(This is Part-10; for Part-11, go here; for Part-9, go here)
There’s a Smart City LA 2028 Report you can read.
I did. All the way through. It’s about the new city of LA on the drawing board.
It might be the biggest pile of gibberish I’ve ever seen. A team of drunken monkeys could have composed it.
ChatGPT could have produced a more cogent version in three seconds. At no salary.
The devil is in the details, but there are precious few in the report. It’s all digital this and digital that. A lot of the digital involves ‘better communication’ between public officials.
The devil is what sits behind the whole report.
I have no doubt the planners would like to build an AI surveillance and police state to replace the burned-out LA. It’s their kind of wet dream.
The question is, can they do it, by 2028, when the Olympics come to town? That’s a very practical question. It’s where the rubber meets the road. They want it by 2028, but is it possible?