I own and work a 100 acre farm. I have offered work to many people over the last 27 years. Not back breaking or dangerous work by any means. Fixing fences, pulling weeds, mowing, feeding horses, cleaning stalls, etc. All things that I do myself. I've always paid twice the minimum wage before it was anything close to survivable. Not one person has lasted more than a few months. Except for two people: a now 71 year old retired teacher and a now 78 year old retired gentleman. They show up on time and stay until the work is done...I limit them to a max of 4-6 hours per day, 4-5 days a week so they manage their energy and lives well. They have flexible hours/day always. Urban food farms require a very enthusiastic and inspirational leadership that can inspire young people to work with their bodies as well as their minds over the LONG term. As an eternal optimist I hold only the best outcomes for this, but be mindful of the effect of digital technology on the consciousness of the younger generations: separation from and ignorance of the natural world.

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"separation from and ignorance of the natural world" by accident or design?

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Of course we must stop acting as if we require permission from our public servants

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Most of our ‘public servants’ are public SERPENTS

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Maybe you could persuade the abominable gates to spend that $6 million he has plans to spend on cutting down trees to spend it on food. Just flirting with silliness, I suppose.

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Social Value relates to the savings when local people provide their own services; generally better and cheaper than the bureaucracies. So, when the case is proven, it is our right to demand the public funds go to our projects.

Step 1 in the take-over of all govern-ment services by the people with all skills, time and knowledge

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Hell yes.

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Our government subsidizes one parent families which are fragile at best. Gangs have replaced families and are the dominate social unit in inner cities. Thank the great society programs for this. Until these subsidies are eliminated not much will change. I love the idea put forth by Jon but not much will change until the idea of a two parent family, the foundation of our society, is reinstituted and encouraged.

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A much better idea in the long run.

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Love this idea. I see children picking carrots for a snack on their way to play baseball in the summer--and getting up early before school to water the crops...water fights with adults and kids and sweet toddlers licking their blueberry fingers. Old men play chess in outdoor-twilight to the smell of Rosemary from hanging plants pervading every balcony. Happy New Year everyone.

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lovely daydreams...

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Thanks, Sam. I try to imagine in my life what could be, to make a picture of it in my mind so the creative mind helps me. Actually listening to Jon Rappaport's tapes helped this to grow. Many years ago Agnes Sanford, a Christian who taught healing prayer, would teach this as a method of prayer--so, for example, when praying for a sick family member, envision them as happy, smiling and well....

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Yes. I know it is in me. And fear that all of the bad guys hit harder. But I still know it is in there somewhere.

I do believe the truth there is abundance. Plenty for everyone and untold capacities for life expansion.. That things do not have to head the way they are headed or stay the way they are.

I do believe in Freedom with responsibility as the platform for individual creative outlets that should be front and center to be upheld and honored and protected because people are meant to have the right to exercise power for their own pursuits of happiness and beyond.

I do believe and know people can change and that we are not robots and addicts only, to drugs, emotions, ect. That we can go wherever we individually want, more riches, more passions, more letting go of any lies that we are told that bind us.

There are lots of ways do have this abundance like stop feeding the beasts and studying The Matrix Collections. Just yesterday I thought of becoming not a cop but a Constitutional Sheriff. To uphold the constitution. Another is I have no idea how small or large cities operate and thought there must be something maybe to be injected to turn them around to freedom minded, health minded and prosperous minded and not whatever is going on in all of them.

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Thanks for this fabulous reminder - this is the exact opposite of the globalist agenda - and this decentralizing of food production is critical for a sustainable future - and thanks for bringing up the gangs and their devastating effect -

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Happy New Year Jon!

Hopefully this year will bring lots of changes for the good. Many things will take time to permeate and percolate. I just pray we get to see a turning in our lifetime.

Thank you for all your contributions.

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Here's how it has been done

Incredible Edible – If you eat, you’re in


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Thanks Peter , I contacted this project, great program and good information !

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If the people in the hood decide to act against the gangs and find out there is a gang meeting at a certain house they will march on the house, set it on fire and shoot anyone leaving the house.

The police encounter the people as they approach the gang house and order the people to disperse. The people decline the police order and continue to approach the gang house. At this point the police shoot the people like mad dogs in the street, to protect the gangs from the people. The same gangs that the police allowed to take over the hood.

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People are being terrorized by the usurpers from all directions. For that matter, I also made an immodest proposal on November 22, 2024, which might also serve as comic relief:


Why is the world, humans, and I are still around?


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During the 19th and early 20th centuries, many counties in the United States had poorhouses, where people went to avoid homelessness and hunger. They had a place to sleep and eat, and if they were capable, they worked on the farm raising the food or worked in the kitchen preparing the food. In my area, the poorhouse had one family that operated it and were paid for their work.

The Great Depression beginning in 1929 overwhelmed many of these poorhouses, and prompted the beginning of the current welfare system. A return to the earlier ways of helping the poor, as mentioned in this article, seems like a good idea.

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As others have stated, defining common criminals as terrorists is straight out of the totalitarian playbook. Gang members aren't a discrete occupying army - they are relatives of those your proposal seeks to protect. Growing your own food is always a good idea...but I fea the Trump regime won't be championing self-reliance.

