Podcast: COVID, the missing evidence
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When you’re on my Substack, you’re on an island of the hold-outs. The resisters. And because more people are seeing what’s coming down the pipeline at us, the island is getting bigger.
As you know, I’ve written MUCH about COVID. Several hundred articles.
In this podcast, I’m going to cover missing pieces of the puzzle.
These are vital pieces, and they show how the media’s refusal to cover long-term crimes of the medical cartel made reporters completely unable to comprehend what was happening during the “pandemic.”
There is a medical CONTINUITY that moves from decades ago, all the way through 2020-2024. I’ll describe it, trace it, and explain how COVID fits into that picture.
I could put this a different way. For years and years, doctors and researchers refused to look at what the medical cartel was doing. Then, in 2020, a relatively few of them suddenly “woke up” and became dissidents and critics of the “COVID response.” They thus gave the impression that COVID was a remarkable departure from medical business as usual. Which was not the case at all.
Yes, during COVID, the medical cartel extended its crimes with new horrific policies. But the overall story was not new.
And here’s the punchline: a clear-eyed analysis of what COVID really was reveals several VERY SPECIFIC STRATEGIES that depended on PRIOR MEDICAL CRIMES. I’ll describe in detail what those crimes were, and how they actually enabled the COVID fraud.
I can confidently say that no other reporter is giving you this information, because no other reporter took FULL notice of the prior medical crimes; or if a few did, they failed to connect them to COVID.
This is more than an academic analysis, trust me. It’s vital to understand what really happened during COVID, because IT’S STILL HAPPENING.
And it’s dangerous.
Join me in this vital podcast.
-- Jon Rappoport
(Rappoport Podcasts, Episode 058)