Jeff, you made some good sense until the last two sentences. The Bible is to be believed and studied. In 2 Timothy 15, Paul advises "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
You do yourself and others harm by contradicting the Holy Bible.
Jeff, you made some good sense until the last two sentences. The Bible is to be believed and studied. In 2 Timothy 15, Paul advises "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
You do yourself and others harm by contradicting the Holy Bible.
Can't agree more. But faith in what, and more importantly who? We know because "thus sayth the Lord". The alternative I see alot of is "thus saith my proffesor of religious studies". Or worse maybe "thus saith I"
I'm liking you more and more all the time. Is it possible though, that we can only apprehend , in the Bible, that which the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to. Think of Nicodemus. Top scholar of his Era, and a nice guy. Jesus said he'd have to be born again before he'd be even capable of understanding Jesus teachings. .
I think Jesus was saying that there is a whole category of reality that exists, which is beyond the experience of normal humans. They have not personally experienced the factual existence of the spirit world. The preexistence of life before birth and the afterlife are unknowable to living man, via his day to day experience. While we cannot see or know it's source, we know with certainty that wind exists. We must change our minds about the existence of God and His plans for mankind.
This is the good news (the gospel) that Jesus brought to mankind.
In order to understand the Bible, we must reject all preconceptions that ignorant and scholarly men force upon us.
We must mix faith with our reading in order to allow the truth of God's Word to come through.
Sorry got a little off topic on the last response. I drink a couple beers after work and I'm not always running on all cylinders. Plus I think you triggered me when you mentioned the gospel as somethig other than the percribed definition of the gospel as described in The Bible , lol. So my original assertion, addressed as a question, do you suppose a man can even apprehend God, or Gods truths in the Bible without the aid of its writer, The Holy Spirit? Nicodemus read with faith, was intelligent, moral, ..etc. what was it exactly that was preventing him from seeing in the Torah, though he knew it forward and backward, what Jesus was teaching? The Jews understood the coming messiah as being a savior/king prophesied to sit on the throne of David. They missed the messiah presented as a lamb, a servant, a man of sorrows. They missed that because of their preconceptions as you said. But as a Christian looking at these verses you have to wonder how they miss them. I'm not anti scholar or anti ignorant, I'm pro truth. Truth has many levels of understanding sometimes. And If your not a truth teller well, I'm still supposed to love you anyways so as to honor my Gods commandment to Love Him, and Love others as myself. Not to be a fool and sit at the feet of unbelievers, but still be loving for Jesus sake, empowered by the Holy Spirit which sanctifies us, to be able to do His will. Which otherwise would have been impossible. Like love your enemy. Hopefully this is a better response. God bless, sorry to keep talking, lol. I'll leave you alone now.
Did Nicodemus not believe the Bible? He had faith in Gods word surely. Jesus is a mystery, a stumbling stone to most. The Gospel is totally lost on an unbeliever. They dont get the majesty of the event. The Gosepel is an event. That Jesus died for us on the cross and was raised again on the third day. Greatest event in history. Greater than creation. The power of it is lost to most, even saved people. Its above us. We should talk more Dan. God bless.
Thank you brother gonna read this when I get off work. Though it pains me to turn away from this exchange, I'm really enjoying your input. I'll shoot you a response to your thoughtful comment as soon as I get a chance. Might be late. Just ignore it and read it in the morning. Peace brother, God bless you.
Do you agree that scholarly types have hijacked the word of God and placed themselves as the authority. My anger at that has caused my mistake. As we know wrath doeth not the rightiousness of God.
I'm OK with suggesting belief over study. We study to approve ourselves to the Lord. I have nothing to prove in respect to my ego. Like those that think they're smarter than the Bible and rewrite it. It's an issue of authority.
Jeff, you made some good sense until the last two sentences. The Bible is to be believed and studied. In 2 Timothy 15, Paul advises "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
You do yourself and others harm by contradicting the Holy Bible.
