What an awe inspiring, stunning and beautiful story of people taming even the harshest nature has to offer ,and turning it to their advantage, and improving their lives and the environment dramatically in the process. All without meddling, destructive and greedy government/corporate machinations as well.

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Very involved government and UN

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Jan 8Edited

Western built combines rotting in failed crop fields that never were intended to grow occidental hybridized wheat in a foreign environment. I don't recall where I first heard the phrase appropriate technology, maybe it was John Perkins but it fits ever so well with the revitalization project in The Sahara.

Gaddafi was supporting organic farming in Libya that had a large lake as a result of a deliberate development program.

Chris Bird's book Secrets of the Soil describes how one man made large tracts of Australian desert arable again via biodynamic growth practices.

Tasmanian native Malcolm Bendall has a revolutionary technology that could change the world, if ever allowed by the PTB, including changing the climate and bringing abundant water.

Then again, the present weather "engineers" could probably do something similar albeit with a different method.

There is no shortage of knowhow. Malthusian scarcity is fiction. And it's wonderful to see indigenous populations take control of their own destiny.

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Glad you brought up Gaddafi. That guy did for Libya what Hitler did for Germany, hence the reason he was taken out. The Italians built aquifers in Libya during WW11 but never finished due to The Desert Fox. Gaddafi knew that and finished them to irrigate the Sahara. Besides the oil and gold the US wanted to steal, the irrigation project was another nail in Gaddafi's coffin.

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Another dark episode in American history compliments of our state department.

I didn't know that about Rommel. Thanks.

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Just got 5 new books from David Irving. Rommel was one of them. I'm in the middle of Churchill during the war, that drunken pig of a scumbag that actually started WW11 who the Brits hail as a hero. After that, Rommel is next.

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Another fine example of how old myths about war "heros" die hard. Will humankind ever get to the point where so many of them are jaded and no longer naive like their ancestors that the propaganda mill simply no longer works? Answering my own question, maybe around that time we'll all be hooked up to a Neurolink. If you have time, maybe spend a minute with this: https://rumble.com/v56q4qj-7122024-sg-sits-down-w-usaf-ret.-lt-col-dr.-sandy-miarecki-to-discuss-the-r.html

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"Malthusian scarcity is fiction."


Malthus aside, populations can certainly exceed the carrying capacity of their land. Yes, to some extent that is remedied by trade. But the basic principle is sound. Only an innumerate would argue otherwise.

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Jan 8Edited

Mine was a compressed, truncated summary.

Top soils have eroded because of industrial farming practices. If the industrialized world would phase out reliance on NPK, had a return to crop rotation and sound land stewardship then scarcity would disappear.

True, regions of populations may exceed the carrying capacity but even that, relatively speaking, is a short term problem. Although some cities like, for example, Phoenix and L.A. should have put a cap on expansion long ago because of water scarcity.

Years ago I heard Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt stated that an esteemed colleague/friend in the science community calculated that realistically with best practices our Earth could support 32 Billion inhabitants ! (I wish I could reference the quote).

The intricacies of the topic would require hundreds of pages if it is to be addressed properly.

The primary thought behind my statement was/is that food is largely a mismanagement and political problem. And the political side is IMHO going to get much worse in the U.S. too unless the deliberate destruction of crops and animals stop.

And then there's the atmospheric aerosolizing/weather engineering problem . . . . .

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Put aside the present possibility of deliberate depopulation from various nefarious causes, such as the C-19 injections. Also put aside the geoengineering / weather warfare onslaught against populations (threatening all life on earth). Then, we could say that overpopulation was our main problem:


I don't care for npg.org itself, but here is Professor Bartlett's seminal paper:


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Thanks for the link. Compounding of interest, money, you name it, is a fascinating in all its simplicity. Now I'm going to have to get 300% returns annually instead 5-7% :- )

Living in America, we have been blessed with the love of the petrol gods because gas has not gone the way of lift tickets as per the professor, and more luck still, neither have lift tickets. $.30 gas in late 1969 did not become $9.60 in 2019. And daily passes at Vail, I just saw, are $227, not the forecasted $320 in 2020.