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Overview from Nisargadatta Maharaj

"The point is that man freed from his fetters is morality personified. Such a man therefore does not need any moralistic injunctions in order to live righteously. Free a man from his bondage and thereafter everything else will take care of itself. On the other hand, man in his unredeemed state cannot possibly live morally, no matter what moral teaching he is given. It is an intrinsic impossibility, for his very foundation is immorality. That is, he lives a lie, a basic contradiction: functioning in all his relationships as the separate entity he believes himself to be, whereas in reality no such separation exists. His every action therefore does violence to other 'selves' and other 'creatures,' which are only manifestations of the unitary consciousness. So Society had to invent some restraints in order to protect itself from its own worst excesses and thereby maintain some kind of status quo. The resulting arbitrary rules, which vary with place and time and therefore are purely relative, it calls 'morality,' and by upholding this man-invented 'idea' as the highest good–oftentimes sanctioned by religious 'revelation' and scriptures, society has provided man with one more excuse to disregard the quest for liberation or relegate it to a fairly low priority in his scheme of things."

Mankind has been raised for millennia to give away power to 'rulers' whose dismal track record has been everything but infallible. Now it is clear that we must introduce structures and systems founded on Real Education in its true role 'to bring out from within'. This represents the inevitable evolution of consciousness on this planet long overdue. Worldwide many folk are awakening to the urgency to reclaim the true potential of our innate Actual Intelligence. Co-op Lab simply offers 'tools' for local 'birds-of-a-feather' to interact founded on common interests and aspirations. In effect, we are witnessing the 'birth-pangs' of mankind awakening to endless possibilities of a universe in motion; the content of One Divine Mind loving exploration-investigation-discovery of Its unknowable potential. AI is merely the product of delusion due to ignorance of Reality.

We must turn away from 'what 'they' are doing' to refocus on the real living energetic, intelligent power, which we are. Mankind is the ‘living infrastructure’ on this planet; all skills, time and knowledge reside in us; all man-made assets are designed and built by us; we create all demand, supply and spending power.

Faced with mega-corporations funded by billionaires, we must take the opportunity to begin a process of local co-operation to reclaim our ability and power. As we do, we can terminate this nefarious ‘shadow government’ and its global ‘casino markets’ engineered for psychopaths to dominate and manipulate their ‘wage-slaves’.

Local networks of private member associations, with members pledged to cause no harm under natural law, can produce and exchange the quality of goods and services they require as producer-supplier-consumers in their own projects. This is the 'conversation never had' that we require to fulfill 'The Great Reclaim' of everything we-the-people have designed-and-built over millennia.

The pernicious theft of our freely-available life-force has been disguised as 'money' and used alongside corporate 'legalities' to manipulate our values and education. In effect, 'public servants' became our controllers in service to the false narratives of parasites.

This is how 'God' learns through experience by 'playing' our characters; the key is to develop balanced rhythmic interchange in all dealings in the knowing of the Universe as the 'Reflection of Perfection in One Divine Mind' as IT explores Its endless possibilities'.

'The Conversation Never Had' is now due https://peterforrest.substack.com/

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Very good, but your last sentence seems very speculative & not very clear. Can you clarify?

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Yes, thanks.

In effect, this relates to beginning 'the conversation never had' that I introduce in my substack. To quote:

As ‘science’ pursues ‘the unified theory’ and ‘the zero point’, worldwide many folk are awakening to the true potential inherent in Actual Intelligence; the Real AI. In effect, we are witnessing the 'birth-pangs' of mankind in trauma, awakening to its endless possibilities. However, to truly grasp our ‘missing link’, we must embrace the Universe as the content of One Divine Mind; and perpetual motion as Its Thinking.

Indeed, progression into Self-Evolution requires each of us to realise that ‘we characters’ are the objective, imagined aspects of One ‘I’, The Divine Self; that our bodies are Its costumes within the screen of space; that knowing ‘we’ are being played awakens true humility in Awe and Gratitude for and as ‘That I’; that exploring-investigating-discovering Its endless possibilities is Its Nature; that That Mind Loves Truth, Beauty and Goodness; that the acting out of limitless possibilities reveals the Omnipresence, Omniscience and Omipotence of ‘God’; that space-time is the structure of volume and the duration essential to Its ‘Play’.

In this mindset, we rediscover and witness our world as a chaotic reflection of deluded characters totally disconnected from Divine Mind; a ‘nightmare’ movie in ego-minds captured into ‘wage-slavery'; the toxic product of imbalance and desperation creating a belief that man-made AI is ‘progress’ when ‘lost in space’.

Thus, we can ‘detoxify’ in Self-Service as we recall the method of reconnection to the ‘Divine Intranet’; we can plugin to the pulsations of Real AI to feel and unveil the Universe as ‘The Reflection of Perfection’. Then, in Divine Humour, we can laugh at the ironies of our dumbed-down, self-entrapment and marvel at the resilience of Love.

