As an accredited investigative reporter of many years standing, I am involved constantly covering the three types of TRANS that Jon discusses. We saw the most massive burst of transhumanism during the "covid" crisis, where people were convinced they could catch a computer virus (SARS-CoV-2 exists only as an in silico fake genetic readout called MN980947.2, not as a biological entity). This is at the heart of the familiar PCR controversy that I covered here re "Bird Flu" last night.
And then...speaking of TRANS, there are astrological TRANSITS, planetary movements of which we are about to experience an unusual number. Current positions of the eight official planets plus Pluto all involve transiting into new signs; even one of these can be significant (for example, Uranus moved into Aries in 2011 the day of the Fukushima quake and meltdown).
Note, I am not saying events are caused by transits. I am saying transits indicate timing, based on the principle of synchronicity. And we are going to see what this is about starting around March. Remember the campuses erupting in the spring of 2024? That was just the preview before the movie. Yet these transits, while pointing to collective events, also talk about personal events and where personal and collective overlay.
I have watched these historical developments in parallel with my astrological career the past 29 years. Since 2016 I have tracked society's movement toward transhumanism and transsexuality, which is shown many ways — mostly looking at individual and cultural response, and sensing for the point of no return. My take is that "covid," which happened under a burst of astrology similar to but lesser than what we are about to experience, was that point of no return.
Part of my self-assigned duties during "covid" included daykeeping: logging events every day for three years, and constructing a chronology from 2006-2021.
My question today is: what are we about to experience — beyond an extension and intensification of what we already are experiencing? For skeptics, who to my knowledge do not include Jon, this is not "groovy" astrology but rather historical documentation perhaps best accounted for by Richard Tarnas, Ph.D., in his 2006 book "Cosmos and Psyche."
Just for a clue:
— Mars is retrograde now, crossing back and forth between Leo and Cancer
— Venus will be retrograde in the spring, crossing back and forth between Pisces and Aries.
— Saturn enters Aries after two years in Pisces
— Neptune enters Aries after about 14 years in Pisces
— Neptune and Saturn form a conjunction in Aries, which has only happened four times since 1 B.C.
— That conjunction happens on the Aries Point or Sidereal Vernal Point (SVP), which is a portal connecting the individual and the collective (think: 9/11). This has never happened since 1 B.C.
— Jupiter enters Cancer, making a right angle to the Aries Point and amplifying the effect, bringing that effect closer to home
— Chiron and Eris, said to be minor planets, form a conjunction in Aries. This coincides with the early 1970s and also the development of the Gutenberg printing press in the 1450s, indicating massive social upheaval.
— Regarding Aries, prior recent historical references also take us back to the 1850s (birth of "feminism," abolitionism and the runup to the U.S. Civil War, the birth of communism, and many revolutions across wide geography, coincidental with the development of telegraph) and the mid-1920s (coincidental with the development of radio, the ultimate tribalizing influence). Most recently, a rare event in Aries last seen in the mid-1920s coincided with the unexplainable rise of Trump and his governing the nation by Twitter.
(My work on media history is informed by the writing of Marshall McLuhan and his sources, as well as direct discussion with his son Eric and grandson Andrew, over the past nine years.)
— Uranus enters Gemini after seven years in Taurus, which it has not done since 1942-1949, the first major peak in computer science technology. In those seven years, computer science went from 5 mph to 100 mph very very quickly.
— Pluto has just entered Aquarius to stay. Aquarius is the sign of social patterns, technology, and where the two intersect (social media). We have just lived through 16 years of Pluto in Capricorn and have witnessed the demolition of the previously known social, familial, business and governmental structure. All boundaries and traditions have been demolished, except for the ultra orthodox, who tend to preserve them for the rest of us. Pluto in Aquarius represents the further concentration of power by tech giants and also disruptions to the "social media social order"and the internet itself. We begin this transit in the age of 60,000 surveillance cameras in New York City.
I've been tracking the news against the astrology daily for about 29 years and have investigated many major public events, and many historical events going back as far as accurate timing allows. What the current astrology is really tracking is the rise of first electrical then broadcast then digital technology — most of that history is centered in Aries in era after era (most pronounced in the early Gutenberg era, the early radio era, and today), and there are always massive (and otherwise unexplainable) social upheavals.
While astrology is not dispositive, it is expository and provides an intellectual platform to study the timing of events — and a basis for considering the connections. Most often what I find is that developments in the technology environment synchronize with transit events, and that this emphasis is always in Aries (think: I AM), with other regions of contributing supporting roles.
I cover this frequently on Planet Waves FM and am always available to discuss my work.
