Growing up, going to the doctor meant something very serious was afoot -- a "major medical" event had occurred or was underway. Otherwise? No going to the doctor. Your mother, mostly, patched you up, got you through your sore throats or whatever else ailed you. No doctor.

As I grew into young womanhood, the shift had begun. Why, everyone needed to see "their doctor" for a regular "check-up." Especially women. Why, you girls, you just don't know what could be going on with all those parts. You need a white coat to pick and poke and prod because, well, you never know.

Well. I knew. I knew that God had designed and intended me for health and healing. That certainly excluded any of that horrific poking that women endure as part of their annual "physicals." Are you freakin' kidding me??

I determined that there was something deeply wrong with the white coats and the whole medical "system." I. Stopped. Going. Though I'd only had a handful of encounters on my own by my mid-20's, I stopped going. One of my more astute observations leading to one of my best decisions. Ever.

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It took me a little longer than you to stop going, but I did the same. They bullied me because I said no to their tests. Done with that crap.

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I have visited doctors over the near-40 years since that decision, but I could probably count those on one hand. The last time was 2017 following a severe back injury. Went to ER. OK...so nothing broken? OK...See ya. I'll figure out how to mend on my own. Thanks! ;) (Someone -- a physician's assistant? -- came into the room with a needle. What's that? "It'll make you feel better." I didn't ask you that. I asked you what it was...a "muscle relaxant." Yeah, no thanks. She left, and I never saw her again. LOL. I'd rather lay there dying in pain than have someone just stick me with something.)

Part of my reasoning way back when was this sense I had that these doctors did not -- could not -- believe in God and act the way they did. That was also off-putting to me. I felt way too uncomfortable being in the same room with someone who believed I was a "disease factory" just waiting for them to discover it. (Jon alluded to this, as well, in this piece.) Just too weird for me. Gives me the creeps.

I think this cohort's behavior throughout the conjob-19 has vindicated us all. (Not that I was looking for it.)

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Amazing people trust M.D.s. They are complete Quacks. Good for 1 percent of problem's…. Dire emergencies. The rest is all bullshit. People fucked up by the vaccines deserve the it.. but not the kids. For 40-100 years we have known ALL vaccines are poison . Unreal..

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Yes, though there are some conscientious doctors who have become integrative and are doing a much better job.

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For 20 years easily we have known vaccines are STRONGLY CORRELATED WITH AUTISM. Many chose not to study this, are lazy and accept the pharmaceutical propaganda and go to football games... etc..... So Trump just let them hurt themselves. He knew that the vaccines kill stupid people but had to promote because the stupid people want it.

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A medical- Fascist- totalitarian-Communist dictatorship. To be fair.

Rockefeller Petro-chemical-Alopathic-Pharmaceutical, [if you ain't sick,

we'll make you sick, brother.]. Then.......

....We'll set up the Federal Reserve Banking system. Wow. No gold, just Paper.

Oh - and why don't we have the peasants pay Income Tax, while we're at it.?!

Christ. What about the Bolshevik Revolution. Let's fund that too. [Fabulous scam].

And The Council for Foreign Relations: [if we're talking Socialist scams]?

Have a look at the whorish and egregious groups parading and strutting their stuff

under that umbrella of: nonpartisan Organisations [[[innocent and sweet, butter wouldn't

melt in their mouths, nothing to see here ..]]]

Fuck: it was an absolute horror show back then. It's deffo not improved any, recently,!!

Now: must remember to take my medication. Pop on a fresh muzzle. And, report my

Neighbour, [sure they've done something wrong, again, this week..].!!

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There is a candle in the darkness. Those who resist, think and choose to be healthy on their own terms. I am not getting on the boxcar.

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I feel like my 20s were absorbed by attempting to adhere to the list of "the things that you have to do." It was a huge list. Everything from insurance to retirement plans to "preventive" medicine. I felt bossed out of my life, actually. Finally I got to the point where I simply couldn't take it anymore and I quit my hellish life and dispensed with the list. Best decision I ever made. But I always wondered why is everyone so bossy? Why are there all these 'things' we have to do? People survived for thousands of years without doing these things. So can I...

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My take on the medical cartel has been a HUGE wake-up call for me. I lost my career after 23 years for non-CONvid compliance. I was sent home on my lunch break, never to return. March 1, 2021 was my last day.

I’ve had no vaccines or flu shots. Medical intervention should be for serious health issues that prevent you from functioning. I’m thankful for my hip replacement, and removal of a massive cancerous tumor from my abdomen. These were “life savers”. I believe God/Creator intervened.

I’m healthy, walk 5+ miles/day, get SUNSHINE, clean food/water.


STAY AWAY FROM DOCTORS (only for absolute necessity)!

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Some of this guidance may be constructive while other "must do" memes might best be considered grooming behavior.

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Yes! Remember the Franklin Planner? After using it (abusing myself by using it) for a couple of years, I finally said this sucks and tossed the entire thing in the trash.

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Yeah Day Planners were like pre cell phones if I remember…”things to do today “. Folks used to pack them around like they do cell phones, now there are incorporated into cell phones.

Don’t even have to write ‘em down anymore. Don’t use that feature either.

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Me either! I hate lists…I make them only when absolutely necessary.

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Same here. I figured the brain and memory is for that purpose. If it’s faulty, there’s a problem and/or a lack of use. The brain needs nutrients and exercise like any other part of our body.

