Sitemap - 2022 - Jon Rappoport

Dateline 2047: This couldn't happen? Readjust your standards downward

One more conclusion about Science and Government I've been driving toward for 35 years

More scenes from the future---2053---The Great Declaration

Star Trek: Starship Enterprise grounded indefinitely for multiple violations

Life in the zoo is a beautiful thing, unless...

A few notes on the big winter freeze in America

The false of the flags---a dispatch from the future

Suburban Woke White Women: "Hear Me Roar, Asshole"

Censorship Syndrome, the number one symptom and what it reveals

New CA law destroys honest doctors; time to exit Newsom’s fascist state; I have a plan

WOKE, SCENES FROM THE FUTURE; this piece is for you, my lovelies; a new and unique form of FICTION/FACTION

Bubble Gum for the Whole Family

To offset The Innocence Project, I suggest forming The GUILTY PROJECT

Even viruses don't believe in viruses

Dear Dr. Robert Malone, I urge you to drop your lawsuit against Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis held a Vaccine Injury Accountability Panel

My bold new experiment in American Democracy: I think you’re gonna love it

I have been driving toward this conclusion about Government and Science for 35 years

Reuters reporter expresses deep concern over free speech

Who is Brittney Griner?

The Culture of Making No Money

Black widow spider stirs riots at University

Podcast: The Transgender and Transhumanist Agenda

The Transgender and Transhumanist Agenda

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar interviewed by Bari Weiss on antisemitism and racism

Alex Stein at Drag Queen Story Hour for kids; I have questions

Alex Jones and David Icke ban Twitter and the European Union

FREE Podcast: THE REVOLT IN CHINA: What It means


Fauci, Klaus, Trudeau: “I’ll take the China lockdowns with mustard and horseradish on rye”

China Revolt: killing the story by reframing it; Operation Box-Out

China's Stunning Revolt: Their Lockdowns vs Our Lockdowns


Fauci moves into revolutionary climate change

DC Attorney General figures out new way to squeeze money out of a company

I interview Glenn Greenwald and the truth comes out

Trump plays mob boss to DeSantis: "I MADE YOU, kid, when you were nobody"

I continue my relentless incorrigible ways, happy as a lark

Podcast: The War against the Woke Mob

The War against the Woke Mob

Hitler and Stalin deliver a talk at Davos before a large enthusiastic crowd

Here is one very pissed off Yellowstone viewer: Me

Caught on a hot mic: God and Satan chat

FTX crash: was Ukraine aid money laundered back to Democrats?

To all Substack writers: the new "performance badges"

I interview a rich black liberal in my flying saucer

Fraud: We're being shown a MOVIE called THE ELECTION

"Follow the Insane One, he will lead us to victory"

Was the real winner the voting machines? The AI? The algorithms?

Electron microscope photo shakes scientists to their core

Here's how to judge the election results; forget the usual categories

I interview the co-founder of Substack, Hamish McKenzie

Podcast: War Game Planning against the Population

War Game Planning against the Population

Social media censorship: a global operation built by the EU

I just discovered something very important about myself

The Emily Oster Weekend: let’s forgive each other for what we said and did during the pandemic

Plato and the error of Western philosophy; nothing is riding on it except...

Musk tweet on Pelosi attack launches a whole new front in the Reality War

Breaking: It isn’t the genes: the genes don’t rule

In the wake of the Pelosi attack

COVID death total: this is MY BOMBSHELL REPORT on the fraud

The Pelosi attack; media narratives, much wider implications

Who plays George Washington in the Hollywood remake?

This is what I will never do

And God said, "I made you, now pick one; blue, red, green, white, or black."

FREE Podcast: Why Do I Spend My Time Fighting All This Bullshit?

Why Do I Spend My Time Fighting All This Bullshit?

The Genetic Culture is Hot Air and Death

Absence of Merit: The primary option in Welfare America

The Alex Jones Trial, and My New Strategy

Chicago Gang Takes Over City Police Force

Podcast: The War in the Ukraine; How It Came to This

The War in the Ukraine; How It Came to This

My October Surprise Dream Ahead of the Midterms

American culture -- divorce proceedings underway

Ending The Ukraine War Now

The Washington Commanders have updated their Injury Report

My Moose, Fred; Super-large Crickets in Techlandia; Causes of Geniuses; Predatory Babies

NFL Quarterback with head injury kept off field; Why can't we sideline Biden?

