Love it! I'm left thinking of a herd of worms heading up a gangplank towards the mental institution at sunset... Holy shit, excuse me, I have to nail that down and evolve a novel out of it.... you'll get an acknowledgement, Jon, thanks a heap (of spaghetti).
Love it! I'm left thinking of a herd of worms heading up a gangplank towards the mental institution at sunset... Holy shit, excuse me, I have to nail that down and evolve a novel out of it.... you'll get an acknowledgement, Jon, thanks a heap (of spaghetti).
Love it! I'm left thinking of a herd of worms heading up a gangplank towards the mental institution at sunset... Holy shit, excuse me, I have to nail that down and evolve a novel out of it.... you'll get an acknowledgement, Jon, thanks a heap (of spaghetti).