I may have mis spoke on one of my other numerous posts on this thread as well. Hopefully you can correct me on those too. Thanks brother.
Persistent guided study will nourish the seed of faith which God has given to every man.
[Romans 12:3]
The just shall live by study. Got it.
Habakkuk 2:4
Without faith it is impossible to please God. [Hebrews 11:6]
Can't agree more. But faith in what, and more importantly who? We know because "thus sayth the Lord". The alternative I see alot of is "thus saith my proffesor of religious studies". Or worse maybe "thus saith I"
"It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man."
[Psalm 118:8]
I'm liking you more and more all the time. Is it possible though, that we can only apprehend , in the Bible, that which the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to. Think of Nicodemus. Top scholar of his Era, and a nice guy. Jesus said he'd have to be born again before he'd be even capable of understanding Jesus teachings. .
I think Jesus was saying that there is a whole category of reality that exists, which is beyond the experience of normal humans. They have not personally experienced the factual existence of the spirit world. The preexistence of life before birth and the afterlife are unknowable to living man, via his day to day experience. While we cannot see or know it's source, we know with certainty that wind exists. We must change our minds about the existence of God and His plans for mankind.
This is the good news (the gospel) that Jesus brought to mankind.
In order to understand the Bible, we must reject all preconceptions that ignorant and scholarly men force upon us.
We must mix faith with our reading in order to allow the truth of God's Word to come through.
[Hebrews 4:2]
Sorry got a little off topic on the last response. I drink a couple beers after work and I'm not always running on all cylinders. Plus I think you triggered me when you mentioned the gospel as somethig other than the percribed definition of the gospel as described in The Bible , lol. So my original assertion, addressed as a question, do you suppose a man can even apprehend God, or Gods truths in the Bible without the aid of its writer, The Holy Spirit? Nicodemus read with faith, was intelligent, moral, ..etc. what was it exactly that was preventing him from seeing in the Torah, though he knew it forward and backward, what Jesus was teaching? The Jews understood the coming messiah as being a savior/king prophesied to sit on the throne of David. They missed the messiah presented as a lamb, a servant, a man of sorrows. They missed that because of their preconceptions as you said. But as a Christian looking at these verses you have to wonder how they miss them. I'm not anti scholar or anti ignorant, I'm pro truth. Truth has many levels of understanding sometimes. And If your not a truth teller well, I'm still supposed to love you anyways so as to honor my Gods commandment to Love Him, and Love others as myself. Not to be a fool and sit at the feet of unbelievers, but still be loving for Jesus sake, empowered by the Holy Spirit which sanctifies us, to be able to do His will. Which otherwise would have been impossible. Like love your enemy. Hopefully this is a better response. God bless, sorry to keep talking, lol. I'll leave you alone now.
Did Nicodemus not believe the Bible? He had faith in Gods word surely. Jesus is a mystery, a stumbling stone to most. The Gospel is totally lost on an unbeliever. They dont get the majesty of the event. The Gosepel is an event. That Jesus died for us on the cross and was raised again on the third day. Greatest event in history. Greater than creation. The power of it is lost to most, even saved people. Its above us. We should talk more Dan. God bless.
Thank you brother gonna read this when I get off work. Though it pains me to turn away from this exchange, I'm really enjoying your input. I'll shoot you a response to your thoughtful comment as soon as I get a chance. Might be late. Just ignore it and read it in the morning. Peace brother, God bless you.
I guess your to harmed to reply lol.
Isn't that verse in regards to dispensation. All justified by faith, some works and faith.
Do you agree that scholarly types have hijacked the word of God and placed themselves as the authority. My anger at that has caused my mistake. As we know wrath doeth not the rightiousness of God.
You got me on that one, thanks.
I'm OK with suggesting belief over study. We study to approve ourselves to the Lord. I have nothing to prove in respect to my ego. Like those that think they're smarter than the Bible and rewrite it. It's an issue of authority.
You are right though, good point