I liked your concept of escaping the matrix by creating. I started with your imagination exercise to paint 100 black on white in 10 days. That was a year ago today I’m hooked on abstract. Playing with other artists styles. Im imagining where I’m going with this. I do notice it’s a bit lonely. But not when I’m painting. Thanks Jon

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

A liberating letter! I'm trying now to imagine there's peace on earth and all wars have ended. Not the end of adversity, but open doors for communication.

Here in the UK, there's only the king kong's final 'blessing' left for freedom of speech to be obliterated - BY LAW! My imagination though, cannot be eliminated....

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Wow! Loved this! Imagine what the world would be like if more people thought this way.

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This is message from Meher Baba that suggests employing imagination.

"Do whatever needs to be done, but do it as a spiritual being. As one who knows he is divine by nature and unlimited with the whole of life in essence. Do it as if you are doing it for Me or for God.

Do it with equal consideration for the interests of all concerned, for God is equally in each. Do it with utmost concentration, yet with utter detachment for the results of action. Leave the fruit of action to Me or to God. Do it as if it were the most important thing in the universe, yet let it be destroyed, or ignored, or ridiculed without concern, or let it be praised without elation. Leave the response to Me or to God. Do it, in short, as if you were not doing it at all, but as if I or God were doing it through you. "

— Meher Baba, Practical Spirituality, p. 208

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Thank you Jon! Loved this!

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Your description of living in the pattern is really interesting to me right now. I was trying on clothes and really loathing how I look as a specimen, and I can't for the life of me figure out why or how I feel disgusted. Who put that pattern in place, that if you don't look like a catalog model you're garbage? I think it's ironic that the pattern doesn't change how I behave at all. In fact, I rebel against that pattern, but in the wrong way. I don't know how to challenge it, even.

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Very Nice! Your words hit the mark! Our patterns need to be observed and order to be able to De Magnetize the old programs . Thank you for keeping your thoughts and feelings Alive and well

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As always, you spark my imagination. It helps me to see beyond the pattern of this computer simulation game where everything is the same. Dull and lifeless! Looking at the images before me with a different lens and angle. Much gratitude for sharing your imagination.

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Rare intelligence.. yes Sir..! those words resonate deeply... What if we Imagine seizing each opportunity each day presents...? and each day creating Silence and Space for actual clarity to See the various Opportunities to be seized... seeing clearly our own conditioned thought.. the Limitations of being a thing of thought.. A waste of Energy.... What is An Actual depth of Silence and Space..? Why have the Masters down through history emphasized this in one way or another? The Brain free of Overuse of Thought.. What happens to a Brain that uses thought with great discretion..? does it grow differently?

In this Age of Super Seduction into thought.. creating societies conditioning then ones actions based on that..which is the utter Madness that passes.. for todays Civilization... which is the antithesis of Civil behavior ... it is in Fact, one of Eternal War.. internal and external.. a constant churning with Violent thought. Fragmented Fear based trash.. a total Waste.

What is the state that is required to cultivate Silence and Space for Bona Fide Imagination... to flourish? Really flourish and Create a New Way of Living on this planet... How about Deaths Unconditional embrace through out the Day.. to SELF CENTERED THOUGHT ?

Jon you smacked it out of the park..! Keep em coming!

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"People don’t see that because they’re inside the pattern. They’re sewing a piece here, renting a piece there."

Speaking of sewing, this seamstress, Hulya, a mile from me used her imagination thirty years ago... www.SewItSeamsAlterations.com

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Halloween is coming up, then turkey then christmas then new years eve. Saturated with there's nothing new under the sun. How funny. Biggest joke of them all. Today will be.....not groundhog day hahahaha. Or will it?

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Proust redefined, reimagined and meticulously explained habit, and it’s effects on our lives in so many ways, and Jon in this piece, is also commenting on a similar theme….

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Wow Jon.

Thank you!

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Thanks, I love this, Jon! I recently reread your amazing book the secret behind secret societies. I think it would be fantastic if you re-released it, an updated version perhaps if you felt inspired . Currently the cheapest copies you can get are over $100. It, just like this post, is a powerful catalyst for real change. Because we are the magic.

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Jon: I write stories. Some stories are factual and some are from my imagination. They are both fun to write. The audience/reader is important. I don't care about their opinions but I do care about writing a good story for them. I make the story clear and as concise as possible. I won't waste their time. Time is our most precious commodity in life.

There is no escaping time.

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