Sitemap - 2024 - Jon Rappoport

My dog Jim meets an AI in the woods

The Philosophic Con Men Are Coming to Town

Is Mexico really entitled to lands “the US stole from them through war?”

Hideous global climate agreement; illegal scum making US law

The PREP Act of 2005: another legal nightmare

Is THIS when the Supreme Court went off the rails?

Health Freedom and the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution

New Report: Medical Drugs Are the Leading Cause of Death in America

WHO Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations explained (finally)


Gateway Pundit files Chapter 11 bankruptcy: facing defamation lawsuits

“Transgender kids” are a myth, a fairy tale

“I’m connecting with my roots”

The Underdog Mentality Is a Destroyer

How doctors have beefed up language for…

The future of AI? Look at the history of corporations

New Podcast: The looming cloud of Medical Dictatorship

The looming cloud of Medical Dictatorship

A billion “black swan” events let loose

Scottie Scheffler: a golfer of spiritual ecstasy?

A classic science fiction short story and an AI switcheroo

Illegal aliens who rape are…DEPORTED?

Science Fiction and AI: the illusions of the writers

Was the Iran attack orchestrated by amateurs?

Podcast: Trump’s a liar, Kennedy’s a liar

Trump’s a liar, Kennedy’s a liar

As AI spreads, a whole new psychology will be promoted

I believe there are causes for celebration—why not?

Ads starring fake AI people: just the beginning of the storm

I asked ChatGPT about “we never went to the moon”

Israeli AI targeted Hamas persons for destruction

Podcast: The Bird Flu Pandemic operation; what’s really going on?

The Bird Flu Pandemic operation; what’s really going on?

Tarzan and AI: Are they the same story?

What Happened to Romantic Love?

How AI will revolutionize government in 10 minutes

My recent conversation with ChatGPT, the AI “answer man”

Podcast: The Artificial Intelligence Revolution…

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution…

Explosive: Is Trump playing a dangerous con with his Truth Social media company?

FBI hunts suspect accused of enticing people to read fiction

Why are so many people talking and acting like irrational freaks?

Jim, my dog, and Benny, my wolf, go the extra mile

Why Substack writers should make money

COVID Was A Political Coup

Podcast: How the political Left joined forces with Nazis to destroy America and the West

How the political Left joined forces with Nazis to destroy America and the West

Immigration: Either Democrats pretend they’re naïve, or they really are that stupid

“I’m not against vaccines; I just want to make them cheaper and more lethal”

The tranny brand of censorship

Here is how the Supreme Court could derail the biggest free speech case in US history

Is this the most dangerous medical drug in America?

Podcast: Is there a plan to let Trump win the election?

Is there a plan to let Trump win the election?

The Elon Musk-Matt Taibbi ugly divorce

A wrinkle in the “disorder” game

Will Aaron Rodgers run for Vice President on RFK’s ticket?

The latest bullshit mental disorder

You’ll never guess what the New York mayor is NOT saying about illegal aliens

Alert: What does the presence of the National Guard around the country signal?

Welcome to the new sexual game show, “I CAN’T GET IT UP”!

Virtual vs Real

Podcast: The genocidal “sacred American institution” that must not be attacked

The Land of Gibberish: my new metaphor for the spike protein lunacy

Watch the US Army ripped to shreds by “mental health”

It’s not just psychiatric drugs causing sexual destruction

Podcast: The genocidal “sacred American institution” that must not be attacked

The genocidal “sacred American institution” that must not be attacked

The largest high school in Massachusetts...

New psychotic technology to stop viruses that don’t exist

More on psychiatric drugs and loss of sexuality

Benny the wolf, the priest, and Jim the dog

The REAL sexual revolution is loss of sexuality

Study: Second medical opinion reveals different diagnosis in 88% OF PATIENTS!

The Myth of the Middle Class

Kill the robots

Secret wisdom I learned from my dog, Jim

“Millions of people have long COVID”; Pinocchio’s nose got longer, too

Of course Gavin Newsom has the solution to the KC mass shooting and all mass shootings

When is a genetic disease ACTUALLY a genetic disease? Ever?

Kamala says she’s ready to serve, if Joe can’t find his mind anymore

If somebody smashed a few of your genes with a hammer, would you then have a “disease?”

Here is yet another big-time lie in the FDA approval process for new medical drugs

Is that you, God?

[RFK Jr] Election Campaign Season: 3 MAJOR Breaking Stories All At Once!

Mark Steyn loses global warning defamation suit; or does he?

My dog Jim went to church

What about a Trump-Kennedy ticket?

Tucker-Putin interview; questions and answers we didn’t get

In the current Communist America, the old celebrated Soviet proletarians are now...

Let me get this straight

US military offering free castration to any soldier who wants it

When medical theory is crazier than soccer moms worshipping drag queens

Podcast: COVID, the missing evidence

COVID, the missing evidence

Medical control of nervous system signals: a new frontier

How many diseases are there?

I solve the main riddle of the COVID PCR test (after others already solved it)

Disease X, the latest fashion trend; not yet available in stores

Are you the smartest guy in the room if you believe this whole border situation is a fraud?

New medical facts on how COVID was engineered

Mass illegal immigration IS an invasion; Again, I publish the proof of that

CRISIS MOMENT! What Texas’ Governor is doing to stop illegal aliens

Now that I’ve exposed a massive amount of genetic insanity...

Do you want to eat RNA vaccines for dinner? Now you can

Genetic attacks: more than we know; Where is the roller coaster heading?

Cutting, pasting, splicing DNA; welcome to the new world—oops, full of mistakes

"Hello, I’d like to eat a genetically modified animal today"

Can you be guilty of plagiarism...

The FDA is a nightmare street gang in suits and ties; Beyond anything the public can imagine

Scuzzball Newsom digs a much deeper hole for California: free healthcare for illegal aliens

An Open Letter to All Christians

Penn Dept of Ag raids Amish organic farmer—yeah, his food might be too healthy

Podcast: Aaron Rodgers and the death of television!

Aaron Rodgers and the death of television!

The Ukraine War is a US jobs program; supporting the flourishing US middle class

Secretary of Defense hospitalized for days and nobody knew

The Angel of Death—Live

Language and the Future: How does AI copy you?

Holes in Reality are a good thing, a very good thing

We can produce shit news with humans or with AI

THIS is why Harvard President Claudine Gay resigned

So I went to my federally-mandated appointment with my psychiatrist...

She, in the afterlife

What happens when the Literary Industrial Complex disappears like a building in a tornado?

My crushing “Hot Zone” virus story no one in the press wants to understand

The Women of The View are going there! Immigration! NIMBY! Bite me!

Breaking: I just discovered a massive wrinkle in the Substack space-time continuum