There is something profound and pithy about a rant, especially coming from Jon, that resonates with reasonable people tired of the current state of affairs in this declining nation.

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Let it rip! Thank you Jon. What happened in the Appalachian mountains is about the same thing. You white people can't have your land. We're takin it. You'll have nothing, live or die.

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Jon for president!

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Jon is too intelligent to be POTUS…and honest.

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Excellent rant. Wish it weren't true. More than that I wish I wasn't surrounded by idiots who fail to comprehend, fail to see, what should be as evident as the morning sky.

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I liked your Ellis Inland comparison of then and now. And recognition that it is done by design, to destroy this most important land of opportunity and freedom. And the disgusting turn that Yellowstone took to reflect wokeness.

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Absolutely, and the differences are so irrefutably true !!!

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Jon. You're one of the good Jews. Please get Dennis Prager to read this and convince him to convince his fellow Jews that they (with their obvious and very impressive, estimable talents, brains and skills) should wake up and see what their fellow left-liberal, God-hating Jews in high places (all places actually, except sports) are doing to the U.S. and thus to the world. Soros, Epstein, Weinstein, Friedan, Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, Alinsky, Marcuse, banking, media, education, military-industrial, spirituality and the like.

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Hi Jon Just a brief comment on Afghanistan . I was working there just before the collapse . Some one gave Bagram airbase away to no one . The US / NATO military left in the middle of the night , leaving it wide open and full of military equipment and cash and prisoners . Bagram had 3 full size airfields , hospitals , McDonalds , etc . Its was a small city . They basically gave away the safe exit out of Afghanistan . They basically locked themselves into Afghanistan with no safe exit.

Then a few months later , we saw the US /NATO leave through the Kabul airport , which is tiny and un defendable . All the chaos was unnecessary. Whomever gave Bagram away to no one ( not even to the Afghan government) is super criminal .

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Jon I just wish you could speak plainly and let us know how you really Feel.. Come on open up more, lay it on the line...

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Nice bit of spleen venting going on here, Jon! I hope it’s cathartic.

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And furthermore... "We're from the guvmint and we're here to help. No, not you people in Lahaina, East Palestine, or you people whose communities are underwater in FL, NC TN or GA! But yes, we welcome across the border you human and drug traffickers; empty your jails, send them all to the USA, we have help for them!"

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Good one Jon. Should wait till after lunch to read though.

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You've tapped into the Zeitgeist of Conservatives. We're mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore! Except we will... because... old.

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Definitely time to speak from the heart and gut without taking a breath to second guess what the upshot might be of speaking that mind born of freedom and expression and adventure and creativity and ever-upward and greater understanding of the human condition, which is that a life not lived out on the limb is a life barely lived at all. We all better stand up and protect the precious land of our dignity. What say ye?

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Loved it, Jon! I'd say you really outdid yourself with this one, but then again I think you do that pretty often so I won't say that. I was thinking how we could get this piece in front of the corporate idiots and anyone else that holds any sway in Hollywood, but then I figured you probably know such people and they've probably heard how logical your opinions are on the matter and how self-evident it is, and they've probably also heard from others that share your opinion. How they couldn't also understand and agree with such clear logic on the matter is truly mind boggling. I mean, how is it that in light of their crashing viewership that they don't realize ever-increasing numbers of people are totally fed up and disgusted with their woke, crazy product content?

Some independent citizen journalists have revealed that Vanguard/Blackrock own the majority of stock in some of the largest corporations and as such are coercing them to pander to the wokies under threat of Blackrock pulling their stock from those companies. They say this explains why such companies were willing to produce woke advertisements, e.g., Bud Lite using a transvestite in its commercials, despite knowing that doing so would cause a big loss to their revenue and customer base. I wonder to what extent that's also happening to the Hollywood film business? Surely, the content creators of Yellowstone know the pushback and loss of viewership that's going to happen because of their latest perversion of the Yellowstone series. So why would they do that? Surely they've seen it's bad business to submit to "wokeness philosophy." My final conclusions on the matter are that I must be missing a whole lot of vital data that would explain the reasons for the unspeakably stupid moves they've been making for the last couple of decades. In any case, loved that you pulled no punches and took no prisoners in this piece.

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Jon, I am the commenter who annoyed you with Emma Lazarus' poem. All's I said was: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free....I lift my lamp beside the golden door." I did not mean: "Let's let all and sundry in." (I oppose deliberate transmigrasie.) I was mainly being nostalgic for the old days. My illiterate grandma came thru Ellis Island circa 1890. Children who enter today are put in the hands of HHS. Here is a PBS quote dated 2018, when Trump was president:

"Trafficked in America [is] a new documentary from FRONTLINE and the Investigative Reporting Program at U.C. Berkeley that goes inside the hidden world of labor trafficking. The investigation exposes a criminal network that exploited undocumented minors, ... and how government policies and practices helped to deliver some teens directly to their traffickers. 'We’ve got these kids. They’re here. They’re living on our soil and for us to just, you know, assume someone else is gonna take care of them and throw them to the wolves, which is what HHS was doing, is flat out wrong,' [said] Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio)."

Many of the new entrants were recruited by persons who make big money from recruiting. Are any of these recruiters in jail?

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Jon, you fuel my day.

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