Fair and valid criticism for someone campaigning under the banner of defending children against medical malpractice. He should course correct promptly…but his Hollywood connections may have him in a compromised position considering the popularity of celebrities trotting out their trans kids. What a shame.

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No heroes, we need to stop looking for them and expecting them to solve our problems

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While that is true, I don’t think it’s too much to expect a candidate to be transparent and honest about where they stand on important medical and legal issues like this one. It’s not hero worship or looking for a “savior” to simply expect clear and concise articulation of one’s position; this really goes more to integrity of the candidate than everything else, and that’s why it seems disastrous, as far as I’m concerned.

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Maybe we ought to stop looking for political candidates with (so-called) “integrity”, while we are acknowledging that they’re a no political saviors and no political heroes. Frankly, I think that all people who strongly desire to achieve political power — even the power to represent their constituents — have a mean sociopathic or psychopathic streak. But that’s just me.

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Lol - so even integrity is too high a bar for politicians now? 😅😅😅

Of course you’re right - when was the last time we saw that in a candidate for more than a fleeting moment? 😕

Even so, if we give up on that, where does that leave us?

For the sake of the younger kids, who aren’t yet so jaded by disappointment, I think we must hold the line and honesty and integrity and let that be the bar by which we measure, regardless of how often we fall short.

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i'd say the vast majority of politicians are in it for some kind of grift, one way or the other: money, power, prestige... just look at us in Canada... We have a probably the worst PM in history thinking he's doing a terrific job. He's either a raging sociopath bamboozled, or being extorted IMHO to support ridiculous "progressivism" and fight "climate change". And his payment is his motorcade, and fancy trips all over the world in private jets. He's blind to his own hypocrisy and/or he gives not one shyte because he's in it for the grift.

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There are really good reasons why many people have completely lost trust in government. One of the top reasons? How little honesty & integrity people believe politicians actually possess. What’s the answer? Abolish the government. The Declaration of Independence states that people have the right to abolish a government if it becomes destructive of their unalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration also states that people have a duty to overthrow a government if it engages in a long train of abuses and usurpations. I guess that the vast majority of the people (the masses) are still okay with the government. I’m in a (political) minority by politically opposing both the government and the people.

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Exactly and well said. I’m convinced we are not voting ourselves out of the mess this country has become.

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May 22·edited May 22

Depending on "heroes" to save you is definitely a fool's errand!! However, "heroes" are necessary as focal points for a fractionalized and demoralized People... just as Generals are necessary for an effective military force!!!

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JFK Jr is becoming quite a disappointment

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Dang! RFK 🤦🏻‍♀️😂😂😂

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It’s really weird that I can edit my comments when I’m logged into my account on the Substack website, but the edit option isn’t available while using the app.

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The same happens for me; try accessing your comment from the email notification and see if you get the edit option - it could work that way because my settings have me go to the website from email versus to the app.

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I SAID THIS WAY BACK WHEN! I loved RFK but when he started campaigning, I knew he made the wrong decision (hence why I wrote against voting: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-we-need-to-stop-voting-in-presidential)

RFK is what I call a gatekeeper. His pick for VP should have put everyone on notice: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-rfk-phenomenon-a-triad-of-choices

Always remember, what better way to control the opposition than to lead it.

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Agree with your statement completely - his choice for VP was the nail in his conservative vote coffin. She is a radical, and this position of his is in deference to her and the supporters he hopes to get from having chosen her. A huge red flag for conservatives.

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First time I've seen anyone else "quote" Vladimir Lenin!! "Controlled opposition" is now known as RINO!!!

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Face it. RFK Jr is a wholly owned subsidiary of clown world, not an antidote to clown world. He’s no independent.

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RFK jr , as charismatic n courageous (on vaccines) as he is , could not shake his pusillanimous leftist Democratic Party zeitgeist…. And this character flaw has made him irrelevant now …..

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yet he holds back and says he's in favour of safe vaccines instead of coming out and saying none are safe

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No candidate is perfect, but Robert Kennedy is the best we have! Who would you prefer, Biden? Trump? Either we support Kennedy or we en end up with one of them which would be a disaster for our contry and for us!

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If you're not a member of the "troll brigades" you need to drink a pot of strong coffee and WAKE UP!!!

Jr is only "the best we have" if what you want is a continuation of the DemoCommuFascist infestation that has been corrupting the USA since the 1913 illegal creation of the Federal Reserve con-job and of Project Paperclip in 1946!!!

Trump represents a force that will clean out the Fascists and bring a return to the Constitutional Republic as originally designed!!!