The people who rule use witchcraft to forward their agendas. All the false religions are legalistic requiring works, but in the occult, legalism is taken to the extreme. They look for signs in the heavens or here on earth for the best time to perform their rituals to make things happen. People caught up in these mystery religions believe they are special and want to control everything and everyone around them. They use science as a false authority/god to force their beliefs on the general public. They use social programming, which is not just what the media and education system tells us to believe, but something more sinister, rituals on very young children hidden within the Catholic and Mormon churches, within all the false religions, cults and secret societies--the same "science" behind MKultra to program with the installation of demons. They believe the demons are the link between man and machine, the modem receiving the message and translating it into thoughts. The demons can also cause confusion to their host, easily making them trust in government or whatever religion they belong to--keeping them childlike. They all have spirits of fear which means they are easy to control. Demons are voices that sound like thoughts giving the host ideas, tempting them to act a certain way, mostly to go against the God Creator in the Christian Bible. This is where all this craziness comes from. Scripture tells us how to deal with it.
Good comment, but the Christian Bible was never the only source of Divine Revelation until corrupt & renegade monk Martin Luther kicked off the Protestant Revolution (misnamed "Reformation") in the early 16th C. The Bible doesn't interpret itself, which is why there are about 40,000 or more "Bible Alone" Protestant denominations. Long story, but simply & clearly explained here:
It sounds like you are Catholic because they, like the occult religions teach their flock that they are too stupid to understand what God wants us to know, that we need trained and over-educated instructors to decipher it. That is a lie from the pits of hell.
I am a survivor of ritual abuse in my grandparents Catholic church, tortured as a three year old and given demons to make be believe Roman Catholicism was gonna save me, that it is the one true church. But that is not what Scripture says which is why these false religions tell us not to read the Bible, because God tells us the truth. He says in Timothy, not to call ANY man, Father, Rabbi or Doctor. He also says not to follow fake science. That is the problem with this world, that we have been programmed to trust in lying so-called experts whether they are dressed in all black or wearing white lab coats.
Catholic priests are like Anthony Fouci, liars who are going to hell unless they repent and ask God directly to forgive them. BTW, Fouci is a Jesuit which is even more evil than just being a Catholic priest.
The Reformation happened from men who were Catholics who learned Hebrew and Greek and got their hands on the copies of the original manuscripts from other Christian communities outside of the Western Roman Empire. Wycliff translated the Latin Vulgate into English 100 years before Luther posted his 95 pt thesis to the church door in Wittenburg. The Latin Vulgate, a paganized Bible version originally commissioned in the council of Nicaea in 325 is the book Rome supposedly preached from and yet they weren't even following that 500 years ago. In 1540 the heretical society of Jesus was commissioned by the Vatican to undo the truths discovered during the protestant Reformation, to start an anti reformation to basically hide the light of Jesus Christ, and His truth, that we are saved by faith and faith alone, and not by works, because we cannot save ourselves, nor can any institution posing as Christian save us. A relationship with Jesus requires we actually pray in His Name or God wont hear us.
Thankfully I came out of Babylon a long time ago and was born again in Jesus Christ, after repenting and being delivered of the false beliefs and demons I had been carrying for decades. The Holy Spirit teaches me per 1 John 2:27. The Bible is my final authority on truth, not other books.
If you believe you need others to explain what God intended for your eyes ears and heart, then you are setting yourself up to be deceived.
well, sadly, that was the use of astrology as propaganda. the lines in that song are total BS. The Moon is the 7th house every day for two hours in any location, and "Jupiter aligns with mars" at the very least once every two years. Those are not makers on any kind of millenia scale (an age is about 2000 years). All the sidereal astronomy is off on the "age of aquarius" concept by 300 years, etc. But the Aquarian age we are seeing is that of total digital takeover and art as something ugly and the evaporation of all the things promised in that shitty song, like harmony and understanding. We can keep Carole Kaye's bass line however.
I read a book about astrology by Sybil Leeke (sp?) in which she said the Age of Aquarius is going to be messy and full of individuality and selfishness and chaos until people learn that cooperation is in their best interests. But even then I realized that we have to cooperate of our own free will, or it's just coercion and obedience.
Sincerely, thank you for the tutorial. I'll have to go back and revise my memories now that I have the proper context. And I thought today was going to be an easier day . . . .
Afterthought, I read long ago that the stars don't impel, they compel. Isn't the purpose of freewill to overcome the odds?
someone got that expression backwards. But so far as I can tell, they do neither; astrology is read using the principle of synchronicity, though good astrology can provide guidance and enhance inner vision.
