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I'm still working on getting the visual of Tony, naked, in a shower. Anyway, getting beyond that, this is hysterical, in a strange sort of way. How does that saying go? Something about, truth in humor. Here we have two Individuals who will do anything for "fame". Sadly, they would throw anyone under the bus to achieve that questionable goal. The perfect last thought. How many people have had conversations with a man like Fauci to rise high on the food chain? My personal interpretation is; how many people have sold their soul for that very reason? Thank you, Jon, for another mind opening piece!

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I read this in both their voices. It was disturbing

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Ha..! Good one.........the mad cow, about as fetching as gallbladder sludge, and psychotic tony...........what a dynamic duo. the mind boggles.....killbill eat your heart out. . I'd say nervous nancy would jump at that proposal to score the quadrella.

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The image of Rachel Maddow and Tony Fauci together in a shower makes me shudder …. Lol funny

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Yes, exactly! We are inverted conical spirals of energy, the universe, the source, of life, spun into matter and captured in a fake reality created by anti-matter, the dead, the stupid, the hateful deceivers of evil and the masters of technology and illusion. This was revealed to me as a child. One day in fifth grade I left the classroom late for recess. As I opened the door the screams of children playing filled my senses. I was eager to join the children, of a variety of colors and gender, as I approached the end of the building all the children turn to inverted conical spirals of energy and a voice said to me, "We are all the same."...the children returned and I entered the screams of a virtual reality to play. We must realize on an individual basis that we are not the body, but the spirit of life from the source of the universe of all knowing and all possibility. Together we form the human spirit, the most powerful force on earth.

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Gosh I dont even want to associate with anyone that likes these losers. I think there is soo many.

Excuse me, did you see the news already today? Yes. Ok, nice knowin ya.

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It’s genius! Worldwide genocide to prevent climate change and the next pandemic. Starting with whitey, of course!!

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