(This is Part-9; for Part-10, go here; for Part-8, go here)
A $200-an-hour barber, lots of teeth, and doubling down on lies may not save him now.
The Golden Boy of California, the Hair-Apparent, is up against it. And he knows it. That’s why he recently begged Biden to come out and declare war against misinformation about the LA fires.
Gavin meant attacks on himself. That’s the so-called misinfo.
He’s set up to run for the Oval Office in 2028. Who else are the Dems going to pick? Kamala, the empty-headed laughing hyena? Tampon Tim, the Chinese Communist?
It was Gavin.
Then the fires came.
And it wasn’t just Trump who blamed him (Trump smelled blood right away and hammered on NewScum, as he calls the CA Governor):