Yellowstone again: why millions of people are drawn to it

Without Trump, there is no Biden

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar needs to educate himself about the COVID vaccines

Podcast: A Vision of Decentralization of Power, a Vision of Imagination

A Vision of Decentralization of Power, a Vision of Imagination

I'm your next President in 2024. My father was in business with a Nazi

Real Prez: "I shut down those sons of bitches at the CDC"

Biden's 'Energy Substitution' Approach Earns Widespread Praise

Your blood boiling? Indifferent? Think there must be more to the story?

Podcast: Ebola Blood; Hot Zone Jungle Viruses Reincarnated; Fauci’s Role

Ebola Blood; Hot Zone Jungle Viruses Reincarnated; Fauci’s Role

And For Women Turning Into Men, Here’s Your Surgery in a Nutshell

Announcing: BIG New Substack Benefits for My Yearly Subscribers!

"Millions Die From Vaccine; Light Showers Tomorrow, Followed By More Bullshit"

Wake Up, Trump

Breaking Big: TX Governor Greg Abbott Declares Mexican Cartels Terrorists

"Controlled Opposition, Gate Keeper, Agent Provocateur, Plant"

There is a Man who doesn’t want to be a Man

Podcast: Polio, Monkeypox, New Hot Zones of Viruses and Endless Vaccines

Polio, Monkeypox, New Hot Zones of Viruses and Endless Vaccines

What I'm doing on Substack 'til the cows come home

You Don’t Drain The Swamp, You Starve It

Friendly Liberal Town USA

Midterms: Brain Dead Republicans, This Is Your Issue

Podcast: Man's Great Achievements, Visions, and Speeches

Man's Great Achievements, Visions, and Speeches

Mass Formation: Nail in The Coffin

"Hi, I’m Recruiting for the Mental Health Industry"

The Ballad of Billy Joe MFer—famous NASCAR racer (retired)

US Military Division: No More Gender Pronouns

Podcast: How Biden Used His Bully Pulpit Thursday

How Biden Used His Bully Pulpit Thursday

Why Serious Scientific Debates Are Conducted In Writing, Not On-camera

"We're The Home Schooling County"

The Millionaire blogger, in the Land of Virology

A REAL GOVERNOR and His Bully Pulpit

Podcast: The Bully Pulpit That Saved The World

The Bully Pulpit That Saved The World

Imagine a Wildcat CEO with a Bully Pulpit

The People’s War against State Medical Boards; attack, don’t just defend

A REAL PRESIDENT’S bully pulpit explained, and when it really matters

Rachel Maddow interviews Tony Fauci in the shower

Podcast: Drug Crisis at the Southern Border Exploding Now

Drug Crisis at the Southern Border Exploding Now

Decentralizing Corporations—kicking corrupt ass

Fensui Meiguo: Donald Trump's transmittable hologram of Anthony Fauci

Jane Goodall: reset world population at 461 million

Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari, and decentralization of power

Podcast: The FBI Mar-a-Lago raid, and much more

The FBI Mar-a-Lago raid, and much more

Which golfer would've had the Trump nuclear launch codes?

Archeologists Unearth Ancient Tomb

Which comes first, oil or war?

One state, one brave governor, one energy plan, one thriving economy

Podcast: Busting Fake Reality

Busting Fake Reality

Part 2: The Steve Kirsch debate on the existence of the virus

Part 2: Know these things about Alex Jones

Know these things about Alex Jones

The Steve Kirsch debate about the existence of the virus

Can cars run on water?

Podcast: Solving the Tanking Economy

Solving the Tanking Economy

The Vision of Abundant Energy

What Is Culture? Why do I write about it?

My brainwashed readers

A special reader contacts me

Podcast: Destroying the Tyranny

Destroying the Tyranny

It was a clean vaccine death

I rewrite the psychiatric bible of mental disorders

Kids with credit cards, a cultural innovation...

Solving the oil problem with reckless abandon

Donald Trump talks science with me

The implications of Biden being crazy

There is life on Mars, it's under lockdown...

Bill Gates challenges Larry Fink's ownership of America

Your next President: Michelle

Podcast: 'Taking On The Whole Phony Culture In Which We Live

'Taking On The Whole Phony Culture In Which We Live

Elon Musk retracts offer to buy Pfizer

Pride Culture Saves America in Its Darkest Hour

The most respected doctor in the world

Podcast: The Real President, Part 2

The Real President, Part 2

The little woke church on the hill

Ukraine captures Moscow; NFL Players menstruating

January 6th Break-in, New Dystopia, Fake Bots

BBC now officially insane

Kamala Harris, Merrick Garland hatch abortion plan

Podcast: The Real President

The Real President

Abortion: the Democrats' Gold Rush

Abortion: now comes the war

"Must see"; "You must see this"; "You absolutely must."