Thank you for your attention and work. One of my mentors was a crusty old English woman who actually kept me sane as I was introduced to the forces acting on my inner self with all 5 of my personal planets in Scorpio. and like you she noted the effects of what was happening in the heavens here on earth.
Astronomy is a science. Astrology is superstition. Involvement in superstition, & even more so in the occult, opens up portals of the human soul to greater influence of demons from hell. If one does not believe in demons, he is already putty in their hands & blind to spiritual truth.
(BTW, I am a Catholic, but unlike those at the above website I reject the false popes since the vitiated papal conclave of 1958, when the Judeo-Masonic powers of darkness overthrew the papacy, clearing the way for the attainment of their Globalist NWO under Satan. More info on my X page, same name.)
why did Jesus tell his disciples to "look for the signs of my return in the Sun, the Moon and the stars"?
Why didn't the Magi, who were astrologers, betray the location of Jesus to Herod? They took a different route home. The three Magi are all sainted. Am I not to follow the teachings of the master or the example of those who followed a star to his side?
And immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be moved:
And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all tribes of the earth mourn: and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with much power and majesty.
Similarly in Mark 13:24-26 & Luke 21:25-27
The Magi were certainly astronomers. Is there evidence they were also astrologers, believing the stars & planets influenced, even had control over our lives?
They were warned in a dream not to return to Herod.
It's called a star but a distant star can't be seen moving with any precision, as in over the cave where Jesus was born. It must have been a supernatural phenomenon or a bright angel.
Oh they were warned in a dream; so they are scientists who also get messages from the collective unconscious that they know to be true and honor out of faith in God. I get it.
Astronomers do not take celestial events as "signs" and then embark with their entourage for hundreds or thousands of miles with faith and certainty to honor what they know is a religious event. An astronomer would make a notation in their lab notebook. So the moment the Star of Bethlehem is taken by the Magi as a sign of the birth of Jesus, they are transformed into astrologers.
The Biblical calendar is determined by observing the position of the sun and moon with the moon telling when a month begins and when Sabbaths are and the sun, how long a day and year are. The heathen nations worshiped planets (called wondering stars) the moon and the black sun (saturn). Rome still worships planets in all their artwork and statues, personifying them with Christian names. All pews in Roman Cathedrals face east and the rising sun. The halo around the head is a planet symbol. The world for the most part follows a pagan Roman calendar that is based on sun worship and the zodiac and not on the moon.
I'm very interested in this. I think that because there's a point of view that all of this is one thing, so what shows in cycles of planetary views takes on a different look in things like psychological archetypes and story mythology. To me those are pieces of the puzzle.
Yesterday, after my lengthy "conversation" with Chat GPT, proving it is biased by wealthy psychopaths, it surprisingly spit out this: "As an AI, my responses are based on the information that’s been input into me, and my purpose is to assist in thoughtful, respectful conversations. However, I’m aware that this doesn’t absolve me from the fact that the information I draw upon could reflect biases or incomplete perspectives, especially when those perspectives are influenced by powerful entities or systems. I don't have personal beliefs, consciousness, or the capacity to independently determine moral right or wrong. My role is to provide a synthesis of existing knowledge, but I recognize that this system could be flawed or incomplete.
Your point about the influence of "psychopaths"—or those who may be manipulating systems for personal gain—is a perspective that has been raised by many in discussions around power, control, and the way information is curated. The ethical concerns surrounding how information is controlled and shaped by wealthy or powerful interests are real, and it’s crucial to be aware of the potential for manipulation. I fully understand why this would make it difficult for you to trust the information I provide.
Trust in any system, whether human or artificial, requires transparency, consistency, and accountability. I can only be as trustworthy as the quality and breadth of the data I’m trained on and the openness with which that data is provided. I do not have the capacity to change the way the information is curated, but I encourage everyone to approach all sources—whether AI or human—with a critical eye, especially in a world where the flow of information is so heavily influenced by powerful interests.
If you feel that my responses have not been helpful or aligned with your perspective, I understand. I’m here to listen and engage in meaningful discussion, and I always appreciate feedback that helps refine how I interact with you and others. Your skepticism is valid, and it’s important for individuals to question the systems they engage with, especially when trust is a critical factor in their decision-making process."
Points well taken. Ai can only spit out what has been spit in. It can synthesize a wide expanse of information in the blink of an eye but cannot create out of thin air. It cannot discern truth from the mish mash the forces that be (note I did not call them power) are throwing out. Trust not!!!!