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Absolutely! Well said.

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Wake up.

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Remember when Homer got stuck in quicksand? "Now I will pull my feet out with hands. Now I will pull my hands out with my face. Blub blub blub..."

Basically Kennedy's campaign.

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This is not the moment in history for men and women without moral convictions. It is not the time to be mealy mouthed or uncertain. The entire edifice of childhood is being devoured alive, slaying victims indiscriminately. As such, all of human history is threatened. RFK, Jr. has crumbled and capitulated.

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We went from "love who you are", born this way, God doesn't makes mistakes" to let's go to the warehouse and swaps body's parts"!

How about abortion.. we went from safe but rare to full on abortion on demand! In an interview RFKj was asked about abortion "We should leave it to the woman" ' Even if it's full term?" "Even if it's full term." When RFKj knows that vaxx made out of aborted fetuses.. the more mature of the baby .. the more organs to harvest.

Then to picked a vp that wants to AI your healthcare and wants your dna database, a fair border, and social justice! Nicole Shanahan foundation funded Event 201 and had tied to Sam Bankman-Fried. And who have funded Gascon, backed by Soros.

RFKj marched around about forever wars, very outspoken on Russia/Ukraine then crickets on Gaza and all in for Israel !

RFKj tries to be center left but when he's impressed on an issue.. he flip flops more than a fish out of water 🐠.. his true colors are showing .. he's a democrat and is just democrat'ing 🥸

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Wow! i forgot about those expressions: “love who you are” and “God does not make mistakes”!

Apparently, for many it is impossible for them to love who they are because God (or Nature)made a mistake. Big Pharm to the rescue

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I am sickened, to have naively believed in Kennedy.

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You aren’t the only one…

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Don't feel bad we all duped at one point. The Obama duping left me uncomfortable about getting too excited about Kennedy. He was great during covid but when I started looking at some of his positions on other issues, I buttressed my hesitancy and then he lost me with Gaza and the fact he has no clear answer here is a real dodge. The good news is he is positioning himself to chip more from Biden than Trump, I dont like any of these three and won't be voting for any of them, but of the three Trump will probably be best for the average American, despite catastrophic mistakes in the past that could easily be used as refutation, I think thats probably the case.

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It is as of the candidate has morphed into an entirely different person from the researcher. Tragic indeed.

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All that I can assume is that he isn’t really running for president, and that he is controlled opposition, only there to split some votes to help one of the candidates, and the reason why he seems so versed and certain about some topics, yet glaringly oblivious and unsure about others, is because he hasn’t been told “which way to go on them” yet, because “they” want to be certain of which votes he will be splitting!

“They” don’t want him picking a side that steals votes from the wrong guy, hence, his total platform appears schizophrenic and disparate.

That’s why he is 100% on some topics, but seemingly uneducated and unsure on others!

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I believe he may be trying to avoid this issue because if he were to declare the obvious danger of child drugging, under these circumstances, he would be accused of then claiming that the vaccine schedule may be contributing to gender dysphoria. Even though this sounds like a possibility that should be investigated and something that seems like Children's Health Defense territory, he thinks it can wait until after the election. It sounds like a "political" decision which usually means lying and hoping it will be forgiven under the "lesser evil" category.

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I think it’s about time we get more honesty from these people claiming to represent us.

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Quite a big disappointment. F politicians.....

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I had a lot of respect for Robert Kennedy Jr. when he started his campaign. He sounded like a man grounded in his beliefs, whether I agree with them or not. However, the longer is campaign has gone on, the more he sounds like any other left wing politician pandering to an increasingly radicalized, progressive audience. He never would have had more vote but I was glad that he was going to be a part of the conversation. Now, he is differentiates himself from Biden on only two things: the vaccine and the fact that he can speak two sentences without falling all over himself.

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He’s been groomed like almost all of them.

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He made the same "don't know enough to comment" when asked about school choice or supporting home schooling. How can he not know enough on the transgender issue when he has commented on his own podcast that the toxins in the food are causing hormone issues in children. He is obviously selling out to a particular vote, just like his VP pick.

He seems to also be struggling with understanding what TRUTH really means. Is he lying to himself or just us? It's time for voters to start paying more attention to real 3rd party candidates. Don't listen to the propaganda of "it's a wasted vote". That's just the uniparty controlling the vote.

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I'm a RFK Jr volunteer and I want to believe in him but this surely is disappointing. In my opinion he's still a far better choice than the other two candidates but it feels like maybe we've turned a corner and now it's voting for the lesser of 3 evils - instead of 2.

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