"It’s dawn breaking at a mental institution."

Henry Miller prose -vibe!

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Thank you for the invigorating morning splash of cold water in the face. This reminds me of the late, great Christopher Hitchens and his love of George Orwell's "Politics And The English Language".

Politics, or rather crowd control, is never about conveying real information. That would be impossible because it would reveal that what is being done, in our name and for us, is not in our ultimate best interest, as is claimed.

Politics is the art of manipulating language in order to prevent disobedience. Unfortunately, it works very well for the majority and the British have taught us well how to do it.

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I love this comment and your writing of it, Myra. Thank you.

"Politics is the art of manipulating language in order to prevent disobedience." Love it.

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Thank you for your kind comment. I have been inspired by Vera Sharav who survived the European Holocaust because she disobeyed instructions when she was a small child. She speaks eloquently about the life-changing and potentially life-saving power of strategic disobedience.

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So many gems. Each sentence, actually. Thank you, Jon.

Over at LinkedIn, a post on something or other prompted a commenter to pose the question: "What happened to journalism?" To which I replied,

"The same thing that happened to people."

I'm with, Jon. War against those friggin' zombies.

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That huge two sentence paragraph of nonsense IS a felony.

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You finally got me to pony up and unroll a few bills to subscribe. Stellar

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In today’s centralized government ,collectivist ,Marxist dystopia, being a total zombie just to get along is the fashionable thing to do…..

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I think you are right.

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I am incredulous at the number of articles that lack the five "W"s...you have to plow through them to find what you want to know...and often come up empty...usually in regard to "what" killed them for example...

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And that was drilled into us in our HS journalism class! Lou Grant is weeping somewhere

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Excellent piece! Reading your mind numbing quotation about the U.S. desire for partnership with African countries, and not for competition with China and Russia for "resource extraction", I felt your analogy really nailed it. It was like being forced down long gangplank only to jump at the end, the last thought before sinking, "no more pillaging your resources, we mean it this time!" Don't drown, cancel the NYT.

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Recently Someone told me I take shit, i.e. debate over our fate, too literally. "How can I not?, I replied, We are The Resource Extraction! THEY want us all dead, and our grandchildren turned into mind wiped slaves, like most of their parents have already become."

Yet, best be cautious what we wish for. WAR! you exclaim. If you can accept the piles of dead innocents that will entwine with the dead Zombie horde mounds, then, Ok. Lettur rip!! Praise God and pass the ammunition !?!

Personally I'm praying mass civil disobedience might do the trick. Do not comply, ever.

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Love it! I'm left thinking of a herd of worms heading up a gangplank towards the mental institution at sunset... Holy shit, excuse me, I have to nail that down and evolve a novel out of it.... you'll get an acknowledgement, Jon, thanks a heap (of spaghetti).

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oh how I understand you|! No more "words"!!! You'll understand.....

from an EX journo....!!!

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Thanks Jon. 30 seconds staring into a textual black hole. Could AI have done better? I think the AI programmers use writers like this as their models. I love your metaphors describing it.

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I'm embarrassed.

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A couple lines in the first part were really funny!

Thanks for the laughs!

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They're bringing in more grad students and they don't have the energy themselves to teach any better.

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