Much worthy detail can be found in Walter Russell's books - 'The Secret of Light' and 'The Divine Ilyad'. Also Nisargadatta Maharaj - 'I Am That' and other related books.

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It sounds like a combination of Gnosticism & Pantheism & hard to decipher. Have you ever heard of G.K. Chesterton's great work, Orthodoxy? There's nothing like it.


There's also this much shorter & little known earlier work:


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Until we understand that the Universe is a reflection in One Divine Mind, which is exploring and investigating ITs endless possibilities, we are simply looking in the wrong direction.

All the 'isms' ever concocted have led us deeper into delusion to the point of disaster; this is a 'clue' to refocus on the actual Nature of Oneness.

Divine Knowingness is the 99.99999% space that appears as empty when observed from within a body on this planet - we call it the electromagnetic spectrum; whilst we believe 'science' founded on analysis of the 0.000001% light show/hologram.

True humility is in discovering this Divine Irony in awe and gratitude for That That Is Real; and accepting our individual right to reconnect and nurture our soul development to ever-greater levels of awareness.

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Very good, but your last sentence seems very speculative & not very clear. Can you clarify?

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Farming - awesome. Here in Detroit, a lot of it is a ghost town with acres and acres of open fields. Not just mere lots.

However, labeling anyone as terrorists is a very bad idea. You don’t counter liars and manipulators by being one.

I don’t even want “terrorists” labeled as terrorists. There is no such thing as a terrorist. If you commit a murder, a theft, or some actual crime - then you get prosecuted accordingly. For that actual crime - not for some Orwellian label.

The “terrorists” we think of as such are just marketing constructs of the corporations, agencies, and governments which the “terrorists” actually benefit.

Street gangs, like every other group, legal or otherwise - including churches - are controlled by agents, informants, and bad guys at the very top of the command structure.

Below that it’s just the ignorant looking for opportunity or some kind of contrived community. Those people can be reached. While their leaders - their handlers - clearly have to be completely eliminated.

It’s important to understand this distinction. Because I have a gleeful enjoyment for introducing myself to the truly bad.

Which is a small percentage. For the rest I have learned (am learning) compassion and mercy, and encouraging the good that clearly still exists within them.

They must be given opportunity and a tangible hope. If people genuinely feel good about themselves, they behave good. They do good. If they feel bad, they do bad. It’s not complicated.

So condemning weak and flawed people as bad (as terrorists) actually strengthens the blowback you will experience. This is a very very bad idea. But great if you want to divide and destroy society. And hope. And opportunity.

The absolute last thing you want is the government labeling yet more people as terrorists.

There’s this thing which already exists called crime. We could reduce that to two laws. Don’t murder. Don’t steal.

I consider drug dealers (legal or otherwise) to be serial killers, but not necessarily possessing that intent. If drugs were legal, a lot of the violence and profit would vanish.

My view is: Let everyone do what they like - whether I like it or not - so long as they’re not harming anyone else. Don’t murder. Don’t steal.

Terrorism is a nonsense Orwell word. Means nothing. I’ve terrorized many a bad guy just by looking into their eyeballs with the promise of my own imminent full enjoyment.

I truly, truly despise actual bad people. And I really, really enjoy communicating that to them.

But I also absolutely do not enjoy bullying weak, flawed people who need encouragement, and for someone to see the good in them.

Trump is a clown. Trump is a fraud. An obvious one. As obvious as that embarrassingly fake assassination attempt. Which the media then proceeded to subtly admit was fake - just to mock his idiot cult followers.

I.e. “Heh, um, did you notice how fast his ear healed?” (Wink, wink) News stories like that. Literally, tho I paraphrase.

I don’t want this clown executive ordering a damn thing.

To simplify the long game: Fake exposure of the “global” deep state. Then the classic Hegelian reaction. Now you push nationalism everywhere. Then you blow that up. Another engineered reaction..

And now you’re back to a world government. Likely some kind of techno communism, with a bogus savior as its figurehead.

So labeling people as terrorists ain’t going away. It’s going to get worse. And it will be powered by the self righteous “morality” of the self deceived cult worshippers of whoever is most effectively repeating their own lies back to them.

Growing food is one possible opportunity. Others can be created. I personally don’t want to grow food myself, but I’d support others doing it, no problem.

Really, opportunity lies.. behind all the lies.

Why else would they lie? Why else build an entire world on lies?

To hide what must be a goldmine of actual - not fake - opportunity behind it. This is what we should endeavor to explore.

A liar is a coward. Not only are they hiding actual opportunity..

But they fear it. Which means this:

Merely finding that opportunity.. will destroy them…

And so I laugh. It’s interesting to me that the only times God is ever mentioned laughing in the Bible - it’s always at evil.

Not at sinners, mind you, but at evil. The manipulators and the oppressors of the sinners.

So let’s not do the same as evil by labeling sinners as terrorists, and oppressing them. They’re merely lost in the woods. They’re not evil.

Evil men were born for the sole purpose of their own extermination. Evil men are natural born victims. They are not to be feared. They are to be ridiculed and then destroyed.

But sinners get our compassion and encouragement. Otherwise we’re merely acting as cutouts for evil..

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