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I didn’t know what the hell the Franklin Planner is. I learned something new🤣👍.

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😂you did NOT miss anything!

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I usta use that planner. Then the franklin/covey planner.

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Maybe you had a better experience 🤔

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I felt like a loser using that damn planner…never felt like I “got enough done” transferring to do items over and over and over! It felt so great to throw it away!

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You have to plan, to plan 😂.

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Our government relies on a poorly educated populace; those either unable or unwilling to think critically. They typically swallow government diktat hook line and sinker.

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It’s one of the most frustrating things I’ve witnessed in my 61 years. And, it’s a very lonely place to be.

I’m in Nature almost daily, and I have heart to heart conversations with God while I walk alone. It’s my “medicine”.

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Oh I thought it was you! Since covid, I can barely keep up with all the new recruits.!

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That's hook, line and syringe.

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Oct 18
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That's about it. The complete list of those whom seem honest in politics. Whew!

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There are no honest people in politics.

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If you were truly an honest person, you could never survive politics.

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Oh so true, Renee. The #1 aptitude and personality trait required to becoming a politician is the ability to Lie. Each of us can bear witness, especially the older we get, to how Liars and their Lies ruin lives.

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Wow, you are soooo right! It's so crystal clear. And the cherry on top , to quote you:

" (Fauci) is the pimple on the ass of Communism" !

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No. I haven't heard of Medical Communism until this cup of instant coffee this morning.

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I just heard about medical communism today drinking my vanilla high performance protein shake with banana and strawberry

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You don't mind if I reach through and get the rest you left in the blender thanks?

Not bad.

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Lol , It’s really good for you and it helps me with my athletic training performance , and to embrace the longevity that our great Jon Rappoport embodies…

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I can't imagine Jon relying on protein shakes for his longevity, but maybe he does. More likely his smoking and alcohol (just an impression I've got after watching and listening to him for a few years). I'd love to know what does keep him going so well, obviously, it's not the medical system.

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LOL…. good points ….

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I may have to look into that. Because when I opened the door this morning, I got a whiff of something that said something like if the consensus reality matrix is spinning so fast and so precise and so distracted by itself, mirroring what it thinks is Ultimate Reality, then it is there just for me when I need something out of it. Like some strawberries and bananas.

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Jon has been telling us about vaccines for 20 years.... people are lazy. It's called reading, studying.... reading ingredient labels... using your head. Not believing dumb authority figures.... like medical doctors..... they are trained monkeys to cut and drug you. They know nothing beyond this. I know I am a doctor! Medical doctors don't know shit unless is surgery, emergency care. They are some of the dumbest people on the planet. Literally. No common sense.... paid off white coats that now want to murder old people.

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Reading ingredient labels is useless since they fail to list many poisons in their drugs.

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Fauci will not be remembered. Don’t give him any more attention than that little rat bastard already has stolen.

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Bravo Mr. Rappoport for your back-to-back essays on how humankind is being driven into absolute, irrevocable birth-to- death enslavement via the Med Mafia.

If I may be so bold as to offer the following alternate to how They set the ultimate Trap...

Mr. and or Ms. Jones will never see a real doctor, let alone THE 'Pimple on the ass of communism' head honcho. There will only be Ai and The Cloud, Technicians, and Enforcers. No real doctors, nurses, hospitalists, lawyers, coders, judges, or jury.

Only Ai. And Ai's diagnosis and treatment will be final. Resistance will be futile. Enforcers at the ready to Enforce.

How do I know Ai is the force that seals The Joneses' fate in the Twilight Zone Med Mafia Distopia? Because I know the mind, the motivation and the will of the System Engineers building The Beast. THEY believe THEY are building Utopia.

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And while they build I decentralize.

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STELLAR Insight , jon - - no matter what 'costume' they put upon themselves & their 'projects' u present these little phonies to us as they really r . . . . Mon Dieu , has our existence now become a mere ' cos-play ' ??? ......blessings

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Interesting, after reading the article the medical industry does seem in the same vain as communistic ideology. Add in the social engineers and presto, instant understanding.

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As soon as “waking up” means learning that we live in a quantum universe their power ends. Is that why the big secret oh quantum computing so hard. ?

The test for it is so easy. Easy for me to say becuz of farming ag livestock decades of experience. Start easy. When the sun is rising yet the chem trail haze blocks it, with a heart full of love talk to the sun. Ask it to

Say hello or something. Watch what happens. It works with everything.

Quantum universe, heal me. ? That is huge but indeed it will if you get out of the way. Accept a little pain and incidents. It absolutely does it.

I finally discovered I was dying of thirst. For decades. But only tripped over the remedy for me recently. And typical, what happens? More opportunities that repeat early life incidents up for repair. Showing up in the funniest of ways. This universe is too fabulous to let trillionaire hopefuls destroy it!

Medicine is a temporary tool. Best to avoid which if you work for yourself you can do.

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Yes, spot on.

Though I will add that, in the process of the government creating and maintaining the medical cartel, it has made conventional medicine outrageously expensive.

So not only has it created disease, it has made conventional treatment unaffordable to many and thus the clamor for "universal" insurance, or fully socialized medicine (versus the mostly socialized medicine we suffer under today).

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A fair to middling satire.

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