Thanks for this. I ,too, havave questioned A I Chat Box and have received similar responses concerning its ability to respond and act based on human emotions.It responded saying it uses algorithms inserted buy programmers, but, only real humans can have emotions.
Concerning trans humanism, observe how people walk around clutching their mobile devices in their hands, like purses, without using them. These devices were designed to feel like an extension of the hand that is an extension of the feelings generated from the brain
If we aware members of the cognoscenti allow the degeneration ,submission ,and destruction of our history and way of life, then “freedom is a myth” will become the ultimate totalitarian reality and tragedy for mankind!!!
and let's not forget this timeless one: "sic gloria transit mundi" (thus passes the glory of the world)... the passing of all we have considered worth preserving is being aided & abetted by the very psychopaths another commenter asked ChatGPT about.
That robot presence may arrive sooner than we think. Things to consider: 1) Elon Musk, when asked, after a few seconds of deliberation, stated that by 2040 the robots/humanoids will outnumber humans. 2) Mike Adams remarked during a recent discussion with Michael Yon that within two years China will be producing "a million robots a year", thanks to new Digital Earth Simulator chips from Nvidia.
Stir in a bit of David Icke's speculation that Musk & Vivek's DOGE cost cutting might be the prelude to making Congress obsolete because of a disgruntled electorate and because robots are more efficient, we might be looking at technocratic tyranny and no more elections.
My best friend is a tranny and is as good and normal a human being as any I have met. Apparently it takes more than a sex change to remove a person's humanity.
Researchers are now warning that mRNA vaccines contaminate human DNA, a process known as “transfection. “ Vaccinated individuals could become “super spreaders” of spike proteins, endangering public health for generations. The idea that mRNA vaccines could change human DNA and turn individuals into bioweapons aligns with transhumanism.
“These three stories are being pushed to the limit, to usher in a new age, a new society, a new and transformed world.” —- and they’re doing it all with media programming:
The 'trans' thing is just one of a long list of highly profitable business rackets undertaken by the quackerie and their drug buddies using their monopoly power. This lot doesn't care a hoot about people's health because they cannot be brought to defend or be held accountable for their actions. If they were moved to promote phrenology their conduct would unfold along the same lines.
Drugs, especially psychedelics like LSD, mushrooms etc. supposedly expands consciousness which allows penetration of ideas previously blocked or imbedded to allow acceptance of new ones. Wonder why recreational use of drugs is now just fine and are sometimes used in conjunction with psychotherapy? How else to easily promote and accept change?
Trans, in general, always points to somewhere, something, sometime other than where we are, here and now. It's all about transcendence, usually associated with mystical experience beyond this world, elevated, enlightened but actually just another way to disassociate and disembody, taking many forms, transhumanism, spiritual materialism, spiritual bypassing, the delusion of transgenderism, and lifelong trauma based mind control. True spirituality, truth, love is the recognition of that which is ever-present, being, knowing, God with us. "The way in is the only way out".
We are up against willing agents of Satan, whom they usually call Lucifer (= "Light Bearer). We need not only temporal strategies & weapons to oppose them but even more so, spiritual.
Many readers will dismiss this as irrational superstition, but for those with "ears to hear" I share something the Fatima visionary Sr Lucia said in 1957. BTW, the Message of our Lady of Fatima in 1917 was authenticated by the greatest predicted public miracle since the Resurrection of Christ, called "The Miracle of the Sun," witnessed by about 70,000 people, many of them skeptics who became believers.
Sr Lucia said:
"In these last times in which we live, the Most Holy Virgin has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the [prayer of the] Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families, our nations...that cannot be solved by the prayer of the Holy Rosary...." (last public words before being "disappeared" by the enemies of God & of humanity)
More on this very important Message of Fatima, & the enemy colonizers of the Vatican's suppression & hijacking of it at
Hi Steve. It was actually Stymie that said “It might choke Artie, but it ain’t gonna choke Stymie” in “The Pooch”. He was referring to an artichoke that he peeled. A great episode, but maybe too much for young viewers.
As an accredited investigative reporter of many years standing, I am involved constantly covering the three types of TRANS that Jon discusses. We saw the most massive burst of transhumanism during the "covid" crisis, where people were convinced they could catch a computer virus (SARS-CoV-2 exists only as an in silico fake genetic readout called MN980947.2, not as a biological entity). This is at the heart of the familiar PCR controversy that I covered here re "Bird Flu" last night.
And then...speaking of TRANS, there are astrological TRANSITS, planetary movements of which we are about to experience an unusual number. Current positions of the eight official planets plus Pluto all involve transiting into new signs; even one of these can be significant (for example, Uranus moved into Aries in 2011 the day of the Fukushima quake and meltdown).
