vaccination" are missing from the list.

But there are no words that indicate cause and consequences, and no words that indicate a positive result, and no word that indicates a "cure". Modern medicine has many Standards of Care, even Standards of Euthanasia, but no standards of cure.

The word cure is missing from many medical dictionaries, and is not medically defined in any authoritative source (except for infectious diseases cured by a bureaucratically "approved treatment."


We don't need big words, we need to study one simple four letter word: cure. But today, anyone who claims any case of diseases "cured" a quack (cuack). Today, it is not technically possible to prove any case of non-infectious disease has been cure. It is not possible to prove that a case of any infectious disease - treated with a non-approved medical (alternative) product is cured. There are treatments for the common cold - but no cure. Hundreds of millions "RECOVERED" from COVID. Not one was "CURED."

to your health, tracy

Author: A New Theory of Cure (there is no "old" theory of cure.

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Thank you for pointing this out. I have often made comments that no drug “cures” anything when someone suggests going to a doctor to get a prescription for any ailment.

I challenged someone on this a while back, based upon my beliefs about the drug problem. I immediately looked into it to make sure I didn’t get it wrong. Well, obviously, you are right. Not a single drug “cures” anything. Actually, taking multiple drugs for any problem doesn’t cure anything, either, but a sicker patient brings in more payload for the medical cartel. Not even news.

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Get with the program Tracy, the medical system doesn’t cure anything ….. except good health ! Lol

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Not only that, they have wrapped up the rights to "cure" in corporate medical bureaucracies to endure no-one else can claim a cure even when they actually cure.

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Exactly my first thought. None of the terms mention the desired goal, the intention of returning to physical well-being, wich is represented by 'cure'. Instead, each of these terms in the list oozes what the real goal is: to make a financial profit.

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Yes. "treatment$" are "ongoing streams of billable services." Cures are an undesirable end to income streams.

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As well, there are grave doubts of infectious cases occurring at all. In studies using the scientific method ,nothing labelled an infectious germ has been shown to transfer from sick people to well people, making them sick.

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Personally, and in the theory of cure, infectious diseases exist. I've had infections and in one case almost died. But there is also clear evidence that some so-called infectious diseases - polio and HIV are the most obvious - are not infectious. This problem is most present in diseases purported to be caused by viruses - because viruses can't be seen. They make a perfect Boogie man to sell vaccines. And many diseases considered to be infectious like the common cold and influenza are clearly caused by poor health, and the infectious agent cannot cause the disease in healthy people. Our medical systems love infectious diseases, love blaming infectious agents because they can use then sell vaccines (that don't cure) and overdose antibiotics as a preventative (when there is no disease) - even if they don't exist.

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In fact, the word cure was hijacked by the criminal medical industry if I remember correctly. They can use it but you can not. ???

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If a person does not die after an "incurable" event, it is a random miracle! Nonetheless, talking about it goes against blah-blah-blah, in axis of the us/uk/eu. I do like the word protocol though. It was a great movie with Goldie Hawn. Salud!

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Yep. It's a miracle if you save someone's life, but it's not a cure...

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Notably missing from Chat's list are "Prescription" and "Doctor's orders".

I guess that would mean removing the velvet glove to expose the iron fist of authoritarianism.

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"Informed Consent" seems to be missing. Mr. Deagel may want to add a synonym that rhymes with Occupation Deduction---2025=USA TTL pop ~100,000,000.

Pray for Divine Intervention as this country increasingly embraces hedonism and narcissism. The "selfie" is a demonstration of this odd phenomenon.

It would never occur to me tho post a picture of myself online---besides, the world already knows what Cary Grant looked like.

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"It would never occur to me tho post a picture of myself online---besides, the world already knows what Cary Grant looked like."


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😹…damn he’s gorgeous! “An Affair to Remember”…I cry EVERY single time.

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How delightful, Jon! Your list far outshines ChatGPT’s pedestrian efforts.

I regard your own compendium as “Enhanced Veracity Terminology.”

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Well, we sprinkled a little magic fairy dust on him and voilà, he’s feeling like a million bucks. Who needs medical jargon when you’ve got drugs, right?

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A person I know of in (not-us) was asked what general he wanted as a general knock-out. He replied something he was pretty sure he could not get in us. He got it. Some docs in some places would like to know for sure an individual organic person knows he can survive a particular agent of change, if you get my drift.

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masterful article and insight! language poisoning is the main strategy

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Compliance (US). Adherence (UK). "Competing" interests rather than that nasty-sounding "conflicting" for those who think they can force "consensus."

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Jon, you would never cut it in the marketing department n administration of a major hospital system. My eyes would be popping out of my head If I was truthfully informed I was receiving a Finality Protocol

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Evidence-based medicine is the all-time winner.

It replaced fantasy-based guesswork, which was a great step for the doctors. Nothing changed in the system, but the threatening mood of the new name…

Still waiting for the upgrade to evidence-based medicinema.

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You lost me with Chat GPT.

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I had the same realization...treatment is not CURE. When you take your car to get the engine repaired you can get a treatment or get it actually repaired...put some oil treatment in the engine to restore compression or get the engine rebuilt...put some sawdust treatment into your differential to quiet the winning gears or get the gears replaced...Medicine and medical refer to treatments and not cures which is the use of words to con people in to thinking they're getting something of value.

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Good stuff, Jon!! I don't know whether to laugh or cry !! I do know...Dr. Jennifer Daniels wrote a small, definitive book about the fundamental underpinnings of the psychopaths at the helm of the "healthcare" cabal!! It's titled "The Lethal Dose" and is enlightening and frightening at the same time!!

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The thin blue line meets allopathic medicine. Watch Turfseer’s country music video GOOD COP BAD COP. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/good-cop-bad-cop

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