UK releases Bob Woodward from prison to stand trial in US for leaking Watergate secrets

Leaked Trump audio; all is revealed; Election 2024

Podcast: Viruses That Don’t Exist

Part-2: Viruses That Don’t Exist

Part-1: Viruses That Don’t Exist

I work with Nike to solve their China slave problem

It’s part of my lifestyle...

Reparations on Television

The leaked Tom Brady audio; forget the Ukraine, forget everything else

Pregnant man pictured on flash card used to teach preschoolers

Saudi Oil, Saudi Golf, and Messiah Joe Biden

Trump, the Saudis, Golf, and a dream during the culture war

NY Times, Beth Dutton for President, Bill Gates the Robot Man

What about the good cop?

What about the good family?

Podcast: Mass Shootings and the Psychiatric Drug Connection

Part-2: Mass Shootings and the Psychiatric Drug Connection

Part-1: Mass Shootings and the Psychiatric Drug Connection

Depp wins, Amber loses; an outrageous travesty of justice; here’s why

Marketing Delusion, Truth in Advertising, Films We Need

We must cancel Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi; here’s why

The Joke Called the NBA Playoffs

The NFL is bisexual

Podcast: Hottest Medical Crimes No One Else Will Cover

Hottest Medical Crimes No One Else Will Cover

Harvard is a steaming disaster, and I can solve the problem

More on monkeypox—does the story make sense?

Voices we must ban, people we must cancel

So I went to my doctor the other day

The monkeypox fear mongers have a problem, and it's visual

Podcast: The Monkeypox Outbreak—Is It Real?

The Monkeypox Outbreak—Is It Real?

Carl Cameron and Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Television sleeping pill, American addiction to crime fiction

The vacuum at the center of the culture---Twitter

Is Twitter a fake phantom? Musk deal on hold

Baby food, tinkle on the roof, people of color

The racism industry

Black slavery in black Africa by black slavers; Henry Louis Gates

Obama Beachfront, Roger Waters, Sherlock Transgender

Bring back Simon Isherwood; fire the scummy meddlers

Podcast: My Early Years in Journalism

My Early Years in Journalism

Letter from a youngster on the transgender path

Satire and alternative worlds, weapons of choice in the culture war

I confess, I’m the Supreme Court leaker

Staggering breach, Supreme Court; abortion draft leaked

Podcast: The Whole COVID and AIDS Fraud: My 35 Years of Investigation

Part-2: The Whole COVID and AIDS Fraud: My 35 Years of Investigation

Part-1: The Whole COVID and AIDS Fraud: My 35 Years of Investigation

Hi. I’m Cal. I’ve been writing PR for presidents since George the Elder

Shrinking thought: the goal of mind control

A steaming pile of steaming...Twitter

The best thing about the Musk takeover

Podcast: Kill-Shot Psychiatry, George Carlin, hero Peter Breggin

Part-2: Kill-Shot Psychiatry, George Carlin, hero Peter Breggin

Part-1: Kill-Shot Psychiatry, George Carlin, hero Peter Breggin

The rise of transgender football

Yellowstone, DeSantis, and the land

Cluster of rare New Jersey cancers connected to fluorides?

Elon Musk just bought the world from Jeff Bezos

Podcast: Inside the Den of Thieves

Inside the Den of Thieves

Tom Brady and Yellowstone: the answer

CNN+ vs Substack: no contest, and here’s why

Top revenge movies of all time

Rebuilding civilization in the wake of losing this one

Podcast: The Great Tradition of Imagination

The Great Tradition Of Imagination

How do you like them apples?

4th grade students come out as LGBTQIA+

"I am opposed to self-defense"---French President

Schools of the damned

Podcast: The Real Technocratic Experiment On Earth

The Real Technocratic Experiment On Earth

My first woke encounter in 1982

The World Heard Around The Slap

HIV, The White House, and The Montana Prophet

Celia Farber, journalist, star in the sky

Getting to the core of oo

Protect the quarterback, protect the border

The Medical War As I Experienced It As A Reporter

Starting tomorrow something big—Rappoport podcasts!

I can define what a woman is

My 40-year war against the media

How Djokovic will win the US Open, despite being banned

I want to help Kamala Harris

The bottom lines of Yellowstone

Coming soon