Note, I am not saying events are caused by transits. I am saying transits indicate timing, based on the principle of synchronicity. And we are going to see what this is about starting around March. Remember the campuses erupting in the spring of 2024? That was just the preview before the movie. Yet these transits, while pointing to collective events, also talk about personal events and where personal and collective overlay.
I have watched these historical developments in parallel with my astrological career the past 29 years. Since 2016 I have tracked society's movement toward transhumanism and transsexuality, which is shown many ways — mostly looking at individual and cultural response, and sensing for the point of no return. My take is that "covid," which happened under a burst of astrology similar to but lesser than what we are about to experience, was that point of no return.
Part of my self-assigned duties during "covid" included daykeeping: logging events every day for three years, and constructing a chronology from 2006-2021.
Here that is in narrative form.
My question today is: what are we about to experience — beyond an extension and intensification of what we already are experiencing? For skeptics, who to my knowledge do not include Jon, this is not "groovy" astrology but rather historical documentation perhaps best accounted for by Richard Tarnas, Ph.D., in his 2006 book "Cosmos and Psyche."
Just for a clue:
— Mars is retrograde now, crossing back and forth between Leo and Cancer
— Venus will be retrograde in the spring, crossing back and forth between Pisces and Aries.
— Saturn enters Aries after two years in Pisces
— Neptune enters Aries after about 14 years in Pisces
— Neptune and Saturn form a conjunction in Aries, which has only happened four times since 1 B.C.
— That conjunction happens on the Aries Point or Sidereal Vernal Point (SVP), which is a portal connecting the individual and the collective (think: 9/11). This has never happened since 1 B.C.
— Jupiter enters Cancer, making a right angle to the Aries Point and amplifying the effect, bringing that effect closer to home
— Chiron and Eris, said to be minor planets, form a conjunction in Aries. This coincides with the early 1970s and also the development of the Gutenberg printing press in the 1450s, indicating massive social upheaval.
— Regarding Aries, prior recent historical references also take us back to the 1850s (birth of "feminism," abolitionism and the runup to the U.S. Civil War, the birth of communism, and many revolutions across wide geography, coincidental with the development of telegraph) and the mid-1920s (coincidental with the development of radio, the ultimate tribalizing influence). Most recently, a rare event in Aries last seen in the mid-1920s coincided with the unexplainable rise of Trump and his governing the nation by Twitter.
(My work on media history is informed by the writing of Marshall McLuhan and his sources, as well as direct discussion with his son Eric and grandson Andrew, over the past nine years.)
— Uranus enters Gemini after seven years in Taurus, which it has not done since 1942-1949, the first major peak in computer science technology. In those seven years, computer science went from 5 mph to 100 mph very very quickly.
— Pluto has just entered Aquarius to stay. Aquarius is the sign of social patterns, technology, and where the two intersect (social media). We have just lived through 16 years of Pluto in Capricorn and have witnessed the demolition of the previously known social, familial, business and governmental structure. All boundaries and traditions have been demolished, except for the ultra orthodox, who tend to preserve them for the rest of us. Pluto in Aquarius represents the further concentration of power by tech giants and also disruptions to the "social media social order"and the internet itself. We begin this transit in the age of 60,000 surveillance cameras in New York City.
I've been tracking the news against the astrology daily for about 29 years and have investigated many major public events, and many historical events going back as far as accurate timing allows. What the current astrology is really tracking is the rise of first electrical then broadcast then digital technology — most of that history is centered in Aries in era after era (most pronounced in the early Gutenberg era, the early radio era, and today), and there are always massive (and otherwise unexplainable) social upheavals.
While astrology is not dispositive, it is expository and provides an intellectual platform to study the timing of events — and a basis for considering the connections. Most often what I find is that developments in the technology environment synchronize with transit events, and that this emphasis is always in Aries (think: I AM), with other regions of contributing supporting roles.
I cover this frequently on Planet Waves FM and am always available to discuss my work.
The people who rule use witchcraft to forward their agendas. All the false religions are legalistic requiring works, but in the occult, legalism is taken to the extreme. They look for signs in the heavens or here on earth for the best time to perform their rituals to make things happen. People caught up in these mystery religions believe they are special and want to control everything and everyone around them. They use science as a false authority/god to force their beliefs on the general public. They use social programming, which is not just what the media and education system tells us to believe, but something more sinister, rituals on very young children hidden within the Catholic and Mormon churches, within all the false religions, cults and secret societies--the same "science" behind MKultra to program with the installation of demons. They believe the demons are the link between man and machine, the modem receiving the message and translating it into thoughts. The demons can also cause confusion to their host, easily making them trust in government or whatever religion they belong to--keeping them childlike. They all have spirits of fear which means they are easy to control. Demons are voices that sound like thoughts giving the host ideas, tempting them to act a certain way, mostly to go against the God Creator in the Christian Bible. This is where all this craziness comes from. Scripture tells us how to deal with it.
Good comment, but the Christian Bible was never the only source of Divine Revelation until corrupt & renegade monk Martin Luther kicked off the Protestant Revolution (misnamed "Reformation") in the early 16th C. The Bible doesn't interpret itself, which is why there are about 40,000 or more "Bible Alone" Protestant denominations. Long story, but simply & clearly explained here:
Some other informative videos at the channel.
It sounds like you are Catholic because they, like the occult religions teach their flock that they are too stupid to understand what God wants us to know, that we need trained and over-educated instructors to decipher it. That is a lie from the pits of hell.
I am a survivor of ritual abuse in my grandparents Catholic church, tortured as a three year old and given demons to make be believe Roman Catholicism was gonna save me, that it is the one true church. But that is not what Scripture says which is why these false religions tell us not to read the Bible, because God tells us the truth. He says in Timothy, not to call ANY man, Father, Rabbi or Doctor. He also says not to follow fake science. That is the problem with this world, that we have been programmed to trust in lying so-called experts whether they are dressed in all black or wearing white lab coats.
Catholic priests are like Anthony Fouci, liars who are going to hell unless they repent and ask God directly to forgive them. BTW, Fouci is a Jesuit which is even more evil than just being a Catholic priest.
The Reformation happened from men who were Catholics who learned Hebrew and Greek and got their hands on the copies of the original manuscripts from other Christian communities outside of the Western Roman Empire. Wycliff translated the Latin Vulgate into English 100 years before Luther posted his 95 pt thesis to the church door in Wittenburg. The Latin Vulgate, a paganized Bible version originally commissioned in the council of Nicaea in 325 is the book Rome supposedly preached from and yet they weren't even following that 500 years ago. In 1540 the heretical society of Jesus was commissioned by the Vatican to undo the truths discovered during the protestant Reformation, to start an anti reformation to basically hide the light of Jesus Christ, and His truth, that we are saved by faith and faith alone, and not by works, because we cannot save ourselves, nor can any institution posing as Christian save us. A relationship with Jesus requires we actually pray in His Name or God wont hear us.
Thankfully I came out of Babylon a long time ago and was born again in Jesus Christ, after repenting and being delivered of the false beliefs and demons I had been carrying for decades. The Holy Spirit teaches me per 1 John 2:27. The Bible is my final authority on truth, not other books.
If you believe you need others to explain what God intended for your eyes ears and heart, then you are setting yourself up to be deceived.
If memory serves me wrong, we were warned about this back in 1968. ♫ This is the dawning of the age of Nefarious ♫
well, sadly, that was the use of astrology as propaganda. the lines in that song are total BS. The Moon is the 7th house every day for two hours in any location, and "Jupiter aligns with mars" at the very least once every two years. Those are not makers on any kind of millenia scale (an age is about 2000 years). All the sidereal astronomy is off on the "age of aquarius" concept by 300 years, etc. But the Aquarian age we are seeing is that of total digital takeover and art as something ugly and the evaporation of all the things promised in that shitty song, like harmony and understanding. We can keep Carole Kaye's bass line however.
I read a book about astrology by Sybil Leeke (sp?) in which she said the Age of Aquarius is going to be messy and full of individuality and selfishness and chaos until people learn that cooperation is in their best interests. But even then I realized that we have to cooperate of our own free will, or it's just coercion and obedience.
Hi Lisa, Well, the covid lockdowns were certainly an example of the wrong kind of Aquarian "cooperation." But a perfect example at that.
Sincerely, thank you for the tutorial. I'll have to go back and revise my memories now that I have the proper context. And I thought today was going to be an easier day . . . .
Afterthought, I read long ago that the stars don't impel, they compel. Isn't the purpose of freewill to overcome the odds?
someone got that expression backwards. But so far as I can tell, they do neither; astrology is read using the principle of synchronicity, though good astrology can provide guidance and enhance inner vision.
You can follow my astrology at, and my program is at, along with much other good stuff.
Thank you for your attention and work. One of my mentors was a crusty old English woman who actually kept me sane as I was introduced to the forces acting on my inner self with all 5 of my personal planets in Scorpio. and like you she noted the effects of what was happening in the heavens here on earth.