I'll watch both links over the next couple of days instead of loitering here at the Rap house.

Listen to the first five or so minutes of this one. Mike has been touting the revolutionary power of the new Nvidia Earth Simulator chip this past month. I believe it's going to have a huge effect on curtailing the global population. https://www.brighteon.com/fe40723d-2e86-4891-a03f-1e7c75dc46f1

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Inspiring story - But why in God's name would you encourage big corps and big politics to get involved????? They destroy everything they touch!!!

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It's called Monsanto. May they rot in hell.

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Once again, Jon has failed to acknowledge the big elephant in the sky. The root cause of the problem is not nature, but geoengineering / weather warfare against populations:


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Wrong. Their projects in California, China etc. actually make it rain more. That's bad? Nikola Tesla proposed to make it rain over hydroelectric dams citing his Nobel Prize for Irrigating the Desert. We know how you worship Edison's $865,000 light bulb and Einstein's fantasys.

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Every country has great potential if government isn't involved.

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R. Reagan: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help".

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Looks like a great idea. Makes me nervous to see so much UN and "government" involvement.

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Not sustainable if government and/or UN is involved

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"The billionaires who want to Save The Earth" - - - if (or because) they are zionists, this pep talk just means the opposite of what it sounds like, due to their annual KOL NIDRE oath ("New Year Promise") which is an oath to CANCEL (break) all their oaths (or pledges, or promises, or wows, or philantropic waffle) that they announce during the coming year, until the next Kol Nidre, snd so on in a circle we go under their sweet spell! In other words, if they have NOT broken their promises, then they have broken their oath (and will be doomed). This is Talmud Law. See Benjamin H. Freedman's book, "Facts Are Facts", N.Y. 1954.

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Greater Israel is the plan to expand the present borders in all directions that includes a contiguous landmass all the way to (and including) Ukraine. Southward it means control of the Red Sea but wait, call up a few rabbis because it's time to update with the latest interpretation as per The Talmud with an emphasis on inclusion, the "I" in DEI. Let's include the Sahara too now that is was clearly intended to be part of the vision of the almighty for the chosen ones.

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Didn’t Earn It

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6771 South Silver Hill Drive

Finland MN 55603

218-226-4164. office@organicconsumers.org (Newsletter-free).


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Hi Larry 😊

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True wealth is living off the land.

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So good to see people being people and not figures in a concept of poverty.

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Wow..! It's astonishing how little mechanized man-made crap is needed to actually cultivate

Good healthy organic food... great work, Jon!

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Great story--we need more examples of successes such as this floating around.

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Too good to be allowed to succeed

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Deluded psycho-narcissists plan for complete rejection of all that is natural; programmed to feed their demonic concepts of 'perfection'

"Shape The Future" European Commission Transhumanistic Plan Presentation - Its Happening NOW


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Over “they” plan sabotage

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A cursory scan says it reads like a Schwab reheat. I may return there later but only if there's time left over after I've gone through your redemptive permaculture links, a method I'm applying here at my non desert location.

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When the desert becomes green, there will be a lot of bad, unwanted CO2. So?...

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Plants recycle CO2

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Honesty will not be permitted

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Bad Carbon Bad !

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This is why no one should trust any billionaires including Elon. If they truly wanted to help starving people in Africa and elsewhere they could help them farm and build wells like that you tuber did that makes millions (forget his name.. Mr... something?)

We need (somehow) more millionaires and billionaires like Mr... what's his name and that aren't handed their wealth thru family because those kinds all think they're better than the lowly peasants and look to rule over us

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This is the most uplifting, encouraging and inspirational account I’ve heard in ages! And what a perfect example of the power, cooperation and influence a community with focused goals and intentions are capable of accomplishing together!

This is a valuable lesson to us all, as well as a priceless gift to humanity and our beautiful planet!

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