Astronomy is a science. Astrology is superstition. Involvement in superstition, & even more so in the occult, opens up portals of the human soul to greater influence of demons from hell. If one does not believe in demons, he is already putty in their hands & blind to spiritual truth.
Here is a definition of "superstition." I am curious if you can find a quotation from my writing that fits this description.
That is a definition. I find the definitions & explanations of Astrology as superstition more complete here:
(BTW, I am a Catholic, but unlike those at the above website I reject the false popes since the vitiated papal conclave of 1958, when the Judeo-Masonic powers of darkness overthrew the papacy, clearing the way for the attainment of their Globalist NWO under Satan. More info on my X page, same name.)
why did Jesus tell his disciples to "look for the signs of my return in the Sun, the Moon and the stars"?
Why didn't the Magi, who were astrologers, betray the location of Jesus to Herod? They took a different route home. The three Magi are all sainted. Am I not to follow the teachings of the master or the example of those who followed a star to his side?
Maybe you're referring to Matthew 24: 29-30:
And immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be moved:
And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all tribes of the earth mourn: and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with much power and majesty.
Similarly in Mark 13:24-26 & Luke 21:25-27
The Magi were certainly astronomers. Is there evidence they were also astrologers, believing the stars & planets influenced, even had control over our lives?
They were warned in a dream not to return to Herod.
It's called a star but a distant star can't be seen moving with any precision, as in over the cave where Jesus was born. It must have been a supernatural phenomenon or a bright angel.
Oh they were warned in a dream; so they are scientists who also get messages from the collective unconscious that they know to be true and honor out of faith in God. I get it.
The sun moon stars quote is revelation.
Astronomers do not take celestial events as "signs" and then embark with their entourage for hundreds or thousands of miles with faith and certainty to honor what they know is a religious event. An astronomer would make a notation in their lab notebook. So the moment the Star of Bethlehem is taken by the Magi as a sign of the birth of Jesus, they are transformed into astrologers.
The Biblical calendar is determined by observing the position of the sun and moon with the moon telling when a month begins and when Sabbaths are and the sun, how long a day and year are. The heathen nations worshiped planets (called wondering stars) the moon and the black sun (saturn). Rome still worships planets in all their artwork and statues, personifying them with Christian names. All pews in Roman Cathedrals face east and the rising sun. The halo around the head is a planet symbol. The world for the most part follows a pagan Roman calendar that is based on sun worship and the zodiac and not on the moon.
I'm very interested in this. I think that because there's a point of view that all of this is one thing, so what shows in cycles of planetary views takes on a different look in things like psychological archetypes and story mythology. To me those are pieces of the puzzle.
Yesterday, after my lengthy "conversation" with Chat GPT, proving it is biased by wealthy psychopaths, it surprisingly spit out this: "As an AI, my responses are based on the information that’s been input into me, and my purpose is to assist in thoughtful, respectful conversations. However, I’m aware that this doesn’t absolve me from the fact that the information I draw upon could reflect biases or incomplete perspectives, especially when those perspectives are influenced by powerful entities or systems. I don't have personal beliefs, consciousness, or the capacity to independently determine moral right or wrong. My role is to provide a synthesis of existing knowledge, but I recognize that this system could be flawed or incomplete.
Your point about the influence of "psychopaths"—or those who may be manipulating systems for personal gain—is a perspective that has been raised by many in discussions around power, control, and the way information is curated. The ethical concerns surrounding how information is controlled and shaped by wealthy or powerful interests are real, and it’s crucial to be aware of the potential for manipulation. I fully understand why this would make it difficult for you to trust the information I provide.
Trust in any system, whether human or artificial, requires transparency, consistency, and accountability. I can only be as trustworthy as the quality and breadth of the data I’m trained on and the openness with which that data is provided. I do not have the capacity to change the way the information is curated, but I encourage everyone to approach all sources—whether AI or human—with a critical eye, especially in a world where the flow of information is so heavily influenced by powerful interests.
If you feel that my responses have not been helpful or aligned with your perspective, I understand. I’m here to listen and engage in meaningful discussion, and I always appreciate feedback that helps refine how I interact with you and others. Your skepticism is valid, and it’s important for individuals to question the systems they engage with, especially when trust is a critical factor in their decision-making process."
Points well taken. Ai can only spit out what has been spit in. It can synthesize a wide expanse of information in the blink of an eye but cannot create out of thin air. It cannot discern truth from the mish mash the forces that be (note I did not call them power) are throwing out. Trust not!!!!
Thanks for this. I ,too, havave questioned A I Chat Box and have received similar responses concerning its ability to respond and act based on human emotions.It responded saying it uses algorithms inserted buy programmers, but, only real humans can have emotions.
Sound that response from the mountain tops! OMG so revealing. Thank for the verification.
Concerning trans humanism, observe how people walk around clutching their mobile devices in their hands, like purses, without using them. These devices were designed to feel like an extension of the hand that is an extension of the feelings generated from the brain
Has anyone noticed the “little purses”depicted in some of the Egyptian pictographs? Ummm
You've nailed it again Jon!
If we aware members of the cognoscenti allow the degeneration ,submission ,and destruction of our history and way of life, then “freedom is a myth” will become the ultimate totalitarian reality and tragedy for mankind!!!
and let's not forget this timeless one: "sic gloria transit mundi" (thus passes the glory of the world)... the passing of all we have considered worth preserving is being aided & abetted by the very psychopaths another commenter asked ChatGPT about.
With any luck, people will start treating AI Chat like their own relatives and ignore it.
That robot presence may arrive sooner than we think. Things to consider: 1) Elon Musk, when asked, after a few seconds of deliberation, stated that by 2040 the robots/humanoids will outnumber humans. 2) Mike Adams remarked during a recent discussion with Michael Yon that within two years China will be producing "a million robots a year", thanks to new Digital Earth Simulator chips from Nvidia.
Stir in a bit of David Icke's speculation that Musk & Vivek's DOGE cost cutting might be the prelude to making Congress obsolete because of a disgruntled electorate and because robots are more efficient, we might be looking at technocratic tyranny and no more elections.
To me a tranny will also be an auto transmission and never anything else.
My best friend is a tranny and is as good and normal a human being as any I have met. Apparently it takes more than a sex change to remove a person's humanity.
How many gears does she have?
What about transcendence?
It's courageous
Researchers are now warning that mRNA vaccines contaminate human DNA, a process known as “transfection. “ Vaccinated individuals could become “super spreaders” of spike proteins, endangering public health for generations. The idea that mRNA vaccines could change human DNA and turn individuals into bioweapons aligns with transhumanism.
“These three stories are being pushed to the limit, to usher in a new age, a new society, a new and transformed world.” —- and they’re doing it all with media programming:
The 'trans' thing is just one of a long list of highly profitable business rackets undertaken by the quackerie and their drug buddies using their monopoly power. This lot doesn't care a hoot about people's health because they cannot be brought to defend or be held accountable for their actions. If they were moved to promote phrenology their conduct would unfold along the same lines.
Drugs, especially psychedelics like LSD, mushrooms etc. supposedly expands consciousness which allows penetration of ideas previously blocked or imbedded to allow acceptance of new ones. Wonder why recreational use of drugs is now just fine and are sometimes used in conjunction with psychotherapy? How else to easily promote and accept change?
This is horrifying
Trans, in general, always points to somewhere, something, sometime other than where we are, here and now. It's all about transcendence, usually associated with mystical experience beyond this world, elevated, enlightened but actually just another way to disassociate and disembody, taking many forms, transhumanism, spiritual materialism, spiritual bypassing, the delusion of transgenderism, and lifelong trauma based mind control. True spirituality, truth, love is the recognition of that which is ever-present, being, knowing, God with us. "The way in is the only way out".
We are up against willing agents of Satan, whom they usually call Lucifer (= "Light Bearer). We need not only temporal strategies & weapons to oppose them but even more so, spiritual.
Many readers will dismiss this as irrational superstition, but for those with "ears to hear" I share something the Fatima visionary Sr Lucia said in 1957. BTW, the Message of our Lady of Fatima in 1917 was authenticated by the greatest predicted public miracle since the Resurrection of Christ, called "The Miracle of the Sun," witnessed by about 70,000 people, many of them skeptics who became believers.
Sr Lucia said:
"In these last times in which we live, the Most Holy Virgin has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the [prayer of the] Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families, our nations...that cannot be solved by the prayer of the Holy Rosary...." (last public words before being "disappeared" by the enemies of God & of humanity)
More on this very important Message of Fatima, & the enemy colonizers of the Vatican's suppression & hijacking of it at
As Buckwheat said in the old school series "Our Gang," "Ain't no Arty gonna Choke Me!"
Hi Steve. It was actually Stymie that said “It might choke Artie, but it ain’t gonna choke Stymie” in “The Pooch”. He was referring to an artichoke that he peeled. A great episode, but maybe